Linking a mobile device with my account

Last update

To benefit from all functionalities in the mobile application, you must link the mobile device (smartphone or tablet) with your account.

After linking, you can access the mobile application at any time using:

  • a 6-digit secret code of your choice; and
  • the biometric function (facial or fingerprint recognition) available on your mobile device.

This allows you to access the functions without needing to carry your authentication product with you.



If you are a new user, you must first register on to be able to link your account with your mobile device. It is not possible to register directly in the mobile application. You must access via your internet browser. For more information, please consult the relevant help page:

Registering on

New LuxTrust product

You cannot link your device with a LuxTrust product that you have never used before to log on to This means that if, for example, you have never used your LuxTrust Scan product to connect to, you cannot use that product to link your device. You must first register the product on

How to proceed


If you use LuxTrust Mobile or LuxTrust Scan, you can link your device directly from your mobile device. To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the mobile app and tap 'Link your device'.
  2. Enter the device name that will be used to identify your device if you are linking several devices with your account.
  3. Select the 'LuxTrust' link method.
  4. Tap 'Continue'.
  5. Select the LuxTrust product you want to use to link your device.
  6. Follow the authentication steps corresponding to the LuxTrust product selected.
  7. Enter a 6-digit secret code that will allow you to access the application.
  8. Press 'Activate biometrics' if you also wish to unlock the mobile application using the biometric functionality (facial recognition or fingerprint) offered by your mobile device. This step is optional. You can skip it and press 'Skip this step'.

If you are not using the LuxTrust Mobile or LuxTrust Scan authentication product, you must link your device by scanning a QR code. In this case, you will need 2 devices:

  • the one on which you have installed the mobile application; and
  • another device on which you can scan the QR code.

To start the linking procedure with a QR code, you must first connect to from the browser on the other device. Then click on the 'Link a device' button in the header.

Then follow the steps below on your mobile device on which you have installed the mobile app and which you wish to link with your account:

  1. Open the mobile app and tap on 'Link your device'.
  2. Enter the device name that will be used to identify your device if you are linking several devices with your account.
  3. Select the 'QR code' link method.
  4. Tap 'Continue'.
  5. Authorise the mobile application to access the camera on your mobile device. You can modify your choice at any time in the device's system settings.
  6. Scan the QR code displayed on the other device. Hold your device still for a few seconds to ensure that the QR code is scanned correctly.
  7. Enter a 6-digit secret code that will allow you to access the application.
  8. Tap 'Activate biometrics' if you also wish to unlock the mobile application using the biometric functionality (facial recognition or fingerprint) offered by your mobile device. This step is optional. You can skip it by tapping 'Skip this step'.

Each QR code can only be used once to link a single device. If you want to link another device, you must first generate a new QR code and then scan it. Otherwise, an error message will appear in the mobile application.

You have successfully linked your mobile device with your account.

Tap 'Back to home screen' to access your account.

You will receive an automatic email (sent from the email address confirming that your mobile device has been linked with your account.

Useful information

Note that you:

  • must link each mobile device individually on which the mobile app is installed;
  • cannot link multiple accounts with the same mobile device;
  • are linking your account as a whole.

It is not possible to only link one of your personal eSpaces (private or business).

Managing your linked devices

In the browser version of, you can consult a list of devices linked to your account, which may help you to detect unusual or unknown activities. To access this list, proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to via your browser.
  2. Then click on the 'Link a device' button in the header.
  3. Click on 'Unlink my device'.
  4. You will automatically be redirected to the Luxembourg State authentication portal (eAccess): follow the steps that correspond to your authentication device.

From this page, you can unlink one or more mobile devices from your account at any time, without having access to the mobile device in question. This can be useful, for example, if you have lost a linked mobile device or if it has been stolen.


You can unlink your mobile device from your account at any time. For more information, please consult the relevant help page:

Unlinking my account from the mobile app


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