EC certificate of experience - professional experience gained abroad

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To exercise a commercial or craft activity, the applicant must prove certain professional qualifications when applying for a business permit.

Where these qualifications come from a professional experience gained abroad in another EU Member State, the applicant is required to provide an EC certificate of experience concerning the type and duration of professional activities carried out.

These certificates are issued by the competent bodies or institutions in the Member State of origin, i.e.:

  • in principle, the professional chambers with regard to most craft, commercial or self-employed activities that are subject to a business permit;
  • the Ministry of Transport or the professional chambers with regard to transport activities.

Who is concerned?

Any person wishing to pursue a professional economic activity in Luxembourg must apply for an EC certificate or its equivalent from one of the competent bodies and submit it together with their application for a business permit in Luxembourg.

The applicant must submit an EC certificate, or its equivalent, in particular if he carries out one of the following activities:

How to proceed

EC certificate of experience for craft and commercial activities

In order to carry out the activities of a skilled craftsman or trader, the business manager can request the EC certificate of experience from the following national authorities:

  • Germany: Handwerkskammer or Industrie- und Handelskammer;
  • Belgium: Service Public Fédéral, Economie, PME, Classes Moyennes & Energie;
  • Danemark: Industrirådet;
  • Estonia: Estonian Ministry of Education and Research;
  • France: Chambre des Métiers or Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie (for the self-employed) or Direction Départementale du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle (DDTEPP, for salaried workers);
  • Great Britain: Department for education and skills;
  • Greece: Chambre des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises;
  • Italy: Camera di commercio, industria, artigianato e agricoltura (for the self-employed) ou Ispettorati provinciali del lavoro (for salaried workers);
  • Ireland: FAS, Training and Employment Authority (certificate of experience Unit);
  • Netherlands: Hoofbedrijfschap ambachten ;
  • Portugal: Confederação da Indústria Portuguesa (pour les indépendants) ou Inspeção do trabalho ou Confederação do Comércio português (for salaried workers);
  • Poland: Ministerstwo Gospodarki i Pracy.

EC certificate of experience for commercial activities in the transport sector

In order to carry out the activities of a transporter, the business manager can request the EC certificate of experience from the following national authorities:

  • Belgium: ministère de l'Equipement et des Transports à Bruxelles;
  • Germany: Industrie und Handelskammer;
  • France: ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Energie et de la Mer.

Related procedures and links


Application for, or modification of, a business permit Skilled craft activities Commercial activities


Legal references

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