Application for recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad (access to a regulated profession at a higher education level)
Last update
The exercise of certain professions in Luxembourg (known as regulated professions) is subject to first receiving an authorisation to practise by the competent ministry.
In some cases, the recognition of professional qualifications is a prerequisite for obtaining an authorisation to practise. The Ministry for Research and Higher Education (Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche - MESR) is responsible for the recognition of foreign higher education diplomas for access to regulated professions.
Recognition of professional qualifications is exclusively aimed at access to a regulated profession. It does not confer the right to use an academic title and does not indicate the level of the Luxembourg Qualifications Framework (cadre luxembourgeois des qualifications - CLQ). Further information on registration in the register of certificates and the related recognition criteria is available in our information page on 'Academic recognition'.
Note: with regards to sector-specific professions (nurse responsible for general care, midwife and architect), holders of evidence of formal qualifications referred to in Annex V of Directive 2005/36/EC are exempt from the recognition procedure. They may apply directly to the competent ministry for an authorisation to practise.
Furthermore, access to the regulated profession of lawyer via the Cours complémentaires en droit luxembourgeois (CCDL) still requires the completion of procedure for the approval of law degrees.
Who is concerned
Professions concerned that are under the regulatory competence of the Ministry of Health and Social Security
The professions concerned which are under the regulatory competence of the Ministry of Health and Social Security are the following:
- health professions:
- social worker (assistant social);
- surgical assistant, medical laboratory assistant, radiology technician (assistant technique médical en chirurgie, assistant technique médical de laboratoire, assistant technique médical de radiologie);
- dietician (diététicien);
- occupational therapist (ergothérapeute);
- nurse, anaesthetics and intensive care, head nurse, paediatric nurse, psychiatric nurse (infirmier, infirmier en anesthésie et réanimation, infirmer gradué, infirmier en pédiatrie, infirmier psychiatrique);
- laboratory assistant (laborantin);
- physiotherapist (masseur-kinésithérapeute);
- speech therapist (orthophoniste);
- osteopath (ostéopathe);
- orthoptist (orthoptiste);
- curative teacher (pédagogue curatif);
- chiropodist (podologue);
- psychomotor therapist (rééducateur en psychomotricité);
- midwife (sage-femme);
- psychotherapist (psychothérapeute).
Professions concerned that are under the regulatory competence of the Ministry of the Economy
The professions concerned which are under the regulatory competence of the General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises at the Ministry of the Economy are the following:
Preliminary steps
Persons exercising a liberal profession listed above that is under the authority of the General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of the Ministry of the Economy must first submit an application for an authorisation of establishment to said General Directorate.
Note: only those whose diploma does not meet the criteria for direct granting of an authorisation of establishment are invited by the Ministry of Health and Social Security to submit an application for recognition of professional qualifications.
All applications for recognition of professional qualifications are subject to the prior payment of a fee of EUR 75 per recognition and profession.
The fee is to be paid into the following account:
IBAN: LU36 0019 5955 4436 2000
Name of the beneficiary: Administration de l’enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA
Communication: Taxe reconnaissance des diplômes, MESR, surname of the applicant, date of the application
Note: even if the recognition is refused, the fee will not be refunded.
How to proceed
Filing an application
Applicants can submit their application for recognition online using The online application does not require the use of a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).
After the application is submitted, all subsequent messages, including notifications of changes in the application's processing status, will be sent by email.
Applicants can also submit their application by post. The application form and required supporting documents must be sent to the following address:
Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche
18-20, montée de la Pétrusse
L-2327 Luxembourg
The application form can be downloaded under 'Forms / Online services' below.
To speed up the processing of their application, applicants must make sure they provide all the required information and include the required supporting documents with their application.
Supporting documents
Applicants must include the following supporting documents with their application:
- a copy of the qualification(s): diploma, certificate, transcript of grades, attestation, diploma supplement, etc.;
- official documents providing proof of professional experience, if any: copy of the work contract, employer certificates, etc.;
- official documents proving the legal establishment or recognition of your professional qualification(s) in one or more EU countries, if any: copy of the authorisation to practice, recognition of equivalence, certification of membership in a professional body, etc.;
- a copy of an identity document (front and back);
- a copy of the Luxembourg residence permit valid for persons who are not nationals of an EU Member State or a Member State of the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation;
- proof of payment of the fee;
- where applicable, any other useful document.
Translations of documents
Documents must be accompanied by a translation into English, French, German or Luxembourgish if one or more of these documents is in a language other than one of these 4 languages.
Processing the application
After the application for recognition has been examined, the decision is sent to the applicant by post. This may be:
- a direct recognition decision; or
- a decision granting compensatory measures; or
- a refusal decision.
Direct recognition decision
In the case of a decision on direct recognition, the applicant must apply for an authorisation to practise the profession and/or for a right of establishment to the competent ministry.
Decision granting compensatory measures
The decision to grant compensatory measures (aptitude test or adaptation period) is based on the finding of substantial differences between:
- the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by the applicant; and
- the professional profile as defined by Luxembourg law/regulations.
In the event of a decision granting compensatory measures, recognition of professional qualifications is conditional on the successful completion of an aptitude test and/or an adaptation period. The purpose of these measures is to bridge the existing differences between the applicant's qualifications and the professional profile required in Luxembourg.
Information on the details of the adaptation period and the aptitude test is given in the letter notifying the decision to grant compensatory measures.
After obtaining recognition of professional qualifications following the successful completion of the compensatory measures, the authorisation to exercise the profession / authorisation of establishment must be applied for to the competent ministry.
If the application for recognition of professional qualifications is refused, the applicant may contest the administrative decision, against which the usual means of appeal (non-contentious appeal, judicial appeal) can be exercised, provided that the legal time limits are respected.
Claims may also be filed with the Ombudsman.
Please note: practising a regulated profession without an authorisation to practise or authorisation of establishment issued by the competent ministry constitutes illegal practice. This is punishable by law, even if the recognition of professional qualifications has already been obtained from the Ministry for Research and Higher Education.
Requesting duplicates
A copy of the decision can be obtained against payment of a EUR 10 fee. Applications for duplicate copies must be made by post or email to the Ministry for Research and Higher Education (Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche) and must contain:
- proof of payment of the fee; and
- a copy of an identity document.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry for Research and Higher Education
- Address:
- 20, montée de la Pétrusse L-2327 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 86 619
- Website:
Open Closes at 16.30
- Wednesday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
- Thursday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
- Friday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
- Tuesday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
Ministry for Research and Higher Education Approval Board
- Address:
- 20, montée de la Pétrusse L-2327 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 85 135
- Fax:
- (+352) 26 29 60 37
- Email address:
- Website:
Open Ferme à 17h00
- Wednesday:
- 8h00 à 17h00
- Thursday:
- 8h00 à 17h00
- Friday:
- 8h00 à 17h00
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 8h00 à 17h00
- Tuesday:
- 8h00 à 17h00
Ministry for Research and Higher Education The Academic Board
- Address:
- 18-20, montée de la Pétrusse L-2327 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 86 639
- Fax:
- (+352) 26 29 60 37
- Email address:
- Website:
Ministry for Research and Higher Education Financial Aid Department
- Address:
18-20, montée de la Pétrusse
B.P. 1101, L-1011 Luxembourg
- Phone:
(+352) 247 88 650
Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 16.30
- Fax:
- Reception: (+352) 26 19 01 04 / Financial aid: (+352) 45 56 56
- Email address:
- Website:
Open Ferme à 16h30
- Wednesday:
- 7h45 à 16h30
- Thursday:
- 7h45 à 16h30
- Friday:
- 7h45 à 16h30
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 7h45 à 16h30
- Tuesday:
- 7h45 à 16h30
2 of 4 bodies shown
Related procedures and links
Further information
Reconnaissance de diplômes des professions de santé
sur le site du ministère de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement supérieur
Voies de recours
sur le site du ministère de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement supérieur
Reconnaissance des diplômes de psychothérapeutes
sur le site du ministère de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement supérieur
sur le Portail Santé
Listes des experts, traducteurs et interprètes assermentés
sur le site du ministère de la Justice
Legal references
Directive 2005/36 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 7 septembre 2005
relative à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles
Loi modifiée du 28 octobre 2016
relative à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles
Règlement grand-ducal du 17 février 2017
relatif à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles