Survey on the transport of goods by road

Last update


STATEC is organising a road freight transport survey. The aim is to obtain information on transport operations by road within and outside the country by road freight vehicles registered in Luxembourg.

From 1 July 2024, a survey on the transport of goods by road (transport de marchandises par route - TRM) will be organised by the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC).

STATEC is a state administration under the authority of the Ministry of Economy, which enjoys scientific and professional independence. Its mission is to collect, analyse and disseminate data on Luxembourg's economy and society in a neutral manner.

The data collected in the context of the road freight transport survey concerns:

  • the vehicle (e.g. its type, payload, etc.);
  • the itinerary (e.g. the place of departure and arrival);
  • the goods transported (e.g. the type and weight of goods, etc.);

The information collected is used to:

  • analyse the economy of the sector (economic monitoring, national accounts data for the sector, studies on transport companies);
  • assess the implications of freight flows by origin and destination for infrastructure policy, taking into account traffic, safety, environmental and congestion issues.

Eligible businesses

Companies that own lorries or road tractors (including their trailers or semi-trailers) that:

  • are registered in Luxembourg; and
  • have a payload of at least 3.5 tonnes.

Companies whose vehicles have been selected are legally obliged to take part in the survey, whether or not they are transport companies.


To take part in the road freight transport survey, you must have received a letter of invitation by post.


The normal survey period is one week per year for each vehicle. The reference week is indicated on the paper questionnaire.

You must complete and submit the questionnaire no later than the 5th day after the end of the reference week.

If the vehicle is leased or sold during the reference week, you must include the contact details of the lessee or new owner in the questionnaire. STATEC will then contact them to complete the questionnaire.

How to proceed

Completing the questionnaire

In the invitation letter, you are invited to take part in the survey by completing:

  • the paper questionnaire provided; or
  • the online procedure on

You must complete one form per vehicle for all vehicles of the type concerned.

The paper questionnaire is available in French and German. The online procedure is available in French, German and English.

There are 2 ways of completing the online procedure on

  • in authenticated mode, which is preferable because you can:
    • save the questionnaire either in your private eSpace or in your business eSpace; and
    • complete the form easily at your convenience, with no time constraints;
  • in non-authenticated mode, which does not require an authentication product (LuxTrust, eID or eIDAS).

Please note: in non-authenticated mode, you must complete the entire questionnaire in one go. Your entries in the questionnaire cannot be saved and the questionnaire cannot be resumed at a later date. The maximum time allowed for completing the questionnaire is 2 hours.

You can contact STATEC if you have any questions or require assistance in the event of a problem with the form. You can contact them:

  • by email to;
  • by phone at +352 247 74830 from Monday to Friday between 08.30 and 11.30.

Please always indicate the licence plate number and the reference week mentioned in the invitation letter.

Data protection

STATEC guarantees the confidentiality of all information submitted in the context of its surveys. This information is used solely for statistical purposes and individual or customisable information is not passed on to third parties.


Online services and forms

Who to contact

Questions about the road freight transport survey (TRM)

Related procedures and links



Further information

Legal references

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