List C craft trades
Last update
Craft activities are divided into trades on lists A, B, and C.
Engaging in a craft activity on list C does not require any professional qualification.
Who is concerned
List C includes the following trades:
- group 1 - food
- distiller - brewer - malter (distillateur - brasseur - malteur)
- food producer - artisan (producteur - artisan d'aliments)
- group 2 - fashion, health and hygiene
- dressmaker - alterer (retoucheur de vêtements)
- presser (repasseur)
- tattoo artist (tatoueur)
- pet groomer (toiletteur pour animaux de compagnie)
- group 3 - mechanics
- tow truck operator (remorqueur)
- manual vehicle cleaner (nettoyeur manuel de véhicules)
- ambulance rental operator (loueur d'ambulances)
- taxi and car rental operator (loueur de taxis et de voitures de location)
- group 4 – construction
- domestic help (aide ménagère)
- building service technician (agent technique d'immeuble)
- building technical installation designer (concepteur d'installations des techniques du bâtiment)
- group 5 - communication, multimedia and performing arts
- audio producer (producteur de son)
- graphic design studio operator (exploitant d'un atelier graphique)
- photographer - camera operator (photographe - cadreur)
- cardboard maker (cartonnier)
- musical instrument tuner (accordeur d'instruments de musique)
- theatre, cinema and television set designer (réalisateur de décors de théâtre, de cinéma et de télévision)
- mobile communication equipment repairer (réparateur de matériel de communication mobile)
- group 6 - skilled craft activities
- wood crafts activities (activités artisanales travaillant le bois)
- wood painter/lacquerer (Peintre laqueur sur bois)
- framer (encadreur)
- woodcarver - woodturner (sculpteur - tourneur sur bois)
- metal crafts activities (activités artisanales travaillant le métal)
- engraver (graveur)
- tinsmith (étameur)
- art foundryman (fondeur d'art)
- manufacturer of costume jewellery (fabricant d'articles de fausse-bijouterie)
- wrought iron worker (ferronnier d'art)
- mineral crafts activities (activités artisanales travaillant les minéraux)
- glass-blower (souffleur de verre)
- glass and crystal cutter-engraver (tailleur - graveur sur verre et cristal)
- potter-ceramist (potier - céramiste)
- enameller (émailleur)
- artistic glazier (vitrier d'art)
- stone sculptor (sculpteur de pierres)
- mosaicist (mosaïste)
- fibre crafts activities (activités artisanales travaillant les fibres)
- weaver (tisserand)
- tapestry maker (lissier)
- embroiderer (brodeur)
- knitter (tricoteur)
- craft activities - various materials (activités artisanales travaillant les matériaux divers)
- manufacturer of toys and souvenir items (fabricant de jouets et d'objets de souvenir)
- sundial manufacturer (constructeur de cadrans solaires)
- candle maker (cirier)
- chair bottomer and basket maker (rempailleur - vannier)
- artificial flower maker (fabricant de fleurs artificielles)
- church ornament maker (fabricant d'ornements d'église)
- art bookbinder (relieur d'art)
- designer.
- wood crafts activities (activités artisanales travaillant le bois)
The stamp duty for the issue of a business permit amounts to EUR 50.
If the establishment is moving to another address, the applicant must notify this, free of charge, to the General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. In this case, the applicant will receive a new business permit free of charge.
How to proceed
Filing an application
Applicants can submit their application for a business permit in 2 ways:
- by applying in person for a business permit online via, using a Luxtrust product.
The system determines which supporting documents need to be attached to the application depending on the information entered by the applicant; - by sending the business permit application by postal mail to the General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
Anyone can get help with their business permit application by contacting:
- the "Contact Entreprise" service of the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts;
- the information desk at the General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.
Supporting documents
Documents attesting professional integrity
If the applicant has been resident in Luxembourg for more than 10 years, they must demonstrate their professional integrity by means of:
- a sworn declaration concerning any management positions held in businesses during the 3 years prior to the application;
- an extract from the criminal record no. 3.
If the applicant is a non-resident or has been a resident in Luxembourg for less than 10 years, they must demonstrate their professional integrity by providing:
- a declaration of honour concerning any management positions held in businesses during the 3 years prior to the application;
- a declaration of non-bankruptcy made before a notary;
- an extract from the criminal record no. 3 or equivalent issued by the State(s) in which the applicant has resided during the 10 years prior to the application.
This sworn declaration must state that the applicant has not been involved in the bankruptcy of a business in their own name nor in the bankruptcy of a company.
Failing this, an affidavit must be provided.
All attached documents must be less than 3 months old.
Other documents to be submitted with the application
The following must also be enclosed with the application:
- for citizens of Luxembourg, the European Union, or the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland): a copy of their ID card or passport;
- for citizens of third countries: a written confirmation from the Minister responsible for Immigration that the applicant meets all the eligibility criteria to obtain the residence permit (titre de séjour) applied for;
- proof of payment of stamp duty (droit de chancellerie), in the form of:
- a tax stamp, value EUR 50, purchased at the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (AED); or
- proof of payment of EUR 50 into the IBAN account LU76 0019 5955 4404 7000, BIC: BCEELULL of the Diekirch office - Actes Civils, with the following communication: 'autorisation de commerce'.
In the event of an online application for a business permit via (with a LuxTrust product), the system will automatically generate the list of supporting documents to be attached to the application, which may vary depending on the data entered by the applicant.
Please note that for applications submitted for the establishment of an SARL-S, the applicant must forward the draft constitutional documents of the SARL-S to the Ministry of the Economy.
Application processing time
Applications will usually be processed within 3 months from the receipt of the complete application. The absence of a response before the end of the 3-month period is equivalent to a tacit authorisation.
Applicants whose business permit application has been denied by the Minister may, within the legal deadlines:
- attempt to settle the dispute amicably by:
- submitting a claim to the Ombudsman;
- submitting a non-contentious appeal to the Minister so that he or she may review their decision;
- submitting a contentious appeal to the Administrative Tribunal through a court lawyer.
Registrations/affiliations depending on the legal form of the company
Sole proprietorship (Entreprise individuelle)
After obtaining a business permit, the head of a sole proprietorship must:
- report to the Joint Social Security Centre in order to register as a self-employed person;
- submit an operating declaration to the social security administration (if they intend to hire staff);
- register for VAT.
Partnerships (SCS, SENC)
After obtaining a business permit, the executives(s) of a partnership (SCS, SENC) must:
- file the constitutional documents (articles of association) of the company with the Trade and Companies Register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés);
- submit an operating declaration to the social security administration (if they intend to hire staff);
- register themselves as employees (or self-employed workers) with social security;
- register for VAT.
Capital companies (SA, SARL, SCA, SE)
After obtaining a business permit, the executives(s) of a capital company (SA, SARL, SCA, SE) must:
- submit an operating declaration to the social security administration (if they intend to hire staff);
- register themselves as employees (or self-employed workers) with social security;
- register for VAT.
Simplified limited liability company (SARL-S)
After obtaining a non-definitive copy of the business permit, the executive(s) of a simplified limited liability company (SARL-S) must:
- submit the copy of the business permit pending approval to the Trade and Companies Register. Once this step is completed, the applicant receives the definitive permit from the Ministry of the Economy;
- file the constitutional documents (articles of association) of the company with the Trade and Companies Register;
- submit an operating declaration to the social security administration (if they intend to hire staff);
- register themselves as employees (or self-employed workers) with social security;
- register for VAT.
Please note that executives of an SARL-S do not need to incorporate their company before a notary. A private deed will suffice.
Providing temporary services in Luxembourg
Craftsmen who are legally established abroad (in Switzerland or in a country of the European Economic Area) may freely offer their services in Luxembourg. There is no need for a business permit or a specific notification to the Ministry of the Economy.
However, when active in Luxembourg, the service provider is subject to the national rules of professional, regulatory or administrative conduct directly related to their professional qualifications. The service provider is also subject to the disciplinary provisions that apply to Luxembourg professionals.
If the craftsman:
- provides services on their own, they must contact the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (AED);
- provides services with one or more employees, they must contact the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (Inspection du travail et des mines – ITM).
Obligations of all professionals
Each company must comply with the following throughout their existence:
- all requirements with respect to obtaining a business permit;
- all laws and regulations with respect to business management.
Professionals without a business permit run the risk of criminal sanctions (imprisonment and fines) and the temporary closure of the establishment.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Department for Authorisations of Establishment)
Ministry of the Economy General Directorate for SME, Craft and Retail (Department for Authorisations of Establishment)
- Address:
PO box 535 / L-2937 Luxembourg
- Phone:
(+352) 247 74 700
Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 16.30 (except on public holidays)
- Email address:
- Website:
'Contact Entreprise' at the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts - Luxembourg
Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts Contact Entreprise
- Address:
2, circuit de la foire internationale
B.P. 1604, L-1016
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 2 septembre 2011
réglementant l'accès aux professions d'artisan, de commerçant, d'industriel ainsi qu'à certaines professions libérales
Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 1er décembre 2011
ayant pour objet d'établir la liste et le champ d'application des activités artisanales prévues à l'article 12(1) de la loi du 2 septembre 2011 réglementant l'accès aux professions d'artisan, de commerçant, d'industriel ainsi qu'à certaines professions libérales;
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