Applying to validate or convert licences and ratings issued by an ICAO Contracting State that is not an EASA Member State
Last update
Holders of foreign pilot licences may apply to validate their licences in Luxembourg or convert them into Luxembourg licences.
Who is concerned
All pilot licence holders who wish to have their foreign licence validated or converted in Luxembourg.
Applicants for licence validations or conversions must hold a valid licence issued by a country that is not an EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) member state but that is a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization – ICAO).
Applicants must pay the corresponding fees by wire transfer to the bank account of ALSA S.A., and the transfer must mention the appropriate reference information as listed in the table below.
Account holder: Luxembourg Aviation Safety Agency (ALSA S.A.)
Bank account: IBAN LU77 0019 3655 1997 3000 (Swift Code: BCEELULL)
Re: Reference: xx (mentioning the reference of the procedure as listed in the table below)
Procedure |
Reference |
Amount due (in EUR) |
Validation of a licence issued by a country that does not belong to EASA |
22(1) |
219 |
Amendment to a validation |
22(2) |
92 |
Theory exam for the purpose of validating a third-country licence |
22(3) |
71 |
Validation of pilot licences for specific tasks |
23 |
153 |
Theory exam for the purpose of converting a PPL/BPL/SPL |
24(1) |
71 |
Issuance of a PPL/BPL/SPL based on a licence issued by a state that is not an EASA member |
24(2) |
268 |
How to proceed
Validation of a licence issued by an ICAO member state that is not an EASA member state
Validation of aeroplane and helicopter licences
Validations are issued pursuant to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723.
To apply to have their licence validated, licence holders must submit the relevant form, duly completed and signed by the applicant themselves, and/or by the operator or owner of the aircraft that the applicant wishes to fly, accompanied by the documents specified in the form.
The form together with the required documents are to be sent to the Luxembourg Directorate of Civil Aviation (Direction de l’aviation civile – DAC) either by post or email.
Licences will be validated for no more than one year, provided they remain valid during that time. The DAC can extend the validity of the licence no more than once, and only for a further period of one year, provided that the licence has not expired and the pilot has applied for a licence in accordance with Annex I ("Part FCL") of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, or is taking a training course for the issuance of such a licence. In the latter case, the extension will cover the time required for the issuance the licence pursuant to Annex I ("Part FCL") of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011.
Before issuing the validation, the DAC will contact the authority that issued the licence to ascertain its authenticity and its compliance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention (ICAO).
Pilot licences for commercial transport and other commercial activities
To apply for this type of validation, the applicant (i.e. the licence holder and/or the operator or owner of the aircraft) must complete and sign form DAC-LIC 113-01 or form DAC-LIC 113-02.
The form is to be sent to the DAC either by post or email.
Pilot licences for non-commercial activities with an instrument rating
For the validation of private pilot licences with an instrument rating, or commercial pilot licences (CPLs) and airline transport pilot licences (ATPLs) with an instrument rating when the pilot intends to exercise private pilot privileges only, the form DAC-LIC 113-03 should be sent to the DAC either by post or email.
Pilot licences for non-commercial activities without an instrument rating
For the validation of private pilot licences, or CPL and ATPL licences without an instrument rating when the pilot intends to exercise private pilot privileges only, the form DAC-LIC 113-04 should be sent to the DAC either by post or email.
Validation of pilot licences for specific tasks of limited duration
For the validation of licences for specific tasks of limited duration, the holder's privileges are limited to the following activities:
- flight instruction and flight tests for the initial issuance of the type rating;
- supervision of:
- initial line flying by the operators’ pilots;
- delivery or ferry flights;
- initial line flying;
- demonstration flights or test flights.
Applicants must comply with the following requirements:
- hold an appropriate licence and medical certificate and associated ratings or qualifications issued in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention (ICAO);
- be employed, directly or indirectly, by an aircraft manufacturer or by an aviation authority.
Applicants should use form DAC-LIC 113-05, which must be signed by the employer and sent to the Directorate of Civil Aviation (DAC) either by post or email.
Special authorisation for competition flights or demonstration flights of limited duration
For competition flights or demonstration flights of limited duration, the DAC may validate a licence issued by a third country allowing the holder to exercise the privileges of a Private Pilot Licence (PPL), a Balloon Pilot Licence (BPL) or a Sailplane Pilot Licence (SPL), provided that the following requirements are complied with:
- prior to the event, the organiser of the competition or the demonstration flights provides the DAC with adequate evidence on how it will ensure that the pilot will be familiarised with the relevant safety information, and how it will manage any risk associated with the flights;
- the applicant holds an appropriate licence and medical certificate and associated ratings or qualifications issued in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention (ICAO).
Applications must reach the DAC at least 14 days before the date of the competition or event. Acceptance by the DAC will be communicated through an official letter.
Acceptance of a PPL, SPL or BPL for specific non-commercial tasks
The DAC may validate a PPL, BPL or SPL for up to 28 days per calendar year for specific non-commercial tasks, provided that the applicant complies with all the following requirements:
- hold an appropriate licence and medical certificate and associated ratings or qualifications issued in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention (ICAO);
- have completed at least one acclimatisation flight with a qualified instructor prior to carrying out the specific tasks of limited duration.
To obtain this authorisation, the pilot must submit a written request to the DAC, accompanied by copies of their licence, their medical certificate and the acclimatisation flight report.
The request must reach the DAC at least 14 days before the start date of the activity. Acceptance by the DAC will be communicated through an official letter.
Conversion of a licence issued by an ICAO member state that is not an EASA member state
Conversion of aeroplane, helicopter, balloon or sailplane pilot licences for non-commercial activities
A PPL, SPL, BPL, CPL or ATPL for the relevant aircraft category may be converted into a PPL with a single-pilot class or type rating, or into a BPL or SPL, when the original licence was issued by a third country in accordance with the requirements set forth in Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention (ICAO).
For such conversions, applicants should complete form DAC-LIC 113-06 and send it to the DAC either by post or email.
Conversion of professional pilote licences
The DAC may issue equivalent licences, ratings, certificates or privileges to applicants who already hold a similar licence, rating, privilege or certificate issued by a third country in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention.
Credit for theoretical and/or practical training may be granted based on a recommendation from an approved training organisation or declared training organisation.
Holders of an ATPL licence issued by an ICAO member country may be granted full credit for the requirements to take a training course before undertaking the theoretical knowledge examinations and the practical exam. Full credit may be granted provided that:
- the licence holders in question have fulfilled the experience requirements for the issue of an ATPL in the relevant aircraft category, as set out in Subpart F of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011;
- the third country licence contains a valid type rating for the aircraft to be used for the practical examination.
Applicants should complete form DAC-LIC 113-08 and send it to the DAC either by post or email.
Conversion of powered ultralight aircraft (ULM) pilot licences and parachuting licences
Foreign powered ultralight aircraft and parachuting licences and/or qualifications may be converted to Luxembourg licences pursuant to the provisions of Article 7 of the Grand Ducal regulation of 13 January 1993, or Article 6 of the Grand Ducal regulation of 4 July 1990.
Foreign flight instructor ratings may not be converted. However, further to a reasoned request from an approved school, the DAC may, exceptionally, authorise the holder of a valid foreign flight instructor licence or rating to instruct on Luxembourg-registered aircraft or, for Luxembourg parachuting licences, to instruct at an approved school.
Conversion applications should be made using the relevant forms, which should be sent to the DAC either by post or email.
Approval of these training activities will only be temporary and for no more than 12 months.
Theory requirements
For powered ultralight aircraft pilot licences, a written, multiple-choice theory exam on 'Regulations' is required. If the pilot has flown in a meteorological environment that differs greatly from Luxembourg's, a 'Meteorology' exam is also required.
For parachuting licences, a comprehensive multiple-choice exam is required. The minimum score required to pass is 70%.
Practical requirements
A skills test is required for all applicants for a Luxembourg powered ultralight aircraft pilot licence or parachuting licence.
For powered ultralight aircraft pilot licences, this test must be supervised by an approved examiner, after the applicant passes the theory portion, and following the submission of a written application to the DAC.
For parachuting licences, the practical exam certificate, signed by a Luxembourg-licensed instructor, must be submitted to the DAC.
Acceptance of class and type ratings
A valid class or type rating mentioned on a licence issued by a third country may be mentioned on a licence issued in accordance with 'Part FCL'.
For that purpose, applicants should complete form DAC-LIC 113-07 and send it to the DAC either by post or email.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Directorate of Civil Aviation
Directorate of Civil Aviation
- Address:
4, rue Lou Hemmer
Postbox 283 L-2012 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 74 900
- Fax:
- (+352) 46 77 90
- Email address:
- Website:
Closed ⋅ Opens at 8.30
- Thursday:
- 8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
- Friday:
- 8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
- Tuesday:
- 8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
- Wednesday:
- 8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
Related procedures and links
Directorate of Civil Aviation (DAC)
Taxes and fees: price list (PDF)
on the website of the Directorate of Civil Aviation (DAC)
Legal references
Convention on International Civil Aviation - Doc 7300
sur le site du ICAO
Règlement (UE) 1178/2011 de la Commission du 3 novembre 2011
établissant des règles techniques et des procédures administratives applicables au personnel Navigant
Règlement délégué (UE) 2020/723 de la Commission du 4 mars 2020
établissant des règles détaillées concernant l’acceptation de la certification des pilotes par les pays tiers
Règlement grand-ducal du 4 juillet 1990
réglementant les licences et qualifications des parachutistes
Règlement grand-ducal du 13 janvier 1993
réglementant les licences et qualifications du personnel de conduite des aéronefs
Règlement grand-ducal du 17 août 1994
portant application de la Directive N° 91/670/CEE du 16 décembre 1991 sur l'acceptation mutuelle des licences du personnel pour exercer des fonctions dans l'aviation civile.
Règlement grand-ducal du 6 février 2004
réglementant les licences et qualifications du personnel de conduite d'avion
Règlement grand-ducal du 1er août 2018
instituant la perception de taxes et de redevances relatives aux licences, qualifications et reconnaissance de licences du personnel de conduite d’aéronefs et du personnel de maintenance d’aéronefs