Application for a subsidy for a tourism project
Last update
The Ministry of the Economy can grant a subsidy to communal administrations and non-profit associations (ASBL) that are promoting tourism when carrying out a project or activity in the interests of national tourism.
This concerns:
- the organisation of a public tourism event;
- production of advertising materials (printing of flyers, brochures, city maps or graphic design);
- the implementation of another tourism-related project.
Who is concerned
Only communes and non-profit associations may benefit from these aid schemes.
A preliminary application using the duly completed form, must be submitted no later than 3 months before the event or activity.
After the event, the application must be sent again to the General Directorate for Tourism together with the supporting documents.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
You must submit a duly completed aid application using the form provided for this purpose to the General Directorate for Tourism.
If you submit the application electronically, please use the email address
If the application is submitted by post, the following address should be used:
Ministère de l’Économie
Direction générale du tourisme
Aides financières, budget et comptabilité
B.P. 86
L-2937 Luxembourg
Supporting documents
Before the event or activity, the preliminary application must be accompanied by:
- the form, duly completed and signed;
- a estimated budget for the project;
- specific price quotes.
After the event or activity, the application must be accompanied by:
- the form, duly completed and signed;
- financial statements showing receipts and expenses;
- receipted invoices and proofs of payment;
- any documents illustrating the implementation of the project (press kit, activity report, photos, videos, posters, etc.);
- information on the possible participation of third parties in the financing of the project.
Amount of aid
The subsidy comes in the form of a financial aid paid to the beneficiary.
The amount of aid is determined by the General Directorate for Tourism based on:
- the activity's touristic value;
- the available budget.
The aid will be paid after completion of the activity on presentation of the application and supporting documents.
Obligations of the beneficiary
Recipients of a subsidy are required to meet the following obligations:
- the subsidy may only be used for costs and expenses related to the activity for which it was requested;
- all documents provided to the public for the purpose of presentation, information or advertising, including the website, must show the following note 'Avec le soutien de la Direction générale du tourisme du Ministère de l’Économie (supported by the General Directorate for Tourism of the Ministry of the Economy) together with a reproduction of the Ministry's logo;
- when publishing printed matter (flyers, brochures, city maps):
- if applicants have their own graphic charter, it should be used in conjunction with the Visit Luxembourg logo;
- if the applicant does not have a graphic charter, the National Tourist Board's graphic charter should be used in conjunction with the Visit Luxembourg logo;
- if applicants have their own graphic charter, it should be used in conjunction with the Visit Luxembourg logo;
- they must inform the Ministry of any major change in the association (mandate, legal or administrative structure, change in the board of directors, etc.).
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of the Economy General Directorate for Tourism (Financial aid, budget and accounting)
- Address:
19-21, boulevard Royal
B.P. 86, L-2937 Luxembourg
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Legal references
concernant le budget des recettes et des dépenses de l'État pour l'exercice 2020
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