Voluntary health insurance
Last update
Any person carrying out a paid professional activity in Luxembourg has to be affiliated to the Luxembourg social security.
Persons residing in Luxembourg who do not benefit from health insurance can request a voluntary insurance by affiliating to the optional or continued health insurance scheme.
The voluntary health insurance enables its members to receive benefits in kind paid by the National Health Fund (Caisse nationale de santé - CNS), i.e. to obtain the reimbursement of medicine costs, medical fees, etc.
Who is concerned
A resident person in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg who is not affiliated to the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre commun de la sécurité sociale - CCSS) can register for voluntary sickness and maternity insurance:
- on a personal capacity (e.g. employee, trainee, self-employed, etc.); or
- as a co-insured person (e.g. the employee's children, a spouse without professional occupation, etc.).
Voluntary continued health insurance
A person previously affiliated to the CCSS but whose affiliation has ceased, is provided with the possibility to request affiliation to the voluntary continued health insurance scheme.
Example: following a separation from the partner, a person without professional occupation who had the status of co-insured person may request affiliation to the voluntary continued health insurance scheme.
In order to benefit from voluntary continued health insurance, applicants must:
- be resident in Luxembourg;
- be at least 18 years old;
- have been affiliated to the CCSS (as a main insured person or co-insured person) for an uninterrupted period of 6 months prior to the cessation of affiliation.
The period of 6 months is deemed to be uninterrupted even if there has been a cessation of affiliation for a period of less than 8 days; - submit their application to the CCSS within 3 months following the cessation of affiliation.
Voluntary optional health insurance
If a person has no health insurance (whether as a main insured or co-insured person, or if said person is not entitled to the voluntary continued health insurance), said person can request affiliation to the voluntary optional health insurance.
Example: a person without professional occupation with no other form of income can benefit from the voluntary optional health insurance scheme.
In order to benefit from voluntary optional health insurance, applicants must:
- be Luxembourg residents;
- not have benefitted from any other health insurance scheme.
How to proceed
Voluntary continued health insurance
Application for affiliation
Applicants must use the application form for voluntary health insurance in order to request their affiliation.
The application should be sent by post, email or fax to the CCSS within 3 months from the month during which the cessation of affiliation to the mandatory insurance took place.
The starting point for the 3-month deadline is the effective date of cessation of affiliation (stated in the document sent by the CCSS) and not the date of notification of the acknowledgment of receipt for the declaration of end of employment sent to the CCSS (sent by the employer where applicable).
Applicants keep their national identification number (matricule - 13-digit social security number) and social security card which they had as a main insured or co-insured person.
The person affiliated to the voluntary continued health insurance is immediately entitled to health insurance benefits, i.e. his medical expenses related to health care costs and medication will be directly reimbursed.
The contributions amount to EUR 107.58 per month since 1 January 2014.
Contributions must be paid:
- via monthly bank transfer at the beginning of each month; or
- via direct debit payment where authorised by the applicant.
To do so, the applicant must check the bank mandate box (procuration bancaire) and attach a bank account identification document.
Contributions are due as from the third month following the cessation of mandatory affiliation.
Cessation of affiliation
When the voluntary insured person does no longer wish to benefit from the voluntary continued health insurance, they must cancel their affiliation by sending a discharge notice for voluntary health insurance (déclaration de sortie de l'assurance maladie volontaire) to the CCSS.
The form can be sent by post, email or fax.
Moreover, the voluntary insurance shall cease ipso jure in the event of failure to pay on 2 successive payment due dates.
The voluntary insurance shall also cease ipso jure in the event of registration with the compulsory health insurance, e.g. if the insured person returns to work.
In the case of deregistration from compulsory health insurance, the worker must have been registered for a continuous period of 6 months immediately prior to the deregistration in order to benefit from the possibility to request voluntary continued health insurance.
Voluntary optional health insurance
Application for affiliation
Applicants must submit their application for voluntary health insurance by mail, email or fax to the CCSS.
Applicants who have already had a national identification number (13-digit social security number) in Luxembourg keep this number and state it in the application form.
Persons who have never had a national identification number (13-digit social security number) in Luxembourg must indicate their birth date (in the format year/month/day) and attach a copy of their identity card.
Following voluntary enrolment, the insured person will receive a social security card which serves as proof of their enrolment. It replaces, where applicable, the social security card already held by the applicant, if any.
Reimbursement of expenses related to health care and medication
Voluntary insured persons must be affiliated to social security for 3 months minimum before they are entitled to benefits in kind (i.e. the reimbursement of expenses related to health care, medicine, etc).
The contributions amount to EUR 107.58 per month since 1 January 2014.
Contributions must be paid:
- via monthly bank transfer at the beginning of each month; or
- via direct debit payment where authorised by the applicant.
To do so, the applicant must check the bank mandate box (procuration bancaire) and attach a bank account identification document.
Contributions are due as from the day the application for affiliation is submitted to the CCSS.
Cessation of affiliation
If the voluntary insured person does no longer wish to benefit from the voluntary optional health insurance, they must cancel their affiliation by sending a discharge notice for voluntary health insurance (déclaration de sortie de l'assurance maladie volontaire) to the CCSS.
The form can be sent by post, email or fax.
Voluntary insurance shall end ipso jure in the case of non-payment of contributions on 2 successive due dates and in case of affiliation to the compulsory health insurance scheme (e.g. if the insured person returns to work).
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS)
- Address:
4, rue Mercier
L-2975 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 40 14 11
- Email address:
- ccss@secu.lu
- Website:
- https://ccss.lu/en.html
Closed ⋅ Opens at 8.00
- Wednesday:
- 8.00 to 16.00
- Thursday:
- 8.00 to 16.00
- Friday:
- 8.00 to 16.00
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 8.00 to 16.00
- Tuesday:
- 8.00 to 16.00
The reception desks can only be visited by appointment.
National Health Fund (CNS)
- Address:
4, rue Mercier
L-2980 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 27 57 1
- Fax:
- (+352) 27 57 27 58
- Email address:
- cns@secu.lu
- Website:
- https://cns.public.lu/en
Related procedures and links
Further information
New employees
on the website of the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS)
Voluntary health insurance
on the website of the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS)
Legal references
- Code de la sécurité sociale
- Statuts de la Caisse nationale de santé (CNS)
Règlement grand-ducal du 8 décembre 2011
relatif à l'assurance maladie volontaire