Additional qualifications (EASA Part-FCL / BFCL / SFCL)

Last update

Pilots who meet all the prerequisites may apply to the Directorate of Civil Aviation (Direction de l'Aviation Civile – DAC) for the following qualifications:

  • aerobatic flight;
  • sailplane towing;
  • banner towing;
  • night flight;
  • tethered flight;
  • commercial operation.

Who is concerned

All applicants holding a licence and wishing to obtain additional qualifications as provided for in Part-FCL, SFCL and BFCL of Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, respectively Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, or Regulation (EU) 2018/395.


In order to obtain additional qualification, applicants must hold a licence in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976, or Regulation (EU) 2018/395.

The requirements to obtain the requested additional qualifications are described in:

For further information, applicants should contact the DAC.


Applicants must pay the corresponding fees by wire transfer to the bank account of ALSA S.A., and the transfer must mention the appropriate reference information as listed in the table below.

Account holder: Luxembourg Aviation Safety Agency (ALSA S.A.)
Bank account: IBAN LU77 0019 3655 1997 3000 (Swift Code: BCEELULL)
Re: "xx – xx" (stating the reference of the procedure as listed in the table below)



Amount due

Extension to tethered flight


EUR 122

Issuance of an aerobatic flight qualification


EUR 122

Issuance of a qualification for sailplane towing and banner towing


EUR 122

Issuance of a night flight qualification


EUR 122

How to proceed

Filing an application

Applicants must send the form for the additional qualification they are seeking to the Directorate of Civil Aviation (Direction de l'Aviation Civile – DAC) by post or email.

Supporting documents

Applicants must submit the following documents with their application:

  • all documents related to the additional qualification they are seeking;
  • proof of payment of the fee.

For further information, applicants should contact the DAC.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Directorate of Civil Aviation

  • Directorate of Civil Aviation

    4, rue Lou Hemmer L-1748 Senningerberg Luxembourg
    Postbox 283 L-2012 Luxembourg
    Email address:
    Open Closes at 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00

Related procedures and links




Further information

Legal references

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