Application for payment of state aid to businesses

Last update

The Ministry of the Economy grants several types of aid to businesses:

Businesses that benefit from one of these aids must submit the application for payment online via

The aid (capital grant or recoverable advance payment) is usually paid after completion of the project in question. However, one or more instalments may be paid as the investments are made.

Who is concerned?

Each business that is granted aid from the Ministry of the Economy.


The application for payment must be submitted before the cut-off date specified in the grant decision/agreement.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

Businesses must submit their application for payment of aid using an online assistant on

The person submitting the application (the applicant him/herself or their representative) needs:

  • a LuxTrust product (e.g. Token, Smartcard or Signing Stick); or
  • an electronic identity card.

How to create a business eSpace on

There are 2 possible scenarios:

  1. You are a new user of You must:
    • first register on; and
    • then create a business eSpace.
  2. You already have a private eSpace on You can directly create a business eSpace without having to register again.

Further information as well as tutorials in relation with the business eSpace are available in our dedicated help page.

Information to be provided

Businesses must provide certain elements:

  • the amount of costs incurred by category and type of aid for the reporting period; and
  • the key information contained in the decision/agreement (file reference, amount of aid granted, aid intensity, etc.).

Detailed/summary cost statement

The business can choose between:

  • a detailed cost statement: all related invoices must be entered. This is the recommended choice if the number of invoices is less than or equal to 10;
  • a summary cost statement: the total amount per cost category and type of aid must be provided. In this case, the company must provide a statement of invoices.

Note: the size of each invoice is limited to 15MB. However, you can upload the required documents as zip files.

Supporting documents

Applications for aid must include the following information and documents:

  • proof of all costs incurred: invoices, payroll expenses; and
  • proof of payment of these costs and expenses incurred (bank statement).

Businesses must add these documents at the end of the procedure.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

For RDI, environmental and regional aid:

General Directorate for Industry, new Technology and Research


For SMEs

General Directorate for Industry, new Technology and Research

General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Department for Support to SMEs)

Related procedures and links

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