Covid vaccination certificate
Last update
If you have been vaccinated against Covid in Luxembourg since 1 July 2024 inclusive, you will receive a paper vaccination certificate with a GouvCheck QR code on it.
You can also download a digital copy of this certificate in your private eSpace on If you don't have a private eSpace or if, for example, you lose your certificate, you can request a copy of the certificate by email. It will then be sent to you by post
In Luxembourg, vaccinations against Covid are not usually recorded on your paper vaccination card. However, so that you can keep track of it, you will receive a vaccination certificate which contains all of the important information (date of the vaccination, vaccine, manufacturer, etc.).
If your doctor opens a digital vaccination file (carnet de vaccination électronique - CVE) for you, the information on your Covid vaccines will be added to it, as long as you have given your consent for this transfer.
For vaccinations done since 1 July 2024 inclusive, the certificates provided are no longer CovidCheck certificates. They are therefore no longer European digital certificates. Consequently, they cannot be scanned using the CovidCheck mobile app.
Nonetheless, they still contain a GouvCheck QR code. This QR code enables you to check the authenticity of the certificate issued by the Health Directorate (Direction de la santé) of the Ministry of Health and Social Security.
Your previous vaccination certificates remain accessible for download in your private eSpace on
Who is concerned
Anyone who:
- has been vaccinated against Covid in Luxembourg since 1 July 2024; and
- has a 13-digit Luxembourg national identification number (matricule).
To be able to download your Covid digital vaccination certificate online, you must have a private eSpace on You therefore need your authentication product, i.e.:
- a LuxTrust product;
- a Luxembourg electronic identity card (eID); or
- an eIDAS device from another European country.
How to proceed
To obtain your Covid vaccination certificate, you can:
- download it online through your private eSpace on; or
- ask to receive it by post.
To ask for it to be sent by post, please send an email to providing your 13-digit Luxembourg national identification number (matricule).
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Health Directorate Health risks
- Address:
- 13a, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
(+352) 247 55 500
Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.00
- Email address:
Related procedures and links
Further information
Carnet de Vaccination Electronique (CVE)
sur le site de l'Agence eSanté Luxembourg
Carte de vaccination : Certificat international de vaccination
GouvCheck QR code
on the website of the Government IT Centre (CTIE)