Applying for financial aid for energy efficiency renovation of a residential building (PRIMe House 2017)

Last update

The Environment Agency (Administration de l’environnement) grants subsidies for energy efficiency renovation projects undertaken to:

The PRIMe House 2017 scheme aims to support sustainable energy efficiency renovations in existing residential buildings that are more than 10 years old. These subsidies are awarded for renovation works on condition that the invoices for the works were issued between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2024, and that the invoice for the energy consultant's report was issued between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2021.

For energy consultancy reports invoiced prior to 1 January 2017, the previous PRIMe House aid scheme still applies.

Applications for the aid must be filed with the Single point of contact for housing assistance (Guichet unique des aides au logement).

Note: PRIMe House financial aids can only be granted once and only for a residential building located in Luxembourg.

Who is concerned

Eligible persons

PRIMe House financial aids may be applied for by any person who wishes to improve the energy efficiency performance of their home, i.e.:

  • natural persons;
  • legal persons established under private law;
  • public legal persons other than the State.

The application can be filed by the legal representative of a group of natural or legal persons provided that the applicant is part of that group.

Applications may also be filed by the owner(s) of the residence, except when there is a change of ownership and the new owner of the residence and/or technical installation forgoes the aid in question for the benefit of the former owner who made the investments.

Financial aid for sustainable energy efficiency renovation projects may be received concurrently with aid available for the implementation of technical installations.

Eligible works

PRIMe House subsidies can be requested for sustainable energy efficiency renovation works on a residential building, more specifically for:

  • the insulation of an external wall;
  • the insulation of roofing;
  • the insulation of a wall in contact with the ground or an unheated zone;
  • the insulation of a ceiling slab in contact with an unheated attic;
  • the insulation of a floor slab in contact with an unheated cellar, the ground or the exterior;
  • the replacement of windows;
  • centralised or decentralised controlled ventilation systems.


Eligible buildings

This new financial aid scheme applies only to sustainable energy efficiency renovation projects for which the agreement in principle is applied for before the start of works.

The residential building must be at least 10 years old at the time of submitting the application for financial aid.

The date of the building permit or the certificate issued by the communal administration constitute proof of the age of the building.

The energy efficiency renovation works must be preceded by an energy assessment with a report drawn by an approved energy consultant whose invoice was issued between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2021. The report drawn up in connection with the energy assessment contains recommendations on how to improve the home's energy performance. A subsidy may also be granted for this consultancy service.

Technical requirements to be fulfilled

A number of conditions must be satisfied to qualify for the subsidy:

  • the renovated elements must not exceed certain heat transfer coefficients;
  • the minimum thickness of the insulating material (performance standard IV) must be complied with for all other performance standards;
  • In order to receive the ecological bonus, insulation materials must comply with the requirements of the leco12 ecological indicator;
  • if the attic space is heated, the renovation of the roofing must also be associated with the replacement of the roof windows if the latter are more than 10 years old and do not meet the heat transfer coefficient criterion of 1.40 W/m2K;
  • to prevent damp caused by condensation, and the resulting problems (mould, etc.), the subsidy for the renovation of the windows must be associated with the thermal renovation of the façade or the installation of a controlled ventilation system. The same applies for heated attic spaces as well. If the exterior wall or roof of the heated attic has a heat transfer coefficient that is less than or equal to 0.90 W/m2K, 0.85 W/m2K, 0.80 W/m2K or 0.75 W/m2K, depending on the targeted performance standard, concurrent thermal insulation work is not required. For the existing construction elements, the opinion of the energy consultant is taken into consideration;
  • if a controlled ventilation system with heat recovery is being installed:
    • the yield of the heat recovery system must be greater than or equal to 80 %;
    • the absorbed electrical power may not exceed 0.40 W/(m3/h);
    • the building must be airtight (n50 = 2.0 1/hour), as established by an airtightness test;
    • at least 90% of the energy reference area must be mechanically ventilated.
  • if a controlled mechanical ventilation system without heat recovery is being installed:
    • the absorbed electrical power may not exceed 0.25 W/(m3/h);
    • the air intake ducts must have a certified wind resistant airtight valve;
    • at least 90% of the energy reference area must be mechanically ventilated.

Requirements for enhanced construction elements


Performance standard IV

Performance standard III***

Performance standard II ***

Performance standard I ***

Minimum thickness of insulation in cm*

Maximum value of U (W/m2K)

Maximum value of U (W/m2K)

Maximum value of U (W/m2K)

External wall (external insulation)





External wall (internal insulation)





Wall in contact with the ground or an unheated zone





Pitched or flat roof ****





Ceiling slab against unheated zone





Floor slab against unheated zone or ground or exterior





Windows and French windows (glass and frame)**

0.90 W/(m2K)





* With respect to a heat conductivity of 0.035 W/(m2K). Conversion mandatory for other heat conductivity ratings.

** The requirements correspond to triple glazed windows and apply to a standard-size window (1.23 m x 1.48 m). Condition: either guarantee a certain heat quality of the external wall based on the targeted performance standard (Uwall ≤ 0.90 W/m2K, 0.85 W/m2K, 0.80 W/m2K or 0.75 W/m2K), or install a controlled mechanical ventilation system.

*** The minimum thickness of the insulating material (performance standard IV) must be complied with for all other performance standards.

**** If the loft space is heated, the renovation of the roof must include the replacement of the roof windows (if they are > 10 years old, and if UW > 1.4 W/m2K)

Some communes grant supplementary aids on top of State aids for energy savings and renewable energies. Contact your communal authorities for further information.

It should be noted that the minimum energy performance requirements also apply to residential buildings that are protected in the public interest, and are either fully or partially listed as national monuments.

Preliminary steps

To obtain PRIMe House financial aid for the sustainable energy efficiency renovation of an existing building, an energy assessment along with a report must be obtained from an approved energy consultant, before the start of the renovation works, to ensure that the energy renovation project meets the required quality standards.

After obtaining the energy consultant's report and before the start of the renovation works, the applicant must request an agreement in principle from the Single point of contact for housing assistance.

Applicants may begin their renovation works, and request payment of the PRIME House financial aid only after obtaining the agreement in principle.

If the applicant, based on the advice of the energy consultant, changes their renovation concept after obtaining the agreement in principle, they may file an application to obtain a new agreement.


Applications for financial aid must be filed with the Single point of contact for housing assistance after the end of the works and within 4 years from 31 December of the calendar year to which the invoice relates.

The invoices for the energy efficiency renovation works must be established from 1 January 2017 up to and including 31 December 2024.

The energy efficiency renovation works must have been carried out on the basis of an energy efficiency report that was invoiced between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2021 inclusive.

Applications for financial aid must be submitted no later than 31 December 2026.

How to proceed

Prior to the works: application for the agreement in principle

Prior to commencing the energy efficiency renovation works, applicants must obtain an agreement in principle from the Single point of contact for housing assistance, established on the basis of an energy consultant's report delivered by an approved energy consultant.

To obtain the agreement in principle, the applicant must send the following documents to the Single point of contact for housing assistance (preferably by registered post), or submit them in person:

  • for private individuals: the DEPA-2017 aid application form for natural persons; or
  • for legal persons: the DEPA-2017 financial aid application form for legal persons.

Along with this form, the applicant must also provide:

  • a bank account identification document (RIB) for the account indicated in the application form;
  • the appendix form entitled 'List of possible energy efficiency renovation measures' (Compilation des mesures d’assainissement énergétique possibles - COMP), which lists all proposals for improving the elements of the building's thermal envelope. It should be completed and signed by the energy consultant;
  • the appendix form entitled 'Energy efficiency renovation concept' (Concept d’assainissement énergétique - COAS), specifying all of the projected energy efficiency renovation measures subject to the agreement in principle. It must be completed by the energy consultant and signed by the applicant, who should also indicate their agreement that the energy consultant be kept up-to-date with the progress of the file;
  • the concluding report prepared by the energy consultant, including the overall inventory and the entire energy efficiency renovation concept;
  • a copy of the initial building permit for the building or an official document certifying the age of the building;
  • if a controlled mechanical ventilation system is to be installed, building plans corresponding to the situation after the energy efficiency renovation works, illustrating the energy reference area as well as the mechanically ventilated portion of that area;
  • in the case of an extension/enlargement of the building's thermal envelope, building plans corresponding to the situation after the energy efficiency renovation works;
  • an estimate of the energy consultant's fees or a confirmed estimate per projected measure.

If the application is for a co-ownership or a multi-unit residence:

  • the appendix form COLL-2017;
  • a power of attorney from each owner;
  • the list of the flats, specifying the energy reference area per flat, excluding the common areas.

The Single point of contact for housing assistance may ask the applicant to provide any documents it deems necessary to process the file.

Once the agreement in principle has been obtained, the applicant for the PRIMe House financial aid may begin their works.

If the applicant, based on the advice of the energy consultant, changes their renovation concept after obtaining the agreement in principle, they may file an application to obtain a new agreement.

After the works: request for payment of the aid

Once the renovation and energy efficiency renovation works have been completed, the applicant may apply for payment of the financial aid for energy efficiency renovation works using the form entitled 'Confirmation of energy efficiency renovation works in an existing home' (Confirmation rénovation énergétique d’un logement existant - CONF), which must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • if the applicant is a private individual: the DEPA-2017 aid application form for natural persons; or
  • if the applicant is a legal person: the DEPA-2017 financial aid application form for legal persons;
  • copies of invoices documenting the eligible costs. All documents serving as proof of payment must be attached (notice of debit or invoice receipted in due and proper form). The invoices may refer to a detailed estimate, in which case the latter must be attached to the invoice.
    The invoices for the energy consultation must be detailed as follows:
    • the energy consultation provided;
    • confirmation of the conformity of the estimates;
    • confirmation of the conformity of the on-site works;
    • any thermal bridge calculations, if applicable;
  • the final report prepared by the energy consultant upon confirmation of the compliance of the offers and the implementation on site;
  • if a controlled mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery is installed, the duly signed reports and certificate in connection with the airtightness check.

If the application is for a commonhold property or a multi-unit residence:

  • the appendix form COLL-2017;
  • a power of attorney from each owner;
  • the list of the flats, specifying the energy reference area per flat, excluding the common areas.

The Single point of contact for housing assistance may ask the applicant to provide any documents it deems necessary to process the file.

Amount of subsidies

The exact amount of PRIMe House financial aid depends on the nature of the projected works.

The aid is therefore composed of a basic subsidy, to which can be added:

  • a subsidy mark-up:
    • for the use of sustainable materials and mechanical attachment methods;
    • for the use of mineral materials (external walls only);
  • a financial bonus, if after energy renovation the building can be classified in thermal insulation class C, B or A;
  • where applicable, aid for the installation of a controlled mechanical ventilation system.

The amount of the financial aid may never exceed 50% of the effective cost of the energy efficiency renovation measures.

Basic subsidy

The amounts are calculated on the basis of the surface areas of the renovated elements. The area of the renovated element is multiplied by the corresponding amount shown in the table below.



Specific financial aid (in EUR/renovated m2)


Renovated element

standard IV

standard III

standard II

standard I


External wall (external insulation)






External wall (internal insulation)






Wall in contact with the ground or an unheated zone






Pitched or flat roof






Ceiling slab against unheated zone






Floor slab in contact with an unheated
zone or the ground or the exterior






Windows and French windows





Aid mark-up for the use of sustainable materials

The subsidy will be increased for the use of sustainable materials (based on the ecological indicator) and the use of mechanical attachments (a supplement with respect to the amounts of the basic subsidy).


Renovated element

Mark-up (in euros /renovated m2 )


External wall (external



External wall (internal insulation)



Wall in contact with the ground
or an unheated zone



or flat roof



Ceiling slab against
unheated zone



Floor slab in contact with an unheated
zone or the ground or the exterior


Aid mark-up for the use of mineral materials (external walls only)

If wholly mineral-based insulation materials (compliant with the ecological indicator) are used for the external walls, a EUR 20 increase in the basic subsidy is granted.

Energy bonus

If the building meets thermal insulation classes C, B or A after renovation, the amount of the subsidy granted for the individual measures implemented on the thermal envelope may be increased, on condition that the thermal insulation class has improved by at least two grades.

To obtain the bonus, the insulation measures may also be implemented in stages.

Thermal insulation class after

Bonus on the amount of the subsidy granted
for measures implemented on the thermal envelope







Proof of eligibility for the bonus must be demonstrated by producing the energy performance certificates before and after the energy efficiency renovation works.

Measures implemented and subsidised under the former PRIMe House aid scheme may be taken into account to demonstrate the improvement by at least 2 classes, which is required for eligibility for the aid bonus.

Controlled mechanical ventilation system

The financial aid is calculated on the basis of the energy reference area shown on the building's energy performance certificate.

The energy reference area is multiplied by the corresponding amount shown in the table below.


Financial aid (in euros per m2)


Single-family home

Home in a multi-unit building

Ventilation without heat recovery



Ventilation with heat recovery



Payment of aid

The aid is generally transferred directly to the applicant's account.

If the application for financial aid is submitted by the legal representative of a group of natural or legal persons, the aid is transferred directly to the bank account of the legal representative, who must immediately credit the bank accounts of the natural or legal persons concerned with their respective share of the aid.

A copy of these payments must be sent to the Single point of contact for housing assistance.

Repayment of aid

If the aid has already been paid to the applicant, it may have to be returned if:

  • the applicant is found to have made inaccurate or incomplete statements in order to obtain the aid; or
  • the applicant fails to provide the Single point of contact for housing assistance with the requested information and documents.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning Single point of contact for housing assistance

    11, rue de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    (+352) 80 02 10 10
    Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 16.00
    Email address:
    Closed ⋅ Opens tomorrow at 8.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    Thursdays by appointment only

Single point of contact for housing assistance

  • Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning Single point of contact for housing assistance

    11, rue de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    (+352) 80 02 10 10
    Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 16.00
    Email address:
    Closed ⋅ Opens tomorrow at 8.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    Thursdays by appointment only


Related procedures and links



Further information

Legal references

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