Notification of adverse effects of medicinal products (pharmacovigilance)

Last update

All activities aimed at monitoring, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects (AEs) resulting from the use of medicines in humans fall under pharmacovigilance.

This continuous monitoring is carried out in collaboration with health professionals and patients. In particular, physicians, dentists, pharmacists and midwives are required to report any adverse effects that they are aware of and that may have been caused by a medicine. Other health professionals and patients can also report these adverse side effects.

This system is used to collect useful information on the risks of medicinal products with regard to the patients' and the public health in general. It helps to ensure the safe and appropriate use of medicines, to better inform patients and health professionals, and to guarantee a positive benefit-risk balance for patients.

This information concerns in particular the adverse reaction occurring in humans in case of:

  • the use of a medicine in accordance with the terms of its marketing authorisation;
  • any use that is not in accordance with the terms of the marketing authorisation;
  • occupational exposure.

They also concern specific situations with or without associated adverse effects such as medication errors, abuse, misuse, overdose, unauthorised use, accidental exposure or exposure during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

This information is subject to a scientific assessment in order to, among others, prevent or reduce the risks of drug use.

Who is concerned?

Physicians, dentists, pharmacists and midwives are required to report any suspected adverse effects of medicinal products.

Other health professionals and patients can make a declaration without being obliged to do so.

The Division of Pharmacy and Medicines (Division de la pharmacie et des médicaments – DPM) of the National Health Directorate acts as the competent authority in Luxembourg for pharmacovigilance, and works in collaboration with the Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre (Centre Régional de Pharmacovigilance – CRPV) in Nancy, France.

Pharmaceutical companies, as holders of marketing authorisations for medicinal products, are required to implement a pharmacovigilance system.

How to proceed

Submitting the declaration

In order to notify cases of suspected adverse effects of a medicinal product, an adverse effect notification form is available for all health professionals. This form can also be used by patients.

Please send the completed form to the CRPV in Nancy and the DPM of the National Health Directorate:

  • preferably by email; or
  • by post.

You may report suspected adverse reactions by any other means by contacting:

  • the CRPV in Nancy; or
  • the DPM of the National Health Directorate.

They may also contact the pharmacovigilance department of the pharmaceutical company responsible for marketing the medicinal product(s) concerned.

Data protection

The information note on data protection which explains how personal data is processed in the context of pharmacovigilance reports can be consulted here in French (French, Pdf, 462 Kb).

Online services and forms

Online services

Downloadable forms

Health professionals


Who to contact

Division of Pharmacy and Medicines

Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre Nancy

Related procedures and links


Mandatory reporting of infectious diseases


Further information



Legal references

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