Application to amend an AOC

Last update

Any change that affects the scope of an operator's Air Operator Certificate (AOC) or the Operations Specifications (Ops Spec) must receive prior approval from the Directorate of Civil Aviation (Direction de l'Aviation Civile – DAC).

The most common changes include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • the addition of an aircraft to the fleet list;
  • a change in the area of operations;
  • a change in the type of operations (passengers, cargo, emergency medical services, air taxi, etc.);
  • the transport of hazardous materials;
  • the addition of a specific approval, such as:
    • reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM);
    • low visibility take-off (LVTO);
    • extended-range twin-engine operational performance standards (ETOPS);
    • complex performance-based navigation operations (PBN);
    • minimum navigation performance specifications (MNPS);
    • single-engine turbine aeroplanes in instrument meteorological conditions (SET-IMC);
    • helicopter operations with the assistance of night vision imaging systems (NVIS);
    • helicopter hoist operations (HHO);
    • helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS);
    • use of a type B electronic flight bag (EFB) application; etc.

Who is concerned

Commercial air operators that hold a commercial air transport certificate (AOC) issued by the DAC must apply for approval for any change that affects the scope of the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) or the Operations Specifications (Ops Spec).


To apply to amend an AOC, applicants must hold a commercial air transport certificate (AOC) issued by the DAC.


The application must be submitted to the DAC at least 30 days before the desired date of implementation.


The cost of an amendment is determined in accordance with the terms of the Grand Ducal regulation of 19 November 2019.

The fee to change the scope of an AOC or the operations specifications is determined based on time spent.

To add an aircraft type that is already being operated to the AOC, the fee is EUR 2,000. If the aircraft type is not yet being operated, the fee is EUR 5,000.

For further information, applicants should contact the DAC.

How to proceed

Filing of the declaration

Operators must send the duly completed, dated and signed application form by post or email (to with the requested supporting documents.

Supporting documents

The supporting documents required depend on the type of change to the AOC.

To find out which documents they must submit, applicants should contact the DAC by email at


Operators may not implement the change until they receive official approval from the DAC.

For any changes that do not require prior approval, operators must notify the DAC as soon as possible.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Directorate of Civil Aviation

  • Ministry of Mobility and Public Works Directorate of Civil Aviation (DAC)

    4, rue Lou Hemmer L-1748 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    B.P. 283, L-2012
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.30
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.30 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00

Related procedures and links


Application for document approval (air operations) Application for a specific approval


Legal references

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