Obtain your driving licence

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Obtain the category B driving licence

To obtain a category B driving licence, you must reside in Luxembourg and be at least 18 years old. You must register with an approved driving school, which will submit your application to the Driving Licence Office (Service des permis de conduire) of the National Society of Automotive Traffic (Société nationale de circulation automobile - SNCA).

The B driving licence entitles you to drive vehicles weighing up to 3,500 kg and carrying a maximum of 9 people.

A mandatory medical examination is required to assess your physical and mental fitness to drive.

To obtain your category B driving licence, you must pass a theory test and a practical test.

Once you have passed the theory test, you must take compulsory practical driving lessons at a driving school. If you wish, you can complete your training by opting for accompanied driving. This involves driving under the supervision of an experienced parent or another close person.

Complete your training period

Once you have passed both the theory and practical tests, you will be issued with a driving licence, valid for a probationary period of 24 months. At some point during this 2-year probationary period you are, as a novice driver, required to take a road safety awareness course. This course is subject to a fee and takes place at the Driver Safety Training Centre (Centre de formation pour conducteurs) in Colmar-Berg.

Driver Safety Training Centre

Buying a car

You have multiple options when it comes to purchasing a vehicle. You can:

  • buy a new vehicle; or
  • opt for a pre-owned vehicle:
    • already registered in Luxembourg; or
    • that was last registered in another Member State of the European Union; or
  • import a new or used vehicle purchased in a country outside the European Union.

Registering your vehicle

Before you can drive on public roads, you need to complete a number of essential administrative procedures. Firstly, you need to contact the National Society of Automotive Traffic (SNCA) to register your vehicle. This step is essential if you are to obtain your definitive number plate.

To add a personal touch to your vehicle, you can reserve a personalised number plate online or by email.

To register your vehicle, you need to provide proof that it complies with current standards. This compliance is normally attested by a certificate issued after a technical inspection.

The registration of your car is subject to the payment of certain fees. These include the cost of registering and issuing the number plate. Once these steps have been completed, you can drive your new car on the road.

If a document issued by the SNCA is lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen, you, as the owner or keeper of the vehicle concerned, can request a duplicate.

Respect the highway code

Driving a car requires you to follow a series of rules to ensure your own safety, that of your passengers and that of other road users. In Luxembourg, the points-based licence system has been introduced to improve safety. This system applies to all drivers using public roads in Luxembourg.

Fines and penalty notices for road traffic offences can lead to a reduction in the number of points on your driving licence.

If you believe that a fine or penalty notice is not justified, you can contest it. You can do so online, allowing you to present your defence quickly and conveniently.

Take care not to lose your driving licence

Any holder of a driving licence can make an appointment at the Guichet.lu reception desk to apply for or collect a driving licence:

  • if they have lost, accidentally damaged or destroyed their licence; or
  • if their licence and documents were stolen; or
  • if their driving licence was confiscated by the police authorities abroad.

Requesting an international driving licence

If you are planning to travel outside the European Union, or even the European Economic Area, and intend to drive during your stay, you can apply for an international driving licence beforehand. Some countries require your Luxembourg driving licence to be accompanied by an international licence.

International driving licences are issued by the Automobile Club of Luxembourg (ACL).

Applying for an international driving licence

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