Applying for a certificate of navigation time
Last update
This procedure is not applicable to people/craft navigating the waterways for sport or leisure – only to people and craft involved in professional inland navigation.
Anyone navigating the inland waterways must be able to provide proof – in the form of a specific certificate – of the number of navigation hours that they have accumulated, if they wish to:
- obtain a promotion; or
- satisfy the entry conditions for competitions, exams or promotions to obtain:
- operational certificates (boatman, able boatman, helmsman) or command certificates (boatmaster);
- certificates for specific authorisations for boatmasters (large convoys certificate, specific-risk waterways certificate, ‘LNG expert certificate’) and specific operations (carrying LNG and passengers).
Who is concerned
Any person navigating the inland waterways who wishes to obtain a certificate of professional qualification in inland waterway navigation as provided for by Directive (EU) 2017/2397.
The issuance of a certificate of navigation time is subject to a EUR 100 processing fee.
How to proceed
The applicant must submit the application form for the certificate of navigation time (form F120) (see the section 'Online services and forms') to the Department of Inland Navigation and Logistics (Service Navigation intérieure et logistique).
Supporting documents
The application must be accompanied by the following documents:
- the applicant’s original service record book (for days at sea: the seaman's book);
- copies of the logbook showing the number of voyages taken (for days at sea, a declaration issued by the shipowner);
- the duly filled in spreadsheet (ANX120);
- a copy of the applicant’s identity card;
- proof of payment.
Online services and forms
Downloadable forms
Note: view tips for using PDF forms.
To ensure that the Excel 'Tableau de calcul du temps de navigation (ANX120)' (Calculation of navigation time) spreadsheet works properly, please save it on your computer before beginning to fill it in.
Who to contact
Ministry of Mobility and Public Works Department of Inland Navigation and Logistics
- Address:
4, place de l’Europe
L-2940 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 84 400
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Legal references
Directive 2017/2397 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 12 décembre 2017
relative à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles dans le domaine de la navigation intérieure
Règlement délégué (UE) 2020/473 de la Commission du 20 janvier 2020
complétant la directive (UE) 2017/2397 du Parlement européen et du Conseil en ce qui concerne les normes applicables aux bases de données relatives aux certificats de qualification de l’Union, aux livrets de service et aux livres de bord
Standard européen pour les qualifications en navigation intérieure
Loi du 7 décembre 2022
relative à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles dans le domaine de la navigation intérieure
Règlement grand-ducal du 7 décembre 2022
portant instauration et détermination des modalités de délivrance des titres de qualification pour les personnes intervenant dans l’exploitation de bâtiments utilisés pour les besoins des services publics nationaux
Avis de publication du 7 décembre 2022
conformément à l’article 27 de la loi du 7 décembre 2022 relative à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles dans le domaine de la navigation intérieure