Subsidy application for the purchase of special equipment

Dernière modification le

The subsidy can be applied for by communal administrations or tourist information offices for the acquisition of special equipment in order to maintain or develop walking trails such as:

  • equipment for mowing operations;
  • equipment for the placement of posts and pannels;
  • tools for the repair of benches;
  • acquisition and installation of benches and bins.

Personnes concernées

Only communal administrations and tourist information offices actively promoting tourism can benefit from the subsidy.


Applications must be transmitted at the latest one month before the acquisition of the equipment together with the required supporting documents.

Related invoices must be transmitted at the latest by 15 December of the year for which the subsidy is requested.

Modalités pratiques

Filing an application

The applicant must submit a duly completed aid application using the form provided for this purpose to the General Directorate for Tourism.

The application can be submitted electronically to the email address

If the application is submitted by post, the following address should be used:

Ministère de l’Économie
Direction générale du tourisme
Aides financières et comptabilité
B.P. 86
L-2937 Luxembourg

Supporting documents

Applications must be accompanied by:

  • an itemised quotation;
  • where applicable, a Land Registry extract (Geoportal) providing information on the location of the equipment to be purchased (e.g. the location of a bench on a trail);
  • where applicable, a photo of the current setup (e.g. of the bench that is to be replaced).

Amount of aid

The subsidy comes in the form of a financial aid paid to the beneficiary.

The amount of aid is determined by the General Directorate for Tourism depending on:

  • the equipment purchased by the communal administration or the tourist information office;
  • the available budget.


The subsidy is awarded as soon as possible after receiving the application, in the form of a direct payment of public financial aid to the beneficiary.

Services en ligne et formulaires

Organismes de contact

General Directorate - Tourism (Financial aid and Accounting)

Démarches et liens associés




Références légales

Loi modifiée du 20 décembre 2019

concernant le budget des recettes et des dépenses de l'État pour l'exercice 2020

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