Ordering a colorectal cancer screening kit

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As part of the national colorectal cancer screening programme, invitations have been sent out for a home test. With the voucher provided, you can either order the screening kit online at MyGuichet.lu or by phone, or you can collect it in person.

In Luxembourg, colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers and the risk of being affected by it increases with age. Screening every 2 years is an effective way to detect colorectal cancer in its early stages.

In the fight against this type of cancer the Health Directorate at the Ministry of Health and Social Security sends out invitations to carry out a 'FIT' test (abbreviation of 'Fecal Immunochemical Test') as part of the colorectal cancer screening programme. This is a home test that enables the detection of blood in stools.

The invitation contains a voucher number that allows you to order a home screening kit:

  • through your private eSpace on MyGuichet.lu; or
  • by phone.

You can also collect the kit in person from:

  • a pharmacy in Luxembourg; or
  • a sampling centre of the BIONEXT medical analysis laboratory.

Who is concerned

The screening invitation is sent to people aged 45 to 74 years old who:

If you meet these criteria but you live abroad, you can still make a request to participate in the programme. To do this, you must contact the Cancer Screening Programme Coordination Centre (Centre de coordination des programmes de dépistages organisés des cancers):

Direction de la santé
Centre de coordination des programmes de dépistages organisés des cancers
20, rue de Bitbourg
L-1273 Luxembourg


To be able to order or collect a screening kit, you must have previously received an invitation by post.

If you would like to order the screening kit online, you must have a private eSpace on MyGuichet.lu. This is a procedure requiring authentication. You therefore need your own authentication product, i.e.:

  • a LuxTrust product; or
  • a Luxembourg electronic identity card (eID); or
  • an eIDAS device from another European country.

If you don't have the means or technological skills to order the kit online, you can also order it by phone or collect it in person. You will find more details under 'How to proceed'.


The invitation number (voucher) shown on the invitation is valid for 2 years.


All costs associated with participation in the colorectal cancer screening programme are covered by the Health Directorate. This includes:

  • ordering the screening kit;
  • sending the stool sample; and
  • the laboratory analysis.

If the result of your FIT is positive, the follow-up colonoscopy is covered entirely by your health insurance fund. Only the costs associated with the anaesthetic and the preparation products are not fully reimbursed.

How to proceed

Sending the invitation

You will receive the first invitation by post in the month of your 45th birthday. Subsequent invitations are sent at the following intervals:

  • if you don't participate in the screening, you will receive:
    • a reminder after 4 months underlining the importance of the screening;
    • a new invitation 23 months after the first;
  • if you participate in the screening and the result is negative, you will receive another invitation and screening kit 23 months after doing the FIT test, without having to place an order.

If you want to know when you will receive your invitation, you can contact the cancer screening programme coordination centre:

  • by email to colorectal@ms.etat.lu stating your 13-digit Luxembourg national identification number (matricule);
  • by telephone on: (+352) 247 75 550 then choose the option 'PDOCCR' which stands for 'Programme de dépistage organisé du cancer colorectal' (Colorectal cancer screening programme).

Participation in the colorectal cancer screening programme

Participation in the colorectal cancer screening programme is voluntary and is not subject to any obligation.

The invitation number (voucher) and the screening kit are linked to your 13-digit Luxembourg national identification number (matricule) and are therefore registered to you. You cannot pass them on to another person.

In the event that you have recently had a colonoscopy or if you have digestive symptoms, the Health Directorate advises you to contact your doctor before doing a screening test.

Ordering or collecting your colorectal cancer screening kit

You can order the screening kit online through your private eSpace onMyGuichet.lu.

Since this is a procedure with authentication, the following information has already been filled out within the procedure and can't be changed:

  • your 13-digit Luxembourg national identification number (matricule);
  • your surname and first name.

After you have entered the invitation number (voucher), you can choose:

  • the language for the screening kit;
  • the delivery address for the screening kit.

If you don't have the means or technological skills to order the kit online, you can also order it by phone. To do so, please contact the call centre for the BIONEXT medical analysis laboratory on the following number: (+352) 27 321 888. The number is accessible:

  • Monday to Friday from 6.00 to 19.00;
  • Saturday from 6.30 to 13.00.

To order the kit, you have to provide the call centre agent with:

  • your 13-digit Luxembourg national identification number (matricule);
  • your surname and first name; and
  • the voucher number shown on your invitation.

The screening kit will be sent at the earliest within 7 days to the address provided. If you haven't received the kit after this period, you can contact the cancer screening programme coordination centre:

You can also collect your screening kit in person from:

You will find the addresses of the centres on the laboratory website.

To collect your kit in person, you must bring your invitation with you.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • Health Directorate Cancer Screening Programme Coordination Centre

    20, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    (+352) 247 75 550
    Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 11.30 and from 14.00 to 17.00

    If the telephone number is not accessible or if you call outside opening hours, an answering service is also available.

Related procedures and links



Further information

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