Requesting an extract from the Land Registry
Last update
The purpose of a cadastral map (land registry map) is to provide information and mark the boundaries of plots of land as units of real estate, delimiting them graphically from the neighbouring plots, showing any buildings that are present and identifying them with a parcel number and their belonging to a given section and commune.
Thus, a cadastral map is a land map which serves to locate and identify buildings and plots of land. The owner of a property can be identified from the parcel number of land.
Who is concerned
Notaries, real-estate professionals and private individuals may apply for a Land Registry extract (also: cadastral extract).
Ownership certificates, copies of the cadastral map and the copies of land measurements ordered on the online application and delivered in electronic format are free of charge.
The ownership certificates, the copies of the cadastral map and the copies of the land measurements provided in paper format are charged.
The cost of an ownership certificate complemented by the indication of origins varies depending on the amount of work required to carry out the manual research.
How to proceed
Application for a Land Registry extract
The Land Registry and Topography Administration (Administration du cadastre et de la topographie - ACT) records each plot of land, whether built upon or not, the owner's details and the history of the plot.
Therefore, a Land Registry extract from the ACT can, depending on the applicant's needs, contain all or part of this information.
The ACT provides users with an application wizard for online orders of cadastral extracts.
Applicants can choose between 2 ways to receive the documents:
- in electronic format: the applicant can order and receive the extract in PDF format for free by email;
- in paper format: the applicant can order the extract in paper format. It will be invoiced and sent by post. The application for online ordering includes a secure online payment feature.
The PDF document is identical to the paper document.
Ownership certificate/Certificate of year of construction/Class of property - cadastral income on built-up land
The ownership certificates (extracts from the land registry) can be:
- ordered with the online application;
- collected in the premises of the ACT's main office.
The certificates of year of construction can be ordered:
- by post;
- by fax;
- by email;
- directly in the ACT's main or regional offices.
The required extract may be sent by post if paid for, or collected from the reception at the ACT's head office.
Origins (searching for deeds)
Origins can be ordered:
- by post;
- by fax;
- by email;
- directly in the ACT's main or regional offices.
The required extract may be sent by post if paid for, or collected from the reception at the ACT's head office.
A 1:2,500-scale copy of a cadastral map with or without specific details
The extracts of the cadastral map, with or without specific details can be:
- ordered with the online application;
- collected in the premises of the ACT's main office.
Copies of measurements
If a plot of land has been officially measured, a copy of the measurements can be ordered:
- with the online application;
- by post;
- by fax;
- directly in the ACT's main office.
Online services and forms
Online services
My data
Who to contact
Land Registry and Topography Administration (ACT)
- Address:
1, rue Charles Darwin
B.P. 1761, L-1017 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 54 400
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 93 976
- Email address:
- Website:
Closed ⋅ Opens at 9.00
- Friday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
- Tuesday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
- Wednesday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
- Thursday:
- 9.00 to 15.00
Land Registry and Topography Administration (ACT) Branch office
- Address:
280, route de Longwy
B.P. 3095, L-1030 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 54 407
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 93 973
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Further information
Legal references
portant réorganisation de l'administration du cadastre et de la topographie