Temporary environmental impact aid scheme
Last update
Temporary aid for environmental impact is used to give companies a greater incentive to invest in measures that substantially reduce their environmental impact, such as:
- the increase of energy efficiency;
- the production of energy from renewable sources;
- the reduction of water consumption and pollution;
- the recycling and reuse of waste.
The financial aid application must be filed by 30 June 2025 at the latest.
Who is concerned
Eligible businesses
Any business that has a business permit.
Eligible costs
Eligible costs are investment costs for tangible assets, such as:
- machinery and equipment with a unit value of more than EUR 750 for use other than for rental purposes;
- investment in photovoltaic panels (maximum 60 kWp) for own consumption;
- the extension/renovation of buildings used to accommodate a craft or commercial activity, with the exception of buildings used exclusively for residential, rental or administrative purposes.
The aid is granted for new projects/investments (incentive effect), when they have the effect of substantially reducing the company's environmental impact, for example through:
- the increase of energy efficiency;
- the production of energy from renewable sources;
- the reduction of water consumption and pollution;
- the recycling and reuse of waste.
The extent of any substantial reduction in the company's environmental impact must be assessed by an accredited independent expert in the field.
The incentive effect is satisfied when a full application for aid was transmitted to the granting authority prior to the commencement of work on the project in question.
The financial aid application must be filed by 30 June 2025 at the latest.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
It is compulsory for companies to seek advice from the House of Sustainability and the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts. The consultants from the 2 professional chambers:
- give their opinion on the choice of expert; and
- support the business in the application process.
Contacts for businesses in all sectors (except craft):
- telephone: (+352) 42 39 39 450
- email: sustainability@cc.lu
Contact for craft businesses:
- phone: (+352) 42 67 67 505
- email: ehandwierk@cdm.lu
Supporting documents
Applications for aid and the SNCI recovery loan must include the following information and documents:
- the name of the company;
- the current signed legal organisation chart showing the structure and size of the company and the company's shareholder structure up to its beneficial owner(s), in accordance with Annex I of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of the Commission of 17 June 2014 (GBER);
- a description of the investment project, including its start and end dates;
- a description of how the investment project will be operated and its environmental impact;
- the assessment of the accredited independent expert in the field;
- the location of the investment project;
- the total project cost;
- a list of eligible costs of the investment project;
- a financing plan;
- the form and the amount of financial aid required for the investment project;
- any other relevant information which would help assess the qualities or the specific features of the project or programme and its incentive effect;
In addition, applications for the SNCI recovery loan must include the following information and documents:
- audited annual accounts for the last 3 financial years;
- information sheet on the solvency of the partners/shareholders (French, Pdf, 154 Kb);
- declaration form of the company's beneficial owner(s) (French, Pdf, 296 Kb);
- overview of the bank commitments;
- 3-year provisional business plan.
Amount of aid
The maximum amount of aid for each project may not exceed:
- 70 % of eligible investments for small businesses;
- 60 % of eligible investments for medium-sized businesses;
- 50 % of eligible investments for large businesses;
while not exceeding EUR 100,000 per group.
For any investment project, the amount of aid may not be less than EUR 7,500.
Amount of the recovery loan
The amount of the recovery loan can cover up to 50% of eligible investments, up to a maximum of €250,000 per group.
Guarantees: personal, joint and several and indivisible guarantee from 100% of the shareholders/partners up to the amount of the loan.
Interest rate: 5.85% p.a.
Term: maximum 7 years including a maximum grace period of 12 months.
Payment of the aid
The aid is paid in the form of a capital grant once the investments for which it was awarded have been completed.
However, one or more advance payments may be made as and when the investments or expenditures for which the aid was granted are carried out.
The company must repay any amount unduly received if an incompatibility is found after the aid has been granted.
Who to contact
Ministry of the Economy General Directorate for SME, Craft and Retail (Department for State Aid)
- Address:
- 19-21, boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg
House of Sustainability
- Address:
- 7, rue Alcide de Gasperi L-2981 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 42 39 39 450
- Email address:
- sustainability@cc.lu
Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts eHandwierk services
- Address:
2, circuit de la foire internationale
B.P. 1604, L-1016
- Phone:
- (+352) 42 67 67 505
- Email address:
- ehandwierk@cdm.lu
- Website:
- https://www.cdm.lu/
National Credit and Investment Institution (SNCI)
- Address:
7, rue du Saint Esprit
B.P. 1207, L-1012
- Phone:
- (+352 ) 46 19 71 1
- Fax:
- (+352) 46 19 71 90
- Email address:
- snci@snci.lu
- Website:
- http://www.snci.lu/
Related procedures and links
Legal references
relative à un régime d’aides en faveur des petites et moyennes entreprises