Filing a complaint online
Last update
In Luxembourg, it is possible to file a complaint with the police station or the prosecutor's office of your choice.
However, until now, the complainant had to go in person to the police station or commissariat. From now on, it is also possible to file a complaint with the Police online via
Who is concerned
Anyone who is the victim of certain types of theft can file a complaint.
The following are taken into account:
- thefts (wallet, luggage, purse, bicycle, phone/tablet, computer, computer medium, camera, jewellery):
- with an unknown perpetrator;
- during which nobody was injured;
- without recourse to violence;
- which present no usable material evidence;
- cases where fuel is stolen at the petrol station.
This procedure can only be used for actual events. Any misuse is punishable by law.
The person concerned must file a complaint without delay after having discovered the offence.
How to proceed
Lodging the complaint
The complainant can lodge his complaint online via
He must indicate whether he files a complaint:
- for himself;
- for a person under his responsibility (e.g. his child).
Complainants must provide the following information:
- their personal data;
- where applicable, the personal data of the victim (if the victim is not the complainant);
- the circumstances of the theft (location, date, modus operandi);
- the list of stolen objects:
- object category (still/video camera, jewellery, ID document, computer equipment, wallet/bill-fold, etc.);
- description of the object (brand, approximative value, etc.).
Even if the reports submitted online are received and processed by a special police station, the complainant is requested to communicate a police station of his choice, in the event where the complainant may be requested to go there in person.
Complainants who do not speak one of the 3 administrative languages (Luxembourgish, French, German) can use an interpreter.
It is possible to attach a picture or proof of purchase of the stolen object(s). This will simplify the investigator's task. These documents can be attached to the report at the end of the data entry process.
Transcript of the hearing
A copy of the hearing is sent to the complainant electronically by the police officer in charge of the complaint. However, the copy cannot be used as an official certificate for insurance purposes.
After the hearing, the Police draws up an official report. The report will be submitted to the Prosecutor's office who will send a copy of the document to the complainant. Only this document can be submitted to the insurance.
The officer in charge also provides the complainant with a document on the victim's rights.
Online services and forms
Online services
Who to contact
Grand Ducal Police - General Directorate
- Address:
1 A-F, rue de Trèves
B.P. 1007, L-2957 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 244 244 244
- Email address:
- Website:
Grand Ducal Police - General Directorate Central Highway Police Unit (CSA)
- Address:
- 12e, rue Guillaume J. Kroll L-1882 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 244 17 52 52
- Email address:
Closed ⋅ Opens Monday à 8h30
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 8h30 à 11h30
- Tuesday:
- 8h30 à 11h30
- Wednesday:
- 8h30 à 11h30
- Thursday:
- 8h30 à 11h30
- Friday:
- 8h30 à 11h30
In the afternoon only by appointment. -
Grand Ducal Police - General Directorate Grand Ducal Police - General Directorate
- Address:
1 A-F, rue de Trèves
B.P. 1007, L-2957 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 244 244 244
- Email address:
- Website:
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