Management of AECM commitments
Last update
This procedure is used to file:
- an initial application for a commitment to implement agri-environment-climate measures (AECMs); or
- an amendment to an existing commitment.
The AECMs in question are the AECMs provided for in the 2023–2027 Strategic Plan. The purpose of these measures is to support agricultural holdings which have made commitments to:
- contribute to the development of practices designed to link financial performance and environmental performance; or
- maintain and conserve such practices, where they are under threat of dying out.
The holdings must make commitments for several years (typically for 5 crop years). Thus, commitments signed in summer/autumn 2024 will be in force for the period from 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2029.
The general terms and conditions governing participation in the scheme can be found on the Agriculture Portal.
Applications must be submitted online via the platform.
Who is concerned
Eligible professionals
All farmers and winegrowers who wish to:
- submit an initial AECM commitment application; or
- request an amendment to an existing commitment.
The following measures are eligible:
540 – Financial support to establish sustainable and eco-friendly farming – Agriculture
541 – Financial support to establish sustainable and eco-friendly farming – Nurseries
542 – Financial support to establish sustainable and eco-friendly farming – Viticulture
543 – Financial support for organic farming
544 – Financial incentive to introduce the use of slurry and composting of manure
545 – Financial support to reduce the use of nitrogen-based fertilisers
546 – Financial support for pasturing of cattle
547 – Financial support to maintain a small herd of livestock
548 – Financial incentive for crop rotation and diversification
549 – Financial support for reduced groundworks
550 – Financial support to reduce cattle headcounts
551 – Permanent conversion of arable land to grassland
552 – Financial support for the conservation and rearing of endangered breeds
554 - Agroforestry
The producer must be registered as a farmer or winegrower in the database of the paying agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture.
For this purpose, they must be registered as a farmer or winegrower with the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre commun de la sécurité sociale - CCSS).
In addition to these basic conditions, the declarant must fulfil certain specific requirements in order to be eligible for a given aid scheme. This information is available as downloadable documents on the Agriculture Portal.
The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2024. Except in cases of force majeure and exceptional circumstances, aid amounts for the first year will be reduced by 1 % per working day of delay. Applications received after 25 October 2024 will not be considered.
The confirmation of commitment must be given annually in the wine-growing land use survey. Failure to confirm will be considered as early termination of the commitment.
The submission date taken into account is the date of transmission of the procedure in (status 'sent'), and not the date of finalisation of the procedure (status 'ready').
How to proceed
Components of the declaration
The online assistant lists all the possible multi-year commitments. They are available in the menu, depending on the declarant's choice.
Submitting the application
The request is made via an assistant accessible on, available under the heading 'Procedures catalogue / SER: Management of commitments MAEC'.
The person submitting the application needs:
- a LuxTrust product; or
- an electronic identity card (eID).
As the procedure includes initialised personal data, it can only be accessed through a certified business eSpace.
Certification requires the entry of an activation code. This code links the initialised data of the declaration with the LuxTrust certificate used to log in. These are the same codes as those used, for example, in the 'Wine-growing land use survey' procedure.
However, applicants who do require new codes (e.g. if the person submitting the application has changed) should immediately contact the Rural Economy Department (Service d’économie rurale - SER).
The finalisation, signature and transmission of the procedure are carried out according to the general terms and conditions of use of (see the help pages).
Additional rules
For certain AEC measures, information about the parcel(s) of land in question must be entered. Information on up to 250 parcels may be entered. Please note that for these measures, the parcel selected must remain in the programme for the entire duration of the commitment, except in cases of force majeure.
Applicants are asked to:
- select a parcel with its FLIK reference; or
- add a parcel from their land use application.
By default, the geolocation tool zooms in on the main address of the property holding. If the parcel in question is outside of the boundaries of the land registry extract, the applicant can:
- navigate around the map with their mouse; or
- search for the parcel in question using the search box (for example, using the address, the parcel number, etc.).
The applicant can also display other layers of data, supplied by the Geoportal, on the map.
Technical information about the tool
Various technical conditions must be met in order to use the geolocation tool:
- The tool does not work with Internet Explorer 11. Please use a different browser to make online applications.
- To select or draw a parcel, the applicant must first select the appropriate function: please click the corresponding button in the top right-hand part of the map.
Supporting documents
Depending on the type of commitment selected, certain evidence will be required. Probative documents must be attached to the application and sent as PDF files.
Help with the online assistant
The agricultural portal includes an illustrated user guide which shows the different stages involved in making an application, and explains the various actions required on the part of the user, particularly when using the map.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Rural Economy Department (SER)
- Address:
115, rue de Hollerich
B.P. 2102, L-1021 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 72 576
- Fax:
- (+352) 49 16 19
Rural Economy Department (SER) Direct Payments Division - Declaration of agricultural land and vineyard census
- Address:
115, rue de Hollerich
B.P. 2102, L-1021 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 82 590
- Fax:
- (+352) 49 16 19
- Email address:
Rural Economy Department (SER) Agricultural Statistics Division
- Address:
rue Hollerich, 115
B.P. 2102, L-1021 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 82 553
- Email address:
Rural Economy Department (SER) Direct Payments Division - Application for a change of the contact details or for the inactivation of an agricultural or wine-growing holding
- Address:
115, rue de Hollerich
B.P. 2102, L-1021 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 82 578
- Fax:
- (+352) 49 16 19
- Email address:
Rural Economy Department (SER) Direct Payments Division - Certification of the business eSpace
- Address:
115, rue de Hollerich
B.P. 2102, L-1021 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 82 590
- Email address:
- Website:
2 of 5 bodies shown
Related procedures and links
Further information
Portail de l’Agriculture
du ministère de l’Agriculture, de l'Alimentation et de la Viticulture
Manuel d'utilisateur - Gestion des engagements MAEC
sur le Portail de l'Agriculture
Legal references
Règlement (UE) 2021/2115 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 2 décembre 2021
établissant des règles régissant l’aide aux plans stratégiques devant être établis par les États membres dans le cadre de la politique agricole commune (plans stratégiques relevant de la PAC) et financés par le Fonds européen agricole de garantie (FEAGA) et par le Fonds européen agricole pour le développement rural (Feader), et abrogeant les règlements (UE) no 1305/2013 et (UE) no 1307/2013
Loi modifiée du 25 février 1980
portant organisation du service d'économie rurale