Traveller accommodation forms
Last update
Accommodation establishments must verify their customers' identity and fill in accommodation forms.
Accommodation operators can submit these forms electronically in 3 different ways:
- by filling in the form online via the application for electronic collection of data. A prior access request to this application is necessary. Its use is free of charge;
- by exporting an XML file (Zip, 4 Kb) from the hotel application and submitting it online via the application for the electronic collection of data. This way, the data to be transmitted will only have to be entered once. The expenses for adapting the software to the application are not covered but it may be shared with other professionals using the same application;
- by connecting the hotel application with a webservice ensuring the real-time transmission of accommodation forms. The installation costs must be borne by the accommodation operator.
Who is concerned
Each collective tourist accommodation or private tourist accommodation establishment must complete an accommodation form for each traveller, except for persons accompanying the main traveller (all the children and all the persons travelling in a group are included in the same form).
The use of the online accommodation form is mandatory for:
- accommodation establishments with 10 rooms or more;
- campsites with 25 pitches or more.
It is optional for all other establishments during that period. However, if the accommodation operator has chosen to use the online forms, he cannot go back to not using them.
Preliminary steps
The application for online accommodation forms can only be used by the following operating systems:
Operating system:
- Microsoft Windows;
- Mac OS.
Web browser:
- Internet Explorer 6 or higher;
- Microsoft Edge;
- Google Chrome;
- Mozilla Firefox.
How to proceed
Accessing the form via the application for the online collection of data
In order to use the application for the online collection of data, you must:
- download and print the access request form (French, Pdf, 83 Kb);
- carefully read, fill in and sign the form;
- send the completed access request by post to the following address:
Centre des Technologies de l’information de l’Etat
Secrétariat Technique - Fiches d'hébergement
B.P. 1111
L-1011 Luxembourg
First you will receive a PIN code via email which will allow you to connect to the system.
The PIN code can only be used once steps 4 and 5 have been completed successfully.
Then, you will receive by post the hardware necessary to connect to the system.
The hardware consists of a Smartcard and a Smartcard reader. - download and install the middleware for the LuxTrust smartcard to the computer you will use to connect to the online accommodation form application;
- plug in the Smartcard reader to your computer and insert the Smartcard;
- connect to the application for the online collection of accommodation forms and enter your PIN code.
Please note that typing in your PIN code erroneously three successive times will lock the Smartcard.
If your Smartcard is locked, please contact the CTIE helpdesk for assistance.
You may then access the accommodation forms and all other system functionalities as described in the user guide (Pdf, 1.35 Mb).
Accommodation forms - single traveller or accompanied travellers
On the day after the traveller's arrival at the latest, the accommodation establishment must complete the accommodation form or have it completed by the traveller.
The accommodation operator must check the main traveller's ID card to verify the information provided on the form.
To enter the information, the accommodation operator must connect to the application for online collection of accommodation forms (please see the user guide (Pdf, 1.35 Mb)) and create a new individual accommodation form.
The accommodation operator must enter the information concerning:
- the main traveller:
- name;
- first name(s);
- date of birth;
- place of birth;
- nationality;
- ID card or passport number;
- postcode, city and country of residence (street number and street are optional indications);
- the stay:
- date of arrival;
- presumed date of departure;
- purpose of the stay (business/congress or leisure/other);
- the total number of persons accompanying the main traveller (including all the children and all the persons travelling in a group).
With regard to campsites, the type of camper is also to be indicated (residential or other);
Online services and forms
Who to contact
General Directorate - Tourism (Bed&Bike label / accommodation forms)
Ministry of the Economy General Directorate - Tourism
- Address:
19-21, boulevard Royal
BP 86, L-2937
- Phone:
(+352) 247 84 781
- Email address:
Related procedures and links
Fiches d'hébergement - Manuel utilisateur
Pdf • 1.35 Mb
Fichier XML
Zip • 4 Kb
Application de collecte électronique des fiches d'hébergements
Pdf • 409 Kb
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 24 juin 2008
ayant pour objet le contrôle des voyageurs dans les établissements d'hébergement
Règlement grand-ducal du 5 août 2015
relatif aux fiches à tenir par les logeurs exploitant un service d'hébergement touristique