Application for changes to certified aerodromes (EASA Certificate)

Last update

In accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 of 12 February 2014 laying down requirements and administrative procedures for aerodromes, the prior approval of the Directorate of Civil Aviation (Direction de l'Aviation Civile – DAC) is required for any change:

The term change means the implementation of a new functional system or the modification of an existing functional system. It may include technical modifications to components or the implementation of new components, tasks or work procedures.

Preventive or remedial maintenance, or the replacement of equipment with equivalent equipment does not require the DAC's prior approval.

Who is concerned

Organisations responsible for operating aerodromes and holders of a certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 34 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139.


Applicants must hold an operating certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 34 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139.


The aerodrome operator must contact the DAC well in advance of the anticipated change. The change may not be implemented until the DAC issues its formal approval.

How to proceed

Types of changes requiring approval

The DAC's approval is required for any change that affects:

  • low visibility procedures;
  • safety management procedures;
  • change management procedures;
  • procedures to handle changes that are not subject to prior approval;
  • the operator's organisation structure;
  • the level of protection for emergency and firefighting services;
  • procedures for accommodating and the capacity to accommodate aircraft in categories higher than those for which the certificate has been issued;
  • the location of obstacles that could potentially affect the safety of the operations;
  • the terms of the certificate;
  • the certification basis.

If you are not sure if a change requires prior approval, please contact the DAC.

Analysis to be conducted by the operator

The aerodrome operator must complete the following analyses:

  • identify the change;
  • assess the impact of the change on processes, procedures or infrastructure;
  • conduct a risk analysis to assess the impact of the change;
  • analyse any potential compensatory measures (information/training of relevant persons inside or outside the organisation);
  • determine the responsibilities for the implementation of the mitigation measures;
  • monitor the implementation of the mitigation measures;
  • reassess the risk after the mitigation measures have been implemented.

Filing an application

The operator must file their application to change the certificate using the application form.

The application must be signed by the aerodrome operator's accountable manager and sent to the DAC.

Supporting documents

The operator must attach the following documents to the application:

  • a description of the nature of the change;
  • the analysis of the impact of the change on procedures, processes or infrastructure;
  • an updated version of the procedures or processes affected by the change;
  • for a change in category of the level of emergency and firefighting services: a revised analysis of the needs in terms of staffing and extinguishing agent quantities, and the air traffic statistics dictating the category;
  • for a change in the location of an obstacle: the coordinates of the obstacle, its impact on flying procedures, the amended version of the flying procedures and the disclosure of the obstacle in the aeronautics publications;
  • the risk analysis signed by the accountable safety manager;
  • a declaration of conformity certifying that change complies with current regulations, signed by the accountable compliance manager.

Application processing time

After receiving the application, the DAC will review it. Except in emergency situations that could jeopardise air safety, the change may not be implemented until the DAC issues its formal approval.

In case of unforeseen changes requiring an immediate response on the part of the operator to maintain air safety, the operator may, as an exception, implement the changes without the DAC's prior approval. The DAC will then assess the change a posteriori at the operator's request.

Notwithstanding, the nature of the one-time emergency must be duly explained in the application.


When an aerodrome operator implements changes that require prior approval without receiving such approval, the DAC may decide to suspend, limit or revoke the operator's certificate.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Directorate of Civil Aviation

  • Directorate of Civil Aviation

    4, rue Lou Hemmer L-1748 Senningerberg Luxembourg
    Postbox 283 L-2012 Luxembourg
    Email address:
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.30
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00

Related procedures and links


Aviation Certification of an aerodrome using instrument approach or departure procedures (EASA Certificate)


Further information

Easy access rules for aerodromes

on the website of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency

Legal references

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