Supplementary allowance for children with a disability

Last update

The special supplementary allowance is a financial aid to compensate for the additional expenses caused by the child's disability.

This monthly benefit is granted in addition to the family allowance.

Applications for the special supplementary allowance must be submitted to the Children's Future Fund (Caisse pour l’avenir des enfants - CAE).

Who is concerned

The supplementary allowance is paid for children who:

  • are already the beneficiary of family allowances; and
  • suffer from one or more conditions resulting in a permanent deficiency or loss of at least 50 % of their physical or mental capacity in comparison to a child without disability of the same age.

The allowance is paid until the child turns 18, but the cut-off age may be extended to 25 included, provided that the disabled young person continues to satisfy the qualifying conditions for maintaining the family benefit.


In order to be able to claim the special supplementary allowance, a physician must first certify that the disability rate is at least 50 % of the physical or mental capacity of a child without disability of the same age.

The special supplementary allowance is paid for as long as the conditions for granting the family benefit are satisfied.

How to proceed

Submitting the application for the supplementary allowance

To receive the special allowance, the following must be sent to the Children's Future Fund (CAE):

  • a special supplementary allowance application form; and
  • a recent detailed medical certificate.

The application form for the special supplementary allowance must be applied for in writing to the CAE by using the form provided for this purpose on the website of the CAE.

The CAE may request additional documents to complete the application. These documents can be sent:

  • by post; or
  • via

Amount of allowance and payment

The amount of the special supplementary allowance is EUR 200 per month.

If applied for in a timely fashion (end of the month for which it is due), payment of the supplement will commence in the month following that in which the reduced capacity of the child reaches or exceeds 50 %.

The allowance is paid in the same conditions as the family benefit.


Any decision in connection with the benefits may be appealed before the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Children's Future Fund (CAE) or their delegate.

Decisions are considered final if the beneficiary does not send a written, substantiated objection to the Board of Directors of the CAE within 40 days.

The decisions of the Board of Directors of the CAE are themselves subject to appeal before the Social Security Arbitration Tribunal (Conseil arbitral de la sécurité sociale), and may be appealed before the High Council of Social Security (Conseil supérieur de la sécurité sociale).

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Related procedures and links


Family allowance


Further information

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