Paying or disputing a standard fine

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In Luxembourg, road traffic is governed by the Luxembourg Highway Code (Code de la route).

Anyone committing a traffic offence is liable for:

  • either a standard fine;
  • or a penalty notice.

Recipients of fines for speeding offences may lose points on their driver's licence.

Who is concerned?

Any driver who is the owner/holder of a motor vehicle and who commits a traffic offence may receive a fine or be issued a written warning.


If fined, the offender has to pay the sum due within 45 days from the date the offence was established.

How to proceed

Payment of fines

The fine must be paid:

  • either on the spot when the offence is established (mandatory procedure for non-residents), in cash or possibly by credit card;
  • or, within 45 days, if the offender is unable to pay at the time the offence is established:
    • by bank transfer to one of the accounts of the Grand Ducal Police:
      • IBAN LU51 0019 6055 8045 8000 (BIC: BCEELULL);
      • IBAN LU67 1111 0127 5952 0000 (BIC: CCPLLULL);
    • at a police station (cash, possibly by credit card).

In the event of payment by bank transfer, the reference number on the fine and the vehicle's licence plate number must be indicated.

Checks and transfer orders issued by foreign banks and sent by post are not accepted.

Offenders can also pay the fines concerning illegal parking or stopping either online or by Payconiq (formerly Digicash).

Speeding fines issued after being caught by an automatic speed camera must be paid by other means.

Disputing a standard fine

As a general rule, a fine can be disputed on the spot in the case an offence established by a police officer issuing the fine. In that case, the fine is replaced by a standard penalty notice.

Offenders who do not have their place of residence in Luxembourg and who do not pay the fine on the spot will have the fine replaced by standard penalty notice. However, the offender must pay, on the spot, a deposit corresponding to the amount of the fine.

Specifically, if a fine is issued in the absence of the reporting agent—violation of the regulations for stopping, waiting or parking—it may be disputed as described below:

If the facts are disputed, the offender may:

  • personally appear at the police station that issued the report; or
  • send their written challenge to the Central Directorate of Administrative Police (Direction Centrale Police Administrative), National Fines Department (Service National des Avertissements Taxés - SNAT), L-2957 Luxembourg.

If the fine is paid within 45 days of the date the offence was established, all proceedings will cease. If the fine is paid after this 45-day time limit has elapsed:

  • the amount is reimbursed if the driver is acquitted;
  • if the offender is found to be guilty, the amount is added to the ordered fine and to any legal fees.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Grand Ducal Police

Related procedures and links

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