Compensation for material damage, dental crowns, prostheses, orthoses or epitheses following an accident that occurred on or after 1 January 2011

Last update

Each work-related or commuting accident can involve:

  • damage to motor vehicles; and/or
  • incidental material damages; and/or
  • damage to dental crowns, prostheses, orthotics and epitheses that the insured person was wearing/carrying at the time of the accident;

Who is concerned

Each person who is the victim of a work-related or commuting accident, or a school/extracurricular accident.


The work, commuting or school accident must have been declared beforehand.


The interested party must submit their application within one year from the recognition of the accident or they risk forfeiture of the right to compensation.

How to proceed

Compensation for damage to motor vehicles

The insured party is entitled to compensation for damage to the motor vehicle in use at the time of an accident which occurred on a public road.

The insured person is compensated within the limit of a deductible corresponding to two thirds of the social minimum wage.

The maximum amount of compensation is:

  • 5 times the social minimum wage for commuting accidents; and
  • 7 times the social minimum wage for work-related accidents.

The insured person can be compensated even in the absence of a bodily injury, but only if:

  • the insurance company of the damaged vehicle does not cover the material damage (casco);
  • the accident was not caused by a responsible third party.

The interested party will be compensated for the damage to the vehicle in case:

  • the repair of the vehicle is required:
    • the vehicle's value will be determined:
      • on the basis of an expert valuation; or
      • failing that, by referring to a similar value on the used car market;
    • the interested party must present a receipted invoice from a legally established professional, etablished in Luxembourg or abroad, in order to be compensated;
  • the vehicle is written off: the vehicle's value will be determined:
    • on the basis of an expert valuation; or
    • failing that, by reference to a similar value on the used car market, reduced by a lump sum of EUR 110 at index 100 representing the value of the wreck. The insured person can prove that the wreck's value is lower by presenting an invoice from a professional legally established in Luxembourg or abroad. The deductible must also be deducted from the compensation amount.

The Accident Insurance Association (Association d’assurance accident - AAA) will reimburse the expert's valuation cost, if this valuation was carried out at the request of the insured party and if the latter covered these costs.

The AAA does not cover the costs relating to:

  • roadside assistance;
  • towing;
  • storage;
  • rental of a replacement vehicle.

It should be noted that pupils and students only benefit from compensation for material damage to a motor vehicle if they have not been able to use public transport for serious reasons beyond their control.

The material damage to the vehicle is compensated upon written request (French, Pdf, 802 Kb), which needs to be sent to the AAA by post.

Declarants are invited to consult our tutorial regarding the use of PDF forms.

Compensation for incidental material damage

The insured party is entitled to compensation for incidental material damage on condition that the accident caused bodily injury.

Compensation for damage caused to clothes and other personal items is granted:

  • on presentation of the invoice (only valid for items purchased before the accident);
  • with a 20% deduction per year for wear and tear.

The damage is compensated upon written request (French, Pdf, 781 Kb) sent to the AAA by post.

Declarants are invited to consult our tutorial regarding the use of PDF forms.

Compensation for damage to dental crowns, prostheses, orthoses and epitheses

The insured person is entitled to compensation for damages caused to dental crowns, prostheses, orthotics and epitheses that they were wearing/carrying at the time of the accident, even in the absence of bodily injuries.

The insured is compensated for:

  • a prosthesis implanted in the body to compensate for a missing or failing organ; or
  • a prosthesis not implanted but restoring a compromised bodily function; or
  • an orthopedic prosthesis; or
  • a dental crown.

The damage to glasses is only reimbursed if there is a bodily injury because they are not prostheses replacing a part of the human body.

The damage is compensated upon written request (French, Pdf, 1.86 Mb) sent to the AAA by post.

Declarants are invited to consult our tutorial regarding the use of PDF forms.


Interested parties have several means of appeal at their disposal to assert their rights.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • Accident Insurance Association (AAA)

    4, rue Mercier L-2144 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    L-2976 Luxembourg

    Desk opening hours (with or without booking an appointment via

    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00
    8.00 to 12.00
    8.00 to 12.00
    8.00 to 12.00
    8.00 to 12.00
    8.00 to 12.00
  • Accident Insurance Association (AAA) Benefits department

    (+352) 49 53 35
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday à 9h00
    9h00 à 11h30, 13h30 à 16h00
    9h00 à 11h30, 13h30 à 16h00
    9h00 à 11h30, 13h30 à 16h00
    9h00 à 11h30, 13h30 à 16h00
    9h00 à 11h30, 13h30 à 16h00

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