Individualised support plan (PAI)
Last update
The individualised support plan (projet d’accueil individualisé - PAI) launched in 2015 aims to improve the support and integration of children with specific health needs in educational (primary and secondary level) or care establishments.
Each child or adolescent has the right to a full integration into the educational system and to the best possible development of their competencies and their aspirations in a manner consistent with the protection of their health.
A PAI is a detailed protocol specifying:
- the support conditions;
- the actions to carry out;
- the medicine to be administered;
- the emergency plan to follow;
- the first aid techniques to provide help;
- the list of contact persons in emergency situations or if there are questions concerning the PAI or the child's health.
Who is concerned
Persons concerned
Children and adolescents may benefit from specific care measures so that they can participate in educational and pedagogic, sports or cultural activities if they:
- suffer from chronic illnesses; or
- have specific health needs.
Illnesses concerned
The following illnesses are concerned by the PAI:
- allergies;
- food allergies;
- asthma;
- heart diseases;
- diabetes;
- epilepsy;
- haemophilia.
The required actions described in the PAI are limited to interventions:
- recorded by the child's general practitioner;
- critical for the child's well-being and which must be carried out within the framework of a school environment or a care establishment, i.e. when the child is outside of their parent's care and under the responsibility of the teaching or care establishment.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
Parents with parental authority or, where applicable, the adult student, have to submit a formal and signed application for support.
When the students come of age, they must authorise the extension of their PAI by filling in the corresponding form. If this is not the case, they must fill in the PAI termination form.
The medical prescription for the PAI must be dated and signed by the prescribing doctor, and should specify:
- the medicine to be administered;
- the doses;
- the frequency of administration;
- the emergency procedures or other treatments to be repeatedly administered.
The general practitioner will also detail specific reception conditions.
They can regularly update the PAI.
Where needed, a consultation meeting is organised with all persons who will be in contact with the children.
Specific training in the understanding of the child's illness, needs and care can be organised as required or requested.
Each party must comply with several obligations for the PAI to function properly.
The parents / the pupil of legal age:
- check the stocks and expiry dates of the medicine;
- comply with the medical requirements incumbent on them (lunch packets in the event of severe food allergies, foods for sugar intake in the event of diabetes);
- make themselves available to the supervisory staff for any question or instruction regarding their child;
- commit to inform the persons in charge about any change in the PAI decided by the general practitioner;
- inform the Department for School Medicine and Health of Children and Young People when the PAI is no longer required by filling in the PAI termination form;
- notify the Department for School Medicine and Health of Children and Young People of any change in the child's educational institution, either at the beginning of the year (change of nursery, school, daycare centre) or during the year.
The medical pedagogic team has to:
- ensure proper implementation by distributing the PAI to the contact person employed by the education and care facilities in charge of the child;
- participate in the consultation meetings;
- organise training sessions for the supervisory staff where needed;
- ensure proper collaboration between the parents, the child concerned, the general practitioner and the educational or care establishment;
- make sure the PAI is followed up on;
- organise a meeting at the beginning of each school year for the purpose of updating or implementing the PAIs.
The persons in the education and care establishments in charge of the child have to:
- familiarise themselves with the PAI and ensure that it is properly implemented by the staff in contact with the child;
- make sure the medication and documentation of administration are properly stored;
- inform the parents and medical pedagogic teams about any concern or issue with the child or adolescent with specific health needs;
- request or provide for the preparation of additional instructions in the event of special educational activities;
- ensure the continuity of the child's or adolescent's care measures in the event of a replacement of the supervisory staff, a change of class or any other change likely to interfere with the young person's care and to initiate the necessary procedures to guarantee the continuation of the PAI;
- notify the parents in due course about any planned extraordinary trips or activities during the school year in order to allow:
- the proper preparation of the care requirements for the child with specific health needs;
- the organisation of essential measures;
- notify the child's name and nature of the PAI with special care measures as described to their regional director, secondary school principal or director of establishment.
Online services and forms
The information note on data protection which explains how personal data is processed in the context of the forms below can be consulted here in French (French, Pdf, 129 Kb), German (German, Pdf, 82 Kb) or English (Pdf, 79 Kb).
Downloadable forms
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Who to contact
Health Directorate Department for School Medicine and Health of Children and Young People
- Address:
- 20, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 75 540
- Email address:
Related procedures and links
Further information
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