Medical check-up for third-country nationals
Last update
In the framework of an application for a residence permit, third-country nationals who already hold a temporary authorisation to stay must undergo a medical check consisting of:
- a medical examination by a doctor established in Luxembourg and authorised to work as a general practitioner, a practitioner specialised in internal medicine or pediatrics; and
- a tuberculosis (TB) screening performed at a medical analysis laboratory (with a prescription from the doctor who performed the medical examination) or at the Health and Social Welfare League (Ligue médico-sociale - LMS), for any person aged 2 years and over; and
- a tuberculosis screening using a tuberculin test at the Health and Social Welfare League (Ligue médico-sociale - LMS) for children aged between 2 months and 2 years.
After receiving the results of these examinations, the Health Inspection (Inspection sanitaire) of the Health Directorate (Direction de la Santé) will issue a medical certificate, which will be sent to the Immigration Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade to allow the residence permit application to be processed.
Residence permits will not be granted to applicants who refuse to undergo the required medical check-up.
Who is concerned
The medical check is mandatory for all third-country nationals (i.e. from a country that is neither an EU Member State nor a country treated as such - Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland) who wish to reside in Luxembourg for more than 3 months within the context of an application for a residence permit.
Exception: the medical check-up is not mandatory for third-country nationals who:
- are family members of an EU citizen or a national of a country treated as such; or
- are long-term residents in another Member State, as is the member of their family.
Preliminary steps
Before arriving in Luxembourg, nationals of non-EU countries must hold a temporary authorisation to stay for:
- a salaried worker;
- a self-employed worker;
- a highly qualified worker;
- an athlete or a sports coach;
- student;
- a trainee;
- researcher;
- seasonal worker;
- a volunteer worker;
- pupil;
- family member of a third country national;
- private reasons.
Holders of a temporary authorisation to stay must then, within 3 months of this certificate being issued, enter Luxembourg or apply for a visa, if a visa is required.
Third-country nationals who hold a temporary authorisation to stay must apply for a residence permit at the latest 3 months after their arrival in Luxembourg.
The doctor who issues the temporary medical certificate must send it to the Health Inspection at the Health Directorate within one month. The Health Directorate must then issue the final medical certificate.
Applications for residence permits can only be processed by the Immigration Directorate once the corresponding medical certificates have been received. Applicants are therefore advised to undergo the medical examination and the TB screening test as soon as possible.
The costs of the medical examinations and issuance of the medical certificate are to be paid by the third-country national.
How to proceed
Medical examination
Third-country nationals must consult a doctor established in Luxembourg to undergo a medical examination. The medical examination must be carried out by a doctor established in the country and authorised to practice medicine as a general practitioner, a specialist in internal medicine or a paediatrician.
The medical examination must comprise:
- a general clinical examination carried out by a doctor who may, where applicable, be assisted by medical specialists and request additional examinations;
- a blood test to check for sexually transmitted diseases, depending on the clinical symptomatology, excluding HIV/AIDS;
- a check to ensure vaccinations are up to date;
- a capillary glucose test for people with a risk of developing diabetes, due to their medical history, age or state of health;
- a urine test including checks for protein and blood, depending on the clinical symptomatology.
The medical examination is intended to detect the following diseases or conditions:
- infectious diseases listed in the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR);
- mental problems needing treatment and which are likely to compromise the safety of others or pose a serious threat to public order;
- known drug addiction needing long-term medical treatment;
- health problem that is clearly in contradiction with the reason for residing in Luxembourg (in particular undertaking paid employment).
Following the examination, the doctor issues a temporary medical certificate (form provided by the Ministry of Health and Social Security), which they then send as soon as possible (within one month at the most) in a sealed envelope to the Health Inspection at the Health Directorate.
TB screening
Third-country nationals must go to a medical analysis laboratory of their choice (for persons aged 2 years and more) or to the Health and Social Welfare League (Ligue Médico-sociale - LMS) to undergo a TB screening test: For children between 2 months and 2 years of age, the test must be performed at the Health and Social Welfare League (LMS).
The screening is to check for active, contagious TB or TB that is likely to develop.
Following the screening, the medical analysis laboratory or the LMS confirm to the Health Inspection at the Health Directorate, that the screening has been performed.
Medical certificate
After having obtained the medical certificate from the doctor and the confirmation from the medical analysis laboratory or the LMS, the Health Inspection sends the official medical certificate to the Immigration Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade.
The official medical certificate does not contain any medical data and simply indicates whether or not the medical conditions required for residency are fulfilled.
The medical certificate is one of the documents required for the issuance of a residence permit, therefore applications for residence permits can only be processed by the Immigration Directorate once the certificate has been received.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Health Directorate Health Inspection Department
- Address:
- 2A, rue Thomas Edison L-1445 Strassen Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 85 650
Early Years Support Services Health and Social Welfare League (Ligue médico-sociale)
- Address:
- 21-23, rue Henri VII L-1725 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 22 00 99 1
- Fax:
- (+352) 47 50 97
Related procedures and links
Further information
Health and Social Welfare League
Visa and immigration
on the website of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade
List of countries whose citizens require a visa
on the website of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade
Luxembourg diplomatic and consular missions
on the website of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 29 août 2008
portant sur la libre circulation des personnes et l'immigration
Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 5 septembre 2008
portant exécution de certaines dispositions relatives aux formalités administratives prévues par la loi du 29 août 2008 sur la libre circulation des personnes et l'immigration
Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 3 février 2009
relatif au contrôle médical des étrangers
Règlement sanitaire international (2005)
sur le site de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé