Loss, theft or destruction of an ID card

Last update

In the event of loss, theft or destruction of an ID card, the cardholder must take certain measures to prevent any problems.

No-one may have more than one identity card.

How to proceed

Notification of the loss, theft or destruction

Any holder of an identity card who notices that the card has been lost, stolen or destroyed must declare this event as soon as possible:

  • to the Grand Ducal Police, by going to a police station or by declaring it online via MyGuichet.lu; or
  • to the police in their country of residence, in the case of a non-resident person; or
  • to the police in the country where the card was lost or stolen.

Before making a theft report, it is important for the declarant to ensure that the card has been stolen rather than lost. The consequences of a theft report are different from those of a loss report: the theft report is forwarded to the Public Prosecutor's Office.

The declarant will receive a certificate in return.

At the same time as the declaration is made to the police:

  • the resident citizen must inform the communal administration of their usual place of residence;
  • the non-resident citizen must also inform:

Deactivation of electronic certificates

After informing the Guichet.lu reception desk, the identity card and associated electronic features are suspended.

The lost, stolen or destroyed ID card as well as its associated electronic features will be automatically and permanently invalidated:

  • after a time period of 7 working days from the date the loss/theft was reported;
  • immediately at the moment a new ID card is issued.

The suspension of the identity card is cancelled if the holder finds it and informs the Guichet.lu reception desk:

  • within 7 working days; and
  • before applying for a new identity card.

Issuance of a new card

In order to receive a new ID card, applicants must present and submit:

  • the certificate of loss, theft or destruction issued by the police; and
  • in the event of damage/partial destruction of the ID card: the damaged or partially destroyed ID card.

Returning a lost or stolen card to the administration

If, at some point, the lost or stolen identity card is found again, it must be returned:

  • to the Guichet.lu reception desk; or
  • to the communal administration concerned; or
  • to the diplomatic or consular mission concerned.

In this case, the old ID card is invalidated by the civil officer, in the presence of the applicant.

The person concerned may, depending on the case and the commune of residence, keep their old ID card as a souvenir. In this case, a hole will be punched into the ID card before it is returned to its owner.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • Physical Guichet.lu reception desk

    11, rue Notre-Dame L-2240 Luxembourg
    Closed ⋅ Opens at 8.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00

    Booking an appointment

    Please note that the Guichet.lu reception desk provides general information on administrative procedures. It does not have access to the files you have submitted to a public body in Luxembourg. If you have specific questions, it will direct you to the appropriate administration.

  • Guichet.lu Helpdesk

    11, rue Notre-Dame L-2240 Luxembourg
    (+352) 247 82 000
    Our Helpdesk can be reached by telephone on working days from 8.00 to 18.00.

    Contact form

    You can also book an appointment for a video call via MyGuichet.lu.

    Please note that the Guichet.lu Helpdesk provides general information on administrative procedures. It does not have access to the files you have submitted to a public body in Luxembourg. If you have specific questions, the Helpdesk will direct you to the appropriate administration.

Related procedures and links

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