Applying for recognition of diplomas (baccalaureate/matura)
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The recognition of a diploma (baccalaureate/matura) obtained abroad (other EU Member State or non-EU country) is subject to certain conditions and administrative procedures.
Who is concerned: holders of a diploma (baccalaureate/matura) obtained abroad.
Costs: from EUR 75 to EUR 125 depending on the case.
Higher education certificates/diplomas such as the baccalaureate or matura obtained abroad may, under certain conditions, obtain a recognition of equivalence.
Applications for recognition of equivalence are subject to the payment of a fee, the amount of which varies depending on the country in which the certificate/diploma was obtained.
Who is concerned
The following persons are concerned by (academic) recognition of diplomas:
- holders of a baccalaureate/matura diploma who wish to pursue higher education or university studies in Luxembourg;
- holders of a baccalaureate/matura diploma who wish to enter the employment market;
- holders of other general, technical and vocational secondary school leaving diplomas.
Recognition may be granted for school-leaving certificates/diplomas after examination of the file by the competent departments and if the certificates/diplomas meet the following criteria:
- they attest the successful completion of at least 12 years of consecutive study;
- they enable access to higher-education or university studies in the country of origin.
Supporting documentation is required for certificates/diplomas that do not specify such access.
The certificates/diplomas taken into consideration are those from countries that have signed the Council of Europe, Lisbon, Paris and/or World conventions on the mutual recognition of diplomas.
The countries concerned by the mutual recognition of diplomas are the following (list in force in September 2024):
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guinea, Holy See (Vatican), Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, State of Palestine, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Yemen.
The recognition of a foreign certificate/diploma is not automatic, but is decided on a case-by-case basis. During the recognition procedure, a distinction is made between:
- certificates/diplomas from countries that have signed the Paris and/or Lisbon and/or World conventions on the mutual recognition of diplomas;
- and the diplomas issued by third countries (countries that did not sign the Paris, Lisbon and/or World conventions).
This distinction implies specific terms and conditions for equivalence.
Special conditions for holders of diplomas from third countries (i.e., countries that are not signatories to the Paris, Lisbon and/or World conventions on the mutual recognition of diplomas)
In addition to the conditions required for the countries that have signed the Paris, Lisbon and/or World conventions, equivalency to a Luxembourg secondary school leaving diploma - be it in classical or general secondary education, or a technician's diploma - awarded in a country that has not signed the conventions will only be recognised in the following cases:
- if you hold a diploma issued by a higher education institution recognised by and located in a Member State of the European Union (EU), in recognition of the successful completion of a higher education study cycle of at least 3 years (baccalaureate+3); or
- if you are (formally) enrolled in higher education studies in an EU Member State and the diploma meets the following criteria: the examination tests for the diploma must have covered at least 2 languages (including French or German), as well as subjects in at least 3 of the following areas:
- humanities and social sciences;
- natural sciences;
- mathematics;
- technology;
- fine arts and music;
- if you hold a diploma awarded by a higher education institution recognised by a third country, certifying the completion of a higher education study cycle of at least 3 years (baccaleureate+3) and if you can provide the following:
- a level B2 language certificate for Luxembourgish, French or German under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; or
- proof that you have completed 3 years of study in one of the 3 languages mentioned before; or
- a document attesting that the secondary school leaving exam was taken in Luxembourgish, French or German.
Specific conditions for holders of the International Baccalaureate (IB)
The International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma is recognised as an equivalent of the Luxembourg classical secondary school leaving diploma if, in addition to the criteria set by the International Baccalaureate Organisation in Geneva, the following conditions are met:
1. the International Baccalaureate exams must cover:
- 2 languages (group 1: language A1, group 2: language A2);
- one subject of each of the following groups of disciplines:
- group 3: 'individuals and society': including history, geography, economics, philosophy, psychology, business and management;
- group 4 'sciences': including biology, chemistry, physics;
- group 5 'mathematics and computer science': mathematical studies, mathematics SL, mathematics higher level, computer science;
- and a choice of either:
- group 6 'arts': including visual arts, music, theatre and film; or
- a second subject from groups 1 to 5.
The nomenclature of the 'groups' is that used by the International Baccalaureate Organisation in Geneva.
Please note:
- of the 2 languages mentioned under point 1.a, at least one must be either French, or English, or German;
- at least 3 subjects must be studied at the higher level (HL), and the others at the standard level (SL);
- in order to obtain the IB diploma, you must meet all the conditions set by the internal rules of the International Baccalaureate;
- you must have completed at least 12 years of progressive primary and secondary education;
- you must have completed a 4-year course of study in a foreign language other than the 2 languages referred to in 1.a. above.
Moreover, the International Baccalaureate diploma may be recognised as equivalent to the Luxembourg secondary school leaving diploma under the conditions provided for in Article 4.1 of the Grand-Duchy Regulation of 27 October 2006 in execution of Article 4 of the amended Law of 18 June 1969 on higher education and the accreditation of foreign higher education titles and diplomas.
Conditions for countries that have signed the Paris and/or Lisbon and/or World conventions
Recognition may be granted for secondary school leaving certificates/diplomas after examination of the file by the competent departments, and if the following criteria are met:
- they attest the successful completion of at least 12 years of consecutive study;
- they enable access to higher education or university studies in the country of origin.
The processing time for files relating to diplomas from signatory countries is 2 to 10 weeks.
For all applications for recognition of a baccalaureate or matura diploma, you must pay a fee of:
- EUR 75 for diplomas issued in a signatory country of the Paris and/or Lisbon and/or World conventions;
- EUR 75 for diplomas awarded by a European school (European baccalaureate);
- EUR 125 for diplomas issued in a country which has not signed the Paris and/or Lisbon and/or World conventions;
- EUR 125 for diplomas issued by the IBO (international baccalaureate).
The fee must be paid by bank transfer to the bank account at the Banque et Caisse d’Épargne de l’État:
IBAN LU36 0019 5955 4436 2000
Name of the beneficiary: Administration de l’Enregistrement et des Domaines
Communication: Taxe reconnaissance des diplômes, MENEJ, plus the name of the applicant and the date of the application
You must enclose proof of payment with your application.
The payment of the fee is mandatory in order for the application to be processed, but it does not mean that the recognition of equivalence will be granted. As a matter of fact, for each application, the conditions of recognition of equivalence must be met.
In the event of a rejection of recognition of equivalence, the fee will not be reimbursed.
You can request a duplicate of your certificate of equivalence for a fee of EUR 10.
How to proceed
Application procedure
You can submit your request for recognition of equivalence:
- by email to in pdf format; or
- by post to the Department for the recognition of diplomas of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENEJ); or
- by using the online form.
Composition of the application file for certificates/diplomas from countries that signed the Paris and/or Lisbon and/or World convention on the mutual recognition of diplomas
The application must include the following documents:
- a written request mentioning the reason for submitting the application;
- a CV including your educational background and the date and place of your birth;
- a copy of a valid identity document (identity card, passport or residence permit);
- a copy of your diplomas/certificates;
- proof of payment of the fee.
All copies of certificates/diplomas and identity documents issued by third countries to the EU must be certified by an approved authority (communal administration, embassy or consulate).
Composition of the application file for certificates/diplomas from third countries
In this case, the certificates/diplomas are from countries that have not signed the Paris and/or Lisbon and/or World conventions on the mutual recognition of diplomas, that is to say all the countries not mentioned in the list under 'Prerequisites'.
You must enclose the following documents with your application:
- a written request mentioning the reason for submitting the application;
- a CV stating, among other things, your educational background and date and place of birth;
- a copy of a valid identity document (identity card, passport or residence permit);
- a copy of your diplomas/certificates;
- only for beneficiaries of international protection status: a document certifying that the applicant was granted this status in Luxembourg;
- proof of payment of the fee.
You must also attach:
- a certificate/diploma attesting to the successful completion of at least 3 years of higher education or university studies in an EU Member State; or
- proof of enrolment in a higher education institution or university in an EU Member State, as well as the list of the subjects taken for the secondary school leaving diploma (e.g. transcript of grades); or
- a diploma issued by a higher education institution recognised by a third country, providing proof of successful completion of a higher education study cycle of at least 3 years (baccalaureate+3) together with:
- a level B2 language certificate for Luxembourgish, French or German under the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; or
- proof that you have completed 3 years of study in one of the 3 languages mentioned before; or
- proof that the secondary school leaving examination was taken in Luxembourgish, French or German.
All copies of certificates/diplomas and identity documents issued by third countries to the EU must be certified by an approved authority (communal administration, embassy or consulate).
Translations of documents
The documents must be written either in one of the 3 official languages of Luxembourg (French, Luxembourgish or German), or in English, or translated into one of these languages by a sworn translator established in Luxembourg.
The translator's stamp must be affixed partly on the translation and partly on the document provided for translation. All documents must be signed by the translator. In the absence of such a stamp, a document attesting to the translator’s sworn status must be included with the application (for example, a copy of the translator's registration certificate on the list of experts, translators and interpreters).
If necessary, you may be asked to provide further information.
Processing the application
You can expect a response to your application between the 2nd and 6th week after the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth has received your complete application. This period begins on the date on which the Department for the Recognition of Diplomas receives the complete application file.
If your application is incomplete, you will receive a letter asking you to submit the missing documents so that the application can be examined.
For urgent cases, and pending the processing of the file, it is recommended that applicants also apply for recognition of the level of education, since that procedure will allow their application to be processed more rapidly.
If the applicant does not submit the missing documents to the ministry within a period of 3 years following receipt of the letter, the application for recognition is cancelled and a new application will need to be submitted.
A judicial appeal against the MENEJ's decision may be filed through a lawyer before the administrative tribunal in Luxembourg.
More information can be provided by the Department for the Recognition of Diplomas (email:
Requesting duplicates
A fee of EUR 10 must be paid for each request for a duplicate of the recognition of equivalence.
The fee must be paid by bank transfer to the bank account at the Banque et Caisse d’Épargne de l’État:
IBAN LU36 0019 5955 4436 2000
Name of the beneficiary: Administration de l’Enregistrement et des Domaines
Communication: Taxe reconnaissance des diplômes, MENEJ, plus the name of the applicant and date of the application
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of Education, Children and Youth Department for the recognition of diplomas
- Address:
29, rue Aldringen
L-2926 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 85910
- Email address:
Closed ⋅ Opens tomorrow at 8.00
- Thursday:
- 8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
- Friday:
- 8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
- Tuesday:
- 8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
- Wednesday:
- 8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
Mon.-Fri. from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.00
Related procedures and links
Further information
Secondary education
on the website of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
Vocational training
on the website of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
Accreditation of prior learning and experience (VAE)
on the website of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth
- Website of the International Baccalaureate® (IB)
Legal references
Convention européenne de Paris
relative à l'équivalence des diplômes donnant accès aux établissements universitaires
Convention de Lisbonne
sur la reconnaissance des qualifications relatives à l'enseignement supérieur dans la région européenne
Convention mondiale
sur la reconnaissance des qualifications relatives à l'enseignement supérieur
Loi du 19 décembre 2014
relative à la mise en oeuvre du paquet d'avenir - première partie (2015)
Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 27 octobre 2006
pris en exécution de l'article 4 de la loi modifiée du 18 juin 1969 sur l'enseignement supérieur et l'homologation des titres et grades étrangers d'enseignement supérieur
Règlement grand-ducal du 9 mai 2008
fixant les modalités de reconnaissance d'équivalence du Baccalauréat International au diplôme de fin d'études secondaires luxembourgeois
Règlement grand-ducal du 7 décembre 2010
modifiant le règlement grand-ducal du 9 mai 2008 fixant les modalités de reconnaissance d'équivalence du Baccalauréat International au diplôme de fin d'études secondaires luxembourgeois