Enrolling in the 'Bilan 30' programme

Last update

The 'Bilan 30' programme is a parental assistance and aid programme in support of children's language development. The Audiophonology Service of the Health Directorate (Service audiophonologique de la Direction de la santé) automatically invites all parents to enrol their child in the 'Bilan 30' programme when they reach the age of 30 months (two and half years old).

Language acquisition may appear easy and natural, but in fact is a very complex development process that begins in early childhood and often raises many questions. As part of 'Bilan 30' programme, the speech therapy team of the Audiophonology Service is available to parents to answer any questions they may have on the subject and provide professional and personalised advice on stimulating their child's language development.

Who is concerned

The 'Bilan 30' programme and all other speech therapy measures proposed by the Audiophonology Service are intended for children from the age of 2 and a half years until they enter Cycle 1.1 of Luxembourg Basic Education (or the equivalent, if the child is schooled outside of the Luxembourg educational system).

At the parents' or a physician's request, a child may also be seen by a speech therapist of the Audiophonology Service before the age of 2 and a half years.


The 'Bilan 30' programme is a free public service.

How to proceed


An invitation is automatically sent by post to parents with children aged 30 months. After receiving this invitation, you can register your child for the 'Bilan 30' programme via MyGuichet.lu (see 'Online services and forms').

Parents do not need to be invited to enrol their child in the 'Bilan 30' programme. They can do so at any time simply by contacting the Audiophonology Service.


At the appointment, a speech therapist will propose several language games to the child so that they can assess all aspects of the child's communication abilities and provide the parents with personalised advice. They will also perform a hearing test. If necessary, the speech therapist will put in place a speech-language monitoring programme in conjunction with the parents.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

2 of 8 bodies shown

Related procedures and links


Further information

Legal references

Loi du 24 novembre 2015

modifiant la loi modifiée du 21 novembre 1980 portant organisation de la Direction de la santé et la loi modifiée du 16 août 1968 portant création d'un Centre de logopédie et de services audiométrique et orthophonique

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