Making an appointment to take the theory test for the driving licence

Last update

In order to take the theory test, it is necessary to make an appointment with the National Society for Automotive Traffic (Société Nationale de circulation automobile - SNCA).

Who is concerned?

The theory test for the driving licence is open to anyone who :

  • is a resident of Luxembourg; and
  • is at least 17 years old.


To make an appointment to take the theory test, it is necessary to:

  • be registered with an approved driving school;
  • have a learner's certificate (with a file number);
  • have completed the minimum theoretical training required for the category requested.

Accompanied driving for the category B licence does not exempt you from having to take the theory test for the driving licence.


The appointment must be made at least one week before the chosen test date.


Making an appointment for the theory test is free of charge.

How to proceed

Filing an application

Candidates can:

  • make an appointment online via with or without a LuxTrust product;
  • cancel their appointment via;
  • make an appointment by telephone or by email directly with the SNCA.

Candidates can also make and cancel their appointment using the mobile application In order to do so, they must:

The theory test can be taken in one of the following languages: Luxembourgish, French, German, Portuguese or English at one of the SNCA's test sites:

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Driving Licence Office

Related procedures and links


Taking the driving test Accompanied driving


Further information

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