Application for recognition of equivalence of professional qualifications

Last update

The Department for the Recognition of Diplomas (Service de la reconnaissance des diplômes) will determine whether the professional qualifications are recognised as equivalent to the qualification required in Luxembourg in order to access:

  • certain liberal professions and professions in the commercial and craft sector;
  • healthcare professions; and
  • the socio-educational professions (specialist teacher, carer).

Applications for recognition of equivalence are subject to the payment of a fee.

Who is concerned

Commercial/liberal/craft professions

The holder, irrespective of their nationality, may require a recognition of equivalence of professional qualifications acquired abroad in relation to equivalent diplomas in Luxembourg, so as to obtain a licence to practise one of the following:

  • a craft activity (qualification must be equivalent to the vocational skills certificate (CATP) / the vocational aptitude diploma (DAP) or the Master Craftsman's certificate); or
  • certain commercial or liberal activities (qualification must be equivalent to the vocational skills certificate (CATP) / vocational aptitude diploma (DAP)).

Healthcare and socio-educational professions

The holder, irrespective of their nationality, must seek the recognition of equivalence of their professional qualifications acquired abroad in relation to equivalent diplomas in Luxembourg before applying for a licence to practise one of the following professions (non-exhaustive list):

  • healthcare professions;
  • socio-educational professions: educator, carer.

Licences to practise a socio-educational profession can be obtained from the Department for the Recognition of Diplomas.


Professional qualifications acquired in the European Union

Professional qualifications obtained within the European Union (EU) are recognised provided that the holder is able to prove:

  • a formal qualification which gives access to the profession concerned in another EU Member State;
  • or, if the profession is not regulated in the holder's Member State of origin:
    • one year's full-time professional experience during the past 10 years in the Member State of origin;
    • a certificate of competence or a formal qualification.

The content and duration of the training course must closely match the conditions of access to the profession required in Luxembourg.

Nursing and midwifery qualifications obtained in another EU country will be recognised automatically as the minimum training conditions have been harmonised at EU level.

Professional qualifications obtained outside of the European Union

Professional qualifications obtained outside the European Union (EU) are recognised provided that the holder is able to prove:

  • a formal qualification issued by a non-EU country which is officially recognised by another EU Member State; or
  • and a professional experience of 3 years in said Member State.



All requests for recognition of equivalence are subject to payment of a fee of EUR 75 for a diploma or other qualification. An additional EUR 300 may be charged for any compensatory measures required (adaptation course / aptitude test).

If you choose to apply using the online form, you will be asked to pay the fee directly as part of the procedure.

If you apply by email or post, you must enclose proof of payment of the fee.

If an application is made by email or post, the fee is payable by transfer to the following current account at the Banque et Caisse d'Épargne de l'État:
IBAN LU36 0019 5955 4436 2000
Name of the beneficiary: Administration de l’Enregistrement des Domaines et de la TVA
Communication: Taxe reconnaissance des diplômes, MENEJ, plus the name of the applicant and date of the application

The payment of the tax is mandatory in order for the application to be processed, but does not mean that the application will be successful. For each application, the conditions of recognition of equivalence must be met.

The fee is not reimbursed if the recognition of equivalence is refused.

A copy of the certificate of equivalence may be issued subject to the payment of a EUR 10 fee.

How to proceed

Application procedure

Applications for recognition of equivalence can be submitted either:

Elements of the application

For professional qualifications to be recognised as equivalent, applicants must send the Department for the Recognition of Diplomas a full application containing:

  • the application for recognition of equivalence corresponding to the intended profession:
  • a curriculum vitae (CV) in Europass format or other, stating in particular:
    • the detailed schooling curriculum;
    • legitimate professional experience that can be proven by a document of a certain legal value (employment certificate, payslip, etc.) and internships completed;
    • date and place of birth;
  • a copy of the diplomas/certificates/school reports for the last 3 years of education;
  • a copy of the work certificates concerning the professions for which recognition is requested;
  • a copy of an identity document (ID card or passport showing the place of birth);
  • proof of payment of a tax to the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (AED) (see details under "Costs");
  • for socio-educational professions: proof of the last 3 years of training;
  • for third-country nationals: a copy of their valid residence permit.

All copies of documents issued by countries outside the European Union must be certified true to the original by a competent authority (communal administration, embassy or consulate).

If the documents are not written in German, French or English, an official translation by a sworn translator must be attached. The translator's stamp must be affixed partly on the translation and partly on the source document. Each document must be signed by the translator.

Processing the application

The recognition of equivalence of professional qualifications is not granted automatically (except for midwifery and nursing qualifications). It is conducted on a case-by-case basis, and generally at the decision of a committee overseen by the Department for the Recognition of Diplomas.

In the case of missing documents, the Department for the Recognition of Diplomas will send a letter to the applicant asking them to complete their file.

If the applicant fails to submit the requested documents within 3 years following a request for additional information, the application for recognition will be cancelled and a new application will have to be submitted.

Once the applicant's file is complete, the Department for the Recognition of Diplomas will generally respond within 2 to 6 weeks, but at the latest within 3 months.

This period begins on the date on which the Department for the Recognition of Diplomas receives the complete application file.

More information can be provided by the Department for the Recognition of Diplomas (email:

Granting the recognition

Applicants will receive a certificate of recognition by post if they have obtained recognition of their professional qualifications.

They can then submit an application for a licence to practise the relevant profession.

Refusal of recognition

In the event of a refusal to recognise the equivalence of a professional qualification, a non-contentious appeal may be lodged with the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.

If the non-contentious appeal is unsuccessful, a judicial appeal against the MENEJ's decision may be filed through a lawyer before the administrative tribunal in Luxembourg.

Online services and forms

Online services

Downloadable forms

Who to contact

  • Ministry of Education, Children and Youth Department for the recognition of diplomas

    29, rue Aldringen L-1118 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    L-2926 Luxembourg
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    Mon.-Fri. from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.00

Related procedures and links



Further information

Legal references

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