Application for academic recognition of foreign higher education diplomas
Last update
Registration in the register of formal higher education qualifications is the normal procedure for academic recognition of foreign higher education diplomas.
This registration:
- confers the right to carry an academic title; and
- provides information on the corresponding level in the Luxembourg Qualifications Framework (Cadre luxembourgeois des qualifications - CLQ). It should be noted that the CLQ is aligned with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) .
Academic recognition applies solely to the formal qualification or academic degree. It does not include recognition of the content of the studies and therefore does not confer entitlement to exercise a profession. Further information on entering a regulated profession is available on the information pages on:
- professional recognition of higher education diplomas obtained abroad (access to a regulated profession at higher education level); and
- approval to obtain admittance to supplementary courses on Luxembourg law (Cours complémentaires en droit luxembourgeois - CCDL).
National diplomas: diplomas awarded by the University of Luxembourg, the Luxembourg advanced technician's certificate (brevet de technicien supérieur luxembourgeois – BTS), and diplomas awarded by private specialised higher education institutions accredited in Luxembourg for accredited training courses are automatically recognised. If you hold such a diploma, you are exempt from the application for entry in the register of formal higher education qualifications.
Diplomas from the Benelux countries and the Baltic States: in accordance with Benelux decisions M(2015)3 and M(2018)1, and the treaty of 14 September 2021 on the automatic recognition of higher education qualifications, some higher education diplomas awarded in Belgium , the Netherlands, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are also automatically recognised. If you hold such a diploma, you are exempt from the application for entry in the register of formal higher education qualifications.
Who is concerned
You can apply for recognition of your foreign higher education qualification if you wish to:
- carry an academic title; and
- demonstrate, for job-seeking purposes, the academic level of a diploma earned abroad.
Registration in the register may also be required to pursue academic study if you wish to enrol in a study programme at a higher level than that of the diploma held.
A higher education diploma can be registered in the register of certificates if the following criteria are met:
- it is a final diploma of successful completion of a higher education study cycle;
- the diploma has been granted according to the laws and regulations on higher education in the State where the diploma was awarded.
Your applications for registration in the register of formal higher education qualifications is subject to the payment of a EUR 75 fee per diploma.
Payment is to be made by credit card on the platform, at the end of the process, and is mandatory to complete the request.
Note: a refusal of entry in the register of formal higher education qualifications does not entitle to a refund of the fee.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
You can submit your application on with or without authentication using a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).
After the application is submitted, all subsequent communication, including notifications of changes in the application's processing status, will be sent by email.
The application can also be submitted by post (see the MESR website).
In order to speed up the processing of your application, you must ensure that:
- all required information has been provided; and
- all supporting documents have been enclosed with the application:
Supporting documents
You must also enclose with your application:
- a copy of the final diploma to be entered in the register of formal higher education;
- a copy of the diploma supplement or, if not available, a copy of the academic transcript;
- your academic and professional curriculum vitae (CV);
- a copy of an identity document;
- a copy of the valid residence permit issued by a member State of the European Union (applies to applicants who are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union, of a member state of the European Economic Area or of the Swiss Confederation).
Translations of documents
The documents must be accompanied by a sworn translation into English, French, German or Luxembourgish, if the original language is different.
Application processing time
The response time may vary according to the period of the year and depending on the number of requests to be processed simultaneously.
The need for further research and exchange with foreign authorities may also affect the duration.
The decision is sent to you by post in the form of a ministerial decree.
In the event of refusal of registration in the register of formal higher education qualifications, the means of appeal are explained in the letter, but are also available here.
Requesting duplicates
You can request a duplicate of the decree against the payment of a EUR 10 fee. Applications can be sent by post or email ( to the Ministry for Research and Higher Education, and must contain:
- a copy of an identity document; and
- proof of payment of the fee (the terms of payment by bank transfer are identical to those which apply to application files sent by post)
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry for Research and Higher Education
- Address:
18-20, montée de la Pétrusse
B.P. L-2915
- Phone:
- (+352) 247-86619
Closed ⋅ Opens at 7.45
- Wednesday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
- Thursday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
- Friday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
- Tuesday:
- 7.45 to 16.30
Reception: Monday to Friday from 7.45 to 16.30
Related procedures and links
Further information
Academic recognition (register of formal higher education qualifications) - BENELUX diplomas
on the website of the Ministry of Research and Higher Education
Voies de recours
sur le site du ministère de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement supérieur
Métiers et professions
sur le site de la Maison de l'orientation
Listes des experts, traducteurs et interprètes assermentés
sur le site du ministère de la Justice
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 28 octobre 2016
relative à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles
Règlement grand-ducal du 7 juillet 2023 portant :
1° modification du règlement grand-ducal modifié du 12 mai 2000 fixant les modalités et les conditions en vue de l’obtention d’une aide financière pour les médecins en voie de spécialisation
Règlement grand-ducal du 17 février 2017
relatif à la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles