List B craft trades

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In order to operate as a skilled craftsman, the business manager must hold a business permit.

The business permit is granted to the business (either the business executive operating under his own name, or the company he runs) provided that:

  • the business manager meets the legal requirements in terms of qualification and professional integrity;
  • and if the business has a fixed physical establishment in Luxembourg (no so-called 'letterbox companies').

The fulfillment of the conditions for access to the profession is checked by the General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises at the time the business permit application is submitted.

The legal form of the business will determine the type of registration/affiliation that is required before it can begin its business activity.

Craft businesses established in the Swiss Confederation (CH) or in a country of the European Economic Area (EEA) do not need a business permit in order to provide occasional and temporary services in Luxembourg, provided they notify the General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

Who is concerned

Craft activities are divided into trades on lists A, B and C.

Craft activities from list B include the following trades:

  • group 1 - food:
    • ice-cream maker, waffle and crêpe maker (fabricant de glaces, de gaufres et de crêpes);
    • miller (meunier);
    • wholesale butcher-cattle slaughterman (chevillard-abatteur de bestiaux);
    • manufacturer of salt meat and tripe butcher (fabricant de salaisons et de tripes);
  • group 2 - fashion, health and hygiene:
    • designer (styliste);
    • dry cleaner - launderer (nettoyeur à sec - blanchisseur);
    • shoemaker-shoemender (cordonnier réparateur);
    • manicurist - make-up artist (manucure - maquilleur);
    • pedicurist (pédicure);
    • cosmetics maker (confectionneur d'articles de cosmétique);
    • barber (barbier);
    • pest controller (chasseur de nuisibles);
    • jeweller-watchmaker (bijoutier-orfèvre horloger);
    • medical and surgical equipment technician (mécanicien de matériel médico-chirurgical);
  • group 3 - mechanics:
    • tool sharpener (affûteur d'outils);
    • locksmith repairer (dépanneur en serrurerie);
    • fire equipment mechanic (mécanicien de matériel d'incendie);
    • ship builder/repairer (constructeur - réparateur de bateaux);
    • household appliance, amusement game and vending machine technician (réparateur de machines domestiques, de jeux et d'automates);
    • blacksmith-farrier (maréchal ferrant);
    • blacksmith - galvaniser - metal surface treatment contractor (forgeron - galvaniseur - entrepreneur de traitement de surfaces métalliques);
    • vehicle maintenance technician - vulcaniser (agent de maintenance de véhicule - vulcanisateur);
    • bicycle mechanic (mécanicien de cycles);
    • auto body repairer and painter (débosseleur - peintre de véhicules);
    • boilermaker - manufacturer of tanks and sheet metal parts (chaudronnier - constructeur de réservoirs et de pièces en tôle);
  • group 4 - construction:
    • contractor for earthworks, excavation, piping, asphalting, tarmacking - joiner, reinforced concrete scrap merchant - drilling and anchoring contractor (entrepreneur de terrassement, d'excavation, de canalisation, d'asphaltage, de bitumage - poseur de jointements, ferrailleur pour béton armé - entrepreneur de forage et d'ancrage);
    • landscape gardener (entrepreneur paysagiste);
    • floor screeder (confectionneur de chapes);
    • neon sign fitter (installateur d’enseignes lumineuses);
    • electrical and electronic equipment recycler (recycleur d’équipements électriques et électroniques);
    • installer, fitter and restorer of prefabricated elements and floorboards (poseur, monteur et restaurateur d'éléments préfabriqués et de parquets);
    • funeral director (entrepreneur de pompes funèbres);
    • manufacturer/installer of shutters and blinds (fabricant - poseur de volets et de jalousies);
    • manufacturer of road signs and registration plates (fabricant de panneaux de signalisation et de plaques d’immatriculation);
    • manufacturer of production kilns (constructeur de fours de production);
    • installer of safety measures at high altitude (installateur de mesures de sécurité en altitude);
    • chimney sweep - smoke sweeper - roof cleaner - builder - chimney and stove fitter (ramoneur - fumiste - nettoyeur de toitures - constructeur - poseur de cheminées et de poêles);
    • installer - scaffolder (monteur - constructeur d’échafaudages);
    • window, door and prefabricated furniture fitter/installer (poseur - monteur de fenêtres, de portes et de meubles préfabriqués);
    • sun protection systems installer (poseur de systèmes de protection solaire);
    • building and monument cleaner (nettoyeur de bâtiments et de monuments);
    • glazier, mirror manufacturer (vitrier - miroitier);
    • space planner (aménageur de locaux);
    • forestry works contractor (entrepreneur de travaux forestiers ;);
  • group 5 - communication, multimedia and performing arts:
    • binder (relieur);
    • sound, light and lighting operator (opérateur de son, de lumière et d'éclairage);
    • musical instrument manufacture and repair (fabricant - réparateur d’instruments de musique);
    • model maker (maquettiste);
    • printer (imprimeur);
  • group 6 - craft activities - various materials:
    • florist (fleuriste).



The qualification requirements are lower for trades in list B than for those in list A.

In order to provide proof of the qualifications required to exercise a craft activity from list B, the business manager must have:

  • either a vocational diploma (diplôme d'aptitude professionnelle - DAP), whose program covers the craft activity in question or its essential parts;
  • or professional experience of 3 years in the planned activity (regular full-time occupation) if said experience has enabled the applicant to gain knowledge in business management.

The duration of the professional experience may be reduced:

  • if the applicant has attended technical courses on the planned activity;
  • or in the event of successful completion of additional tests on technical knowledge of the planned activity.

Persons wishing to access the profession may, if needed, request the recognition of their professional qualifications from the department for the recognition of diplomas (Service de la reconnaissance des diplômes) before sending their business permit application.

Skilled craftsmen who carry out their activity exclusively in fairs and marketsor public places do not have to provide proof of their professional qualifications.

Preliminary steps

If the manager intends to operate an establishment where some of the activities/installations have not yet been authorised, he must apply for an operating permit for classified establishments.

Examples of activities/installations that are subject to authorisation:

  • production and processing of food products;
  • worksites and development works;
  • woodworking shops;
  • shoe manufacture and repair shops, etc.;
  • marble masonries and other workshops for working natural or artifical stones, etc.;
  • printshops, rotogravure, flexo and screen printing;
  • application of paint products, gloss products and other spray-applied protection products;
  • professional kitchens with a production capacity in excess of 150 hot meals per day (excl. restaurants);
  • garages, covered car parks;
  • office buildings;
  • work processes, establishments or projects that may cause substantial neighbourhood annoyance or specific hazards to the safety and health of employees, etc.

The application procedure for operating permits for classified establishments may take several months.
It is therefore recommended to submit the application at the very beginning of the project.

How to proceed

Business permit application in Luxembourg

Documentary proof of qualification

In order to provide proof of the professional qualifications as a skilled craftsman, business managers must attach the following to their business permit application:

  • a copy of their certificates or diplomas (it is recommended to attach certified true copies for certificates or diplomas issued by bodies outside the EU);
  • or, failing a vocational aptitude diploma (DAP) or equivalent covering the main areas of the planned activity:
    • in the case of professional experience in another European Union country: a certificate (EC certificate of experience or equivalent) delivered by the competent authority or body of the country of origin (generally a professional association)
    • in the case of professional experience in Luxembourg: a certificate of affiliation to the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale - CCSS);
  • where applicable, proof of the recognition of professional qualification by the department for the recognition of diplomas.

Documents attesting to professional integrity

In order to provide proof of professional integrity, applicants must attach the following to their business permit application:

  • applicants residing in Luxembourg for more than 10 years:
    • an affidavit (sworn statement) concerning any management positions held in businesses during the 3 years prior to the application;
    • an extract from the criminal record no. 3.
  • applicants who do not reside in Luxembourg or have been residing in the country for less than 10 years:
    • an affidavit (sworn statement);
    • a declaration of non-bankruptcy made before a notary;
    • an extract from the criminal record no. 3 or equivalent issued by the country or countries in which the applicant has resided during the 10 years prior to the application.

Other documents to be submitted with the application

The following documents must be submitted together with the business permit application:

  • a copy of the manager's identity card;
  • proof of payment of stamp duty (droit de chancellerie), in the form of:
    • either a EUR 50 tax stamp purchased at the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (AED);
    • or the proof of payment of EUR 50 into the IBAN account LU76 0019 5955 4404 7000, BIC code: BCEELULL of the Diekirch Revenue Office, with the following communication: 'autorisation de commerce';
  • in the event of an application for a business (legal person), the company's articles of association which have been filed with the Trade and Companies Register.

In the event of an online application for a business permit via (with a Luxtrust card), the system will automatically generate the list of supporting documents to be attached to the application and which may vary depending on the data entered by the applicant.

If the business permit is granted, it will be sent to you online via the platform.

A 2D barcode is assigned to each business permit.

Registrations/affiliations depending on the legal form of the company

After the business manager has received the business permit, he must carry out various administrative procedures which depend on the legal form of business chosen.

Sole proprietorship

In the case of a sole proprietorship, the business manager has to:

Partnerships (SCS, SENC)

In the case of a partnership (SCS, SENC), the managers have to:

Capital companies (SA, SARL, SECA, SE)

In the case of a capital company (SA, SARL, SECA, SE), the managers have to:

Authorised activities

A business permit for a skilled craftsman grants the right to carry out the activity which is indicated on the permit and also:

  • to sell goods and products in relation with the activity;
  • to carry out other secondary works in the scope of the activity;
  • to carry out the authorised activity in fairs and markets and on public places.

Transfer of the company

In the event of death, occupational invalidity, duly established incapacity or retirement of the manager of a craft business from the B list, the business permit may be transferred to:

  • their spouse;
  • an ascendant;
  • a descendant;
  • a direct relative or relative by marriage up to the third degree.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Department for Authorisations of Establishment)

'Contact Entreprise' at the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts - Luxembourg

  • Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts Contact Entreprise

    2, circuit de la foire internationale L-1347 Luxembourg-Kirchberg Luxembourg
    B.P. 1604, L-1016
    Email address:

Related procedures and links


Professional integrity Application for, or modification of, a business permit Craft activities: 'Contact Entreprise' at the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts EC certificate of experience - professional experience gained abroad Extract from the criminal record of a natural person


Legal references

  • Loi modifiée du 2 septembre 2011

    réglementant l'accès aux professions d'artisan, de commerçant, d'industriel ainsi qu'à certaines professions libérales

  • Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 1er décembre 2011

    1. d'établir la liste et le champ d'application des activités artisanales prévues à l'article 12(1) de la loi du 2 septembre 2011 réglementant l'accès aux professions d'artisan, de commerçant, d'industriel ainsi qu'à certaines professions libérales ; 2. de déterminer les critères d'équivalence prévus à l'article 12(3) de la loi du 2 septembre 2011 réglementant l'accès aux professions d'artisan, de commerçant, d'industriel ainsi qu'à certaines professions libérales

  • Loi modifiée du 19 juin 2009

    1) ayant pour objet la transposition de la directive 2005/36/CE pour ce qui est a) du régime général de reconnaissance des titres de formation et des qualifications professionnelles b) de la prestation temporaire de service 2) modifiant la loi du 17 juin 1963 ayant pour objet de protéger les titres de l'enseignement supérieur 3) abrogeant la loi du 13 juin 1992 portant a) transposition de la directive du Conseil (89/48/CEE) relative à un système général de reconnaissance des diplômes d'enseignement supérieur qui sanctionnent des formations professionnelles d'une durée minimale de trois ans b) création d'un service de coordination pour la reconnaissance de diplômes à des fins professionnelles.

  • Loi modifiée du 28 octobre 2016

    relative à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles

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