Applying for a Luxembourg identity card - non-resident

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An identity card proves its holder's identity and nationality.

For Luxembourg nationals living abroad, the card is optional.

Luxembourg ID cards have an electronic chip.

The procedure for obtaining a Luxembourg ID card can be fast-tracked.

Who is concerned?

For Luxembourg nationals living abroad, the ID card is optional.

You are not allowed to hold more than one Luxembourg ID card.


Preliminary steps

Non-resident Luxembourg nationals who have a child:

  • born abroad;
  • not declared to a Luxembourg administration;

should request a certificate of nationality for their child from the Nationality Office (Service de la nationalité luxembourgeoise).

The child will be registered in the National Registry of Natural Persons. The child will be able to obtain a Luxembourg ID card.


If the application is submitted to the reception desk in Luxembourg, the deadline for obtaining the ID card is:

  • 10 working days for the normal procedure;
  • 3 working days for the fast-track procedure.

For applications made through a diplomatic or consular mission, a longer time period must be taken into account.

ID cards must be collected within 6 months of applying. The competent authorities reserve the right to destroy the identity card after this deadline has passed.


Cost of an ID card

The cost depends on where the application is submitted.

If the application is submitted to the reception desk in Luxembourg, the cost is:

  • EUR 14 for applicants over 15 years of age;
  • EUR 10 for children between 4 and 15 years old;
  • EUR 5 for children under 4 years old.

If the application is made through a diplomatic or consular mission, the fee is increased by EUR 20, i.e.:

  • EUR 34 for applicants over 15 years of age;
  • EUR 30 for children between 4 and 15 years old;
  • EUR 25 for children under 4 years old.

For a fast-track application, the fee is EUR 45, regardless of how long the card is valid for.

Payment of the fee

The fee must be paid:

  • at the earliest, 6 months before applying for the ID card; and
  • at the latest, at the time of applying.

The fee may be paid:

  • online via;
  • by bank transfer or payment into CCPL account no. IBAN LU44 1111 7028 7715 0000, BIC code CCPLLULL, for the following beneficiary:

B.P. 1111
L-1011 Luxembourg

The proof of payment must be presented when applying for the ID card. It is important to indicate the surname and first name of the ID card holder in the box reserved for communication on the transfer or cash payment.
If you are applying for several members of the same family, you may make a single transfer or payment. The proof of payment must indicate the first and last names of all the persons concerned.

For applications submitted to the reception desk, payment may also be made directly on the spot.

Refund in the event of an incorrect bank transfer

In the event of an incorrect bank transfer, you can obtain a refund by applying in writing (letter or email) to the helpdesk. Your application must contain:

  • an explanation;
  • a copy of the bank transfer statement;
  • an account number (IBAN number and BIC code);
  • the name of the account holder to whom the refund is to be made.

How to proceed

Applying for an ID card

Luxembourg nationals living abroad can apply for an ID card to:

Applicants must be listed in the National Registry of Natural Persons.

In the case of a minor, several different situations must be distinguished:

  • the child lives at the same address as both parents:
    • the application can be made by either of the parents; or
    • a power of attorney (mandat) is:
      • drawn up so that a third person can apply; and
      • signed by either one of the parents; or
  • the child lives with one of its parents:
    • the application can be made by the parent with whom:
      • the child lives; or
      • the child does not live, provided the other parent has agreed to this; or
    • a power of attorney (mandat) is:
      • drawn up so that a third person can apply; and
      • signed by the parent with whom the child lives; or
  • the child does not live with either parent: the person/parent/guardian wishing to apply for the ID card must provide proof of parental authority.

Adults without legal capacity must also be accompanied by their legal guardian.

For security reasons, the issuance of the ID card still requires the physical presence of the future holder during the registration process, even if the ID card is for a baby.

Applicants and, if applicable, their child, must go in person to the reception desk or the Luxembourg diplomatic or consular mission when applying (registration process) and present proof of payment.

Documents to be submitted with the application

All applications must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • proof of payment of the fee;
  • a valid identity document (passport or Luxembourg ID card) or, failing that, a certificate of nationality;
  • a recent document (less than 6 months old) issued by the commune of residence indicating the address and the composition of the household (residence certificate, household composition certificate, certificate of domicile, etc.);
  • a marriage certificate if the applicant wants the spouse's name to be indicated on the ID card. This certificate is only necessary if the spouse is not listed in the National Registry of Natural Persons;
  • in the event of the loss, theft or destruction of the old ID card, an official attestation issued by the police.

For applications submitted to the reception desk, the pictures are usually taken on site. An applicant may nevertheless bring their own photograph, which must:

In the case of new-born babies, the parents may have the ID photo taken by a professional photographer. Following this, they then go to the reception desk to apply for the ID card.

Persons applying for an ID card through a diplomatic or consular mission must also provide a recent photograph compliant with ICAO standards (Pdf, 7.62 Mb).

Names on the ID card

The last and first names indicated on the application must be those listed in the National Registry of Natural Persons. Only 3 first names at the most can be printed on electronic identity cards (eID cards).

Any person wanting the name of their living or deceased spouse indicated on the card must indicate this at the time of applying.


At the end of the registration process, applicants validate the data on the pre-completed form and sign it.

For anyone unable to sign and for children under 6 years of age, the word "DISPENSE" (exempt) is written in place of the signature.

Issuance of the ID card

The ID card can be collected after a period of 10 working days at the place of application. The applicant must bring the application receipt.

ID cards must be collected within 6 months of applying. Thereafter, the commune or the reception desk is entitled to destroy the ID card.

During the registration process, applicants may give the last and first name(s) of a third party who will collect the ID card in their place. This person is called a 'mandataire' (authorised representative). This third party must present the receipt mentioning their name and a valid identity document at the time of collection of the ID card.

Note: The name of the 'mandataire' is shown on the receipt. This means the name must be given at the time of the registration process and it cannot be changed subsequently.

The ID card is in the form of an 85 x 53 mm plastic card; it incorporates a number of security elements as well as secure printing features.

Fast-track procedure

Applicants can also obtain an ID card using a fast-track procedure. When applying, the applicant must indicate the reason for the urgency.

Applications may be made at:

In this case, the application must be accompanied by documents proving the applicant's address abroad and a recent photo complying with ICAO standards (Pdf, 7.62 Mb).

ID cards applied for using the fast-track procedure can only be collected at the reception desk after 3 working days from the date of application.

ID cards must be collected within 6 months of applying. Thereafter, the reception desk is entitled to destroy the ID card.

Electronic certificates of the ID card

The ID card contains:

  • personal information printed visibly on the card;
  • data that can only be read electronically (in addition to the visible data), located on a contactless electronic chip:
    • the 13-digit national identification number ('matricule') of the holder;
    • the authentication and electronic signature certificates and the associated private keys;
    • an image of the holder's face;
    • the holder's scanned signature;
    • for ID cards applied for after 2 August 2021, the chip will also contain 2 of the holder's scanned fingerprints if the holder is 12 years or older.

Access to the electronic data is protected by cryptographic security mechanisms such as BAC (Basic Access Control), SAC (Supplemental Access Control) and EAC (Extended Access Control), defined by the ICAO.

The ID card provides its holder with 2 certificates:

  • a signature certificate that enables the holder to electronically sign documents and transactions online. The holder is sure to have a qualified electronic signature having the same legal value as a handwritten signature;
  • an authentication certificate that enables the holder to log on easily to many State and private online applications, with a maximum level of security.

Activation and access

To be able to provide authentication and sign electronically, adult holders may request the activation of the electronic certificates at the time of application for the card, and only at that time. They must:

For a child aged 15 and over, the certificates may be activated on request:

  • by a parent with parental authority; or
  • the legal guardian.

The parent or legal guardian also signs the request to activate the certificates and accepts the general terms and conditions of use of the certificates (Pdf, 405 Kb). In this case, both the card holder and the parent or guardian must:

  • sign the application receipt;
  • provide a contact email address for either the card holder or the parent/guardian.

These certificates cannot be activated for ID cards issued to children under 15 years of age and to adults without legal capacity.

The reception desk will send a secret code to persons who are eligible for the activation of the certificates, the authentication keys and the electronic signature.

The persons concerned may access the electronic certificates using:

Revocation, suspension and reactivation

The holder of an ID card may at any time request the suspension of their certificates, the reactivation of a suspended certificate, or the revocation (i.e. definitive deactivation) of their certificates. The suspension or deletion of authentication and signature certificates does not affect the validity of the ID card.

Change of contact email address

Anyone who, after activating their electronic certificates, changes email address or realises that the encoded email address is incorrect may ask to change the email address by contacting LuxTrust (see 'Online services and forms'). They must go in person to the registered office of LuxTrust, present a valid ID and submit the duly completed form. They will then receive their eID-related notifications at a valid address.

Validity period of the ID card

The validity period of the ID card depends on the holder's age:

  • for persons over 15 years of age, the ID card is valid for 10 years;
  • for children between 4 and 15 years old: the card is valid for 5 years;
  • for children under 4 years of age: the card is valid for 2 years.

Where it is temporarily impossible for the applicant to physically provide fingerprints, the identity card is valid for 12 months.

Renewing an ID card

Applications to renew or replace ID cards must be made in person to the competent authorities, as soon as possible, by:

  • the applicant;
  • the parent with parental authority; or
  • the legal guardian in the case of minors or adults without legal capacity.

The renewal of the ID card is necessary in the following cases:

  • expiry of the period of validity stated on the card;
  • the holder's ID photo no longer corresponds to their present appearance;
  • loss, theft or damage to the ID card;
  • change of last or first name(s) and in the case of the addition or deletion of the name of a living or deceased spouse;
  • change of national identification number.

Returning an ID card

In the event of renewal of an ID card or loss of Luxembourg nationality, the old card must be returned to the authority where the registration process of the new card takes place:

The ID card will be invalidated.

Loss, theft or destruction of the ID card

The loss, theft or destruction of an ID card must be reported as soon as possible to the police and to the administration.

Online services and forms

Online payment

Online services

Downloadable forms

Appointment booking

My data

Who to contact

  • reception desk - ID cards and driving licences

    11, rue Notre-Dame L-2240 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
  • reception desk - Information desk

    11, rue Notre-Dame L-2240 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 17.00

Related procedures and links



Legal references

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