Permit for use of the public inland waterways
Last update
If you intend to temporarily use one or more specific element(s) or parcel(s) of the public inland waterways in a private or privileged manner, you must apply for a permit for use. This permit is issued by the Minister responsible for transport via the Department of Inland Navigation (Service de la navigation fluviale). It determines the safety and regulatory conditions which must be respected in the interest of safe navigation and safeguarding the public inland waterways.
Who is concerned
Any person intending to temporarily use a specific element or parcel of the public inland waterways in a private or privileged manner.
Examples: sporting events, galas, firework displays, training exercises, exhibitions, etc.
You must submit your permit application to the Department of Inland Navigation no later than 60 days before the intended date of use.
The amount of the fee is set as follows:
- EUR 50: filing fee, payable when lodging an application for a permit for use of the public inland waterways;
- EUR 30: fee to renew, modify or extend an existing permit for use of the public inland waterways.
A payment request will be sent to you by the Department of Inland Navigation once your application has been received. The application will only be processed once proof of payment has been received.
Any temporary private or priority use of the public inland waterways is subject to a user charge, calculated per hour and per kilometre of navigable waterway used. The Department of Inland Navigation will send you a payment request concerning the hourly charges, and you will need to send them proof of payment in return.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
On the application, you must state:
- your surname(s), first name(s), capacity and home address if you are a natural person. If you are submitting the application on behalf of a legal person, you must state:
- its company name, corporate purpose and registered office;
- your surname(s), first name(s), capacity, home address and authority as the signatory of the application; and
- where applicable, details of the person(s) authorised to represent the legal entity before the authorities;
- the location, the parcel of territory concerned, and the surface area to be affected;
- the period and duration of use;
- the description or schedule of the activities.
You must attach a site plan on a 1:1000, 1:2000 or 1:500 scale to your application.
You must send your permit application or your application for modification of a permit to the Department of Inland Navigation:
- either by postal mail to the address: B.P. 8, L-6701 Grevenmacher;
- or by email to
N.B.: Receipt of all permit applications will be acknowledged in writing. If the application is incomplete, the Department of Inland Navigation will send you a letter, inviting you to complete the application, and state which documents still need to be provided.
The permit is valid only for the specific event for which the application was submitted.
Renewal and modification
The conditions for renewing or modifying a permit are identical to the conditions for applying for a permit.
Refusal of the application
Your application may be refused if:
- you submit it after the deadline;
- it is incomplete;
- you do not provide proof of payment of the fee or tax due.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of Mobility and Public Works Department of Inland Navigation
- Address:
36, rue de Machtum
B.P. 8, L-6701 Grevenmacher
- Phone:
- (+352) 75 00 48 1
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 23 décembre 2016
concernant la gestion du domaine public fluvial
Règlement grand-ducal du 9 octobre 2017
relatif à la procédure d'autorisation harmonisée en matière d'occupation et d'utilisation privative et privilégiée du domaine public fluvial et arrêtant des prescriptions types minimales
Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 29 août 2017
déterminant le montant et la perception des taxes et redevances relatives à l’utilisation du domaine public fluvial