Applying for official measurement of a property
Last update
Any property owner may request a measurement of their property in order to have an official cadastral survey (MO) plan produced that is showing the boundaries of their plot and its contents.
The official measurement includes:
- re-establishing the demarcation; and
- where applicable, the amicable demarcation of the boundaries.
In the case of subdivisions for building purposes or subdivisions for property transactions, new plots are created and described by an MO plan, which must be drawn up by an official surveyor (GO). This plan serves as the basis for property transactions.
The purpose of the request for measurement may be limited to defining and physically marking the property boundaries, with or without drawing up an MO map. If necessary, the official surveyor (GO), in the presence of all the owners concerned, or their representatives, may carry out an amicable demarcation, followed by a demarcation and boundary recognition report signed by all the parties involved. If an attempt at amicable demarcation fails, the GO will draw up a report of failure to demarcate (procès-verbal de carence), which will enable the most diligent party to bring an action for judicial demarcation.
If the purpose of the measurement request is to draw up topographical plans that are required for a special development plan (PAP), based on a topographical survey, the interested party is asked to contact an official surveyor in the private sector.
By using the online procedure on, each owner can submit an application for measurement to:
- the Land Registry and Topography Administration (Administration du cadastre et de topographie - ACT); or
- an official surveyor in the private sector (download the list of official surveyors accredited by the Minister of Finance).
Who is concerned
Anyone who owns built or unbuilt land in Luxembourg and who:
- needs to know the exact boundaries of their property; or
- needs a plan of their property for administrative purposes or a property transaction.
The processing of a request for measurement by the Land Registry and Topography Administration is invoiced on the basis of the following hourly fees:
- surveyor: EUR 120; (chargé d’études)
- manager: EUR 85; (chargé de gestion)
- administrative agent: EUR 50 (rédacteur/expéditionnaire)
- land registry agent: EUR 30 (agent des domaines)
The processing of a request for measurement by an official surveyor from the private sector will be based on the quote from that surveyor.
How to proceed
Filing an application
The request for measurement should be sent to the ACT using the online procedure on (see 'Forms / Online services').
Application submitted by a natural person
If you are a natural person, the procedure can be submitted:
- with authentication
- using a LuxTrust product; or
- an electronic identity card (eID).
- without authentication; or
- by using the mobile app. In order to do so, applicants must:
Application submitted by a legal person
If you are a legal person, the procedure can be submitted without authentication:
Please note that the online procedure is currently not available in the business eSpace.
Next steps
The transmission of the application will be confirmed by an automated transmission receipt.
If the applicant chooses to use the Land Registry and Topography Administration, the application will be registered by the latter, which will inform the applicant by return of an acknowledgement of receipt via
If the applicant opts for an official private surveyor's office, they will be contacted by email.
Online services and forms
Online services
My data
Who to contact
Land Registry and Topography Administration (ACT)
- Address:
1, rue Charles Darwin
B.P. 1761, L-1017 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 54 400
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 93 976
- Email address:
- Website:
Closed ⋅ Opens at 9.00
- Thursday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
- Friday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
- Tuesday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
- Wednesday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
Land Registry and Topography Administration (ACT) Branch office
- Address:
280, route de Longwy
B.P. 3095, L-1030 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 54 407
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 93 973
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Further information
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 25 juillet 2002
portant réorganisation de l'administration du cadastre et de la topographie
Loi modifiée du 25 juillet 2002
création et réglementation des professions de géomètre et de géomètre officiel
Règlement grand-ducal du 10 août 2018
portant fixation des conditions et modalités de consultation et de délivrance de la documentation cadastrale, topographique, cartographique et géodésique gérée par l’administration du cadastre et de la topographie et portant fixation du tarif des taxes à percevoir au profit de l'État pour les travaux de bureau et de terrain exécutés par l’administration du cadastre et de la topographie