Exceptional transport

Last update


As a road haulage operator, you need to apply for special authorisation (exceptional transport permit or permit to operate on the road) to carry out certain specific types of transport.

To carry out certain specific types of transport, you need to obtain an exceptional transport permit. You must also submit an application for vehicles not intended for goods transport in order to:

  • put such vehicles on the road; or
  • obtain authorisation to operate such vehicles on the road.

The Ministry of Mobility and Public Works issues these special permits.

Who is concerned

As a road haulage operator, you need an exceptional transport permit if you plan to transport a load by road:

  • that exceeds the regulatory dimensions and masses applicable to road vehicles intended for the transport of goods; and
  • is indivisible, that is, that cannot be divided into several loads without the road haulage operator incurring additional costs or the risk of damage.

You also need an exceptional transport permit to put anexceptional vehicleon the road, i.e. a road vehicle intended for the transport of goods, loaded or unloaded, which exceeds the regulatory dimensions and weights due to its design.

As a road haulage operator, you need a permit to operate on the road if you plan to use a vehicle that is not intended for the transport of goods on the public highway, that is, any mobile or self-propelled machine that, on account of its design or the equipment fitted, exceeds the regulatory dimensions or masses.


Exceptional transport permits and permits to operate on the road are issued free of charge.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

You can apply for an exceptional transport permit:

Requests submitted via MyGuichet.lu are given priority.

You can apply online with or without authentication using a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).

To obtain a permit to operate on the road, you must send the dated and signed permit application form (see 'Online services and forms'), together with all attachments, by email to the following address: autorisations@mmtp.etat.lu.

Information to be provided

To complete your request, you must provide:

  • the permit holder's surname(s) and first name(s) or company name;
  • the permit holder's address;
  • the address of the recipient of the permit;
  • information on the towing or single vehicles;
  • information on the towed vehicles;
  • the exact length of the single vehicle or the coupled combination of vehicles;
  • the type of load;
  • the itinerary (exception for heavy equipment in categories 1 and 2);
  • additional information about the transport(s) to be carried out.

You can specify the following on an attached document at the end of the procedure if it is more convenient:

  • mass on axles; and
  • the itinerary.

To complete your request, you must provide:

  • the permit holder's surname(s) and first name(s) or company name;
  • the permit holder's address;
  • the address of the recipient of the permit;
  • the characteristics of the road vehicle(s);
  • the dimensions and mass of the vehicle;
  • the itinerary (except category 1);
  • the expected date of transport.

Supporting documents

You must attach the following documents in PDF format to your application for an exceptional transport permit:

  • the permit holder's power of attorney (if you are not the permit holder);
  • the registration certificate(s) of the road vehicle(s);
  • the certificate(s) of conformity of the road vehicle(s);
  • proof of the indivisibility of the load to be transported (purchase order, technical data sheet, etc.);
  • the list(s) of vehicle registration numbers, if the transport is to be carried out using several road vehicles and the dimensions and masses are the same as those specified in the application (see under 'Download' below);
  • for a transport operation, or to put on the road a vehicle covered by a category 3 permit, a technical drawing showing how the laden mass is distributed on the vehicle's axles.


  • for an exceptional transport operation that exceeds a total mass of 44 metric tons or which is listed as a category 3, the number of lorries or semi-trailer tractors on the list is limited to 10;
  • The same applies for an exceptional transport operation to be carried out using 5-axle lorries having a maximum authorised mass of 50 metric tons, if the transport operation exceeds a total mass of 50 metric tons.
  • For transport operations that exceed 44 tonnes, the submission of vehicle registration certificates and certificates of conformity is mandatory.

You must attach the following documents in PDF format to your application for a permit to operate vehicles not intended for the transport of goods:

  • the permit holder's power of attorney (if you are not the permit holder);
  • the registration certificate(s) of the road vehicle(s);
  • the certificate(s) of conformity of the road vehicle(s), or any other technical document;
  • the list(s) of vehicle registration numbers if the transport is to be carried out using several road vehicles or self-propelled machines and the dimensions and masses remain unchanged (see under 'Download' below).

Processing the application

Once the application has been submitted, the special permits department of the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works will check the application and the enclosed documents and then issue the requested special permit, provided that:

  • all the information you have provided is correct; and
  • all the required conditions have been satisfied.

You can download the permit in PDF format from your MyGuichet.lu business eSpace.

You can also request to receive the permit by post.

Good to know

The special permits department reserves the right to request you to provide further information in order to ascertain the admissibility of your application and the appropriateness of issuing a special permit.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • Ministry of Mobility and Public Works Department for special permits

    4, place de l’Europe L-1499 Luxembourg
    Closed ⋅ Opens tomorrow at 9.00
    9.00 to 11.30 , 13.30 to 16.00
    9.00 to 11.30 , 13.30 to 16.00
    9.00 to 11.30 , 13.30 to 16.00
    9.00 to 11.30 , 13.30 to 16.00
    9.00 to 11.30 , 13.30 to 16.00

Related procedures and links


Road sector


Further information

Transports exceptionnels

sur le Portail Transports

Legal references

Arrêté grand-ducal modifié du 23 novembre 1955

portant règlement de la circulation sur toutes les voies publiques

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