Consultation by companies of data concerning their supplementary pension schemes
Last update
Supplementary pension schemes are the 2nd pillar of pension provision in Luxembourg. They are set up in a professional context by companies for their employees, on a voluntary basis.
These supplementary pension schemes must be registered with the General Inspectorate of Social Security (IGSS), which is the competent authority in matters of supplementary pension schemes.
The IGSS provides the companies concerned with certain information relating to the supplementary pension scheme(s) they have set up via
As a business you have access to 2 different types of data on
- general data gathered by the IGSS as part of the registration procedure and relating to:
- the types of cover offered by the scheme;
- the identity of the supplementary pension scheme manager (usually an insurance company or a consultant);
- the scheme's activation date and, where applicable, its closing date;
- the compliance status with the RCP law as determined by the IGSS;
- specific data from information supplied by the supplementary pension scheme manager. This information details the financing of the scheme and specifies the number of active members for whom the manager has communicated data to the IGSS.
To consult this data, you can use a viewing and verification service on
Who is concerned
Any Luxembourg or foreign legal or natural person who, after 31 December 2021:
- has a supplementary pension scheme subject to the RCP law; and
- can provide proof of registration of this scheme with the IGSS.
Access code for your business eSpace on
If you wish to consult the data relating to your employees' supplementary pension schemes, you must have a business eSpace on This eSpace must be certified using an access code (token) supplied by the IGSS. In principle, this access code is provided when the 1st supplementary pension scheme is registered. If you have already registered a supplementary pension scheme before 1 February 2024, you will receive your access code when the service goes online.
The IGSS will send the access codes by post to the management of the companies concerned.
Please note:
- only one access code will be generated for each company. It can be used to consult the data of all the supplementary pension schemes registered with the IGSS by the company concerned;
- additional access codes cannot be issued, even if there are several schemes within the company;
- it is not possible to restrict access to data from only one or more specific company schemes for a given access code.
How to create a business eSpace on
There are 2 possible scenarios:
- You are a new user of You must:
- first register on; and
- then create a business eSpace.
- You already have a private eSpace on You can directly create a business eSpace without having to register again.
Further information as well as tutorials in relation with the business eSpace are available in our dedicated help page.
Please note: certified workspaces are collaborative. As administrator, you can invite other colleagues to join your eSpace as users.
Access code lost or not received
If you lose or did not receive the code, you can contact the IGSS Supplementary Pension Scheme Department (service des pensions complémentaires) at to receive a new token.
Please note:
- in order for specific data relating to the company's supplementary pension schemes to be displayed in, this data must have been sent to IGSS by the manager of the scheme;
- only data relating to the 2022 and subsequent financial years is made available to companies.
How to proceed
Access to consultation service concerning the supplementary pension scheme data
As a company, you can consult the data relating to your supplementary pension scheme(s) via the 'authentic sources' in your business eSpace on To do so, you must:
- go to the 'My data' section;
- then go to the 'Human Resources' section where you select 'Supplementary pension scheme'.
Revocation of an access code by the company
The company may revoke certified access to supplementary pension scheme data at any time.
To revoke an access code, please contact the IGSS Supplementary Pension Scheme Department by email at:
Extension of validity of an access code
In principle, the IGSS ensures that the validity of access codes are extended in due course. If, however, an access code has expired, you can contact the IGSS Supplementary Pension Scheme Department by email at:
Good to know
As the data displayed is based on information supplied by a supplementary pension scheme manager, the IGSS cannot guarantee its accuracy. If you notice any errors, the IGSS invites you to contact the listed manager of the supplementary pension scheme concerned.
If you are a company managing supplementary pension schemes, you also have access to the following data in addition to data relating to the schemes set up as an employer:
- schemes for self-employed workers approved by the IGSS; and
- schemes approved to maintain the acquired rights of former employees who cannot be maintained in their former employer's initial scheme (formerly known as 'duly authorised schemes').
Online services and forms
Who to contact
General Inspectorate of Social Security (IGSS) Supplementary Pension Scheme Department
- Address:
26, rue Sainte Zithe
B.P. 1308, L-1013
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 86 383
- Email address:
Related procedures and links
Further information
Législation concernant le Service Pensions complémentaires
sur le portail de l’Inspection générale de la sécurité sociale
Glossaire sur les régimes complémentaires de pension
sur le portail de l’Inspection générale de la sécurité sociale
Legal references
Loi du 8 juin 1999
relative aux régimes complémentaires de pension
Règlement grand-ducal du 11 janvier 2012
établissant le relevé des renseignements à fournir par les entreprises en matière de régimes complémentaires de pension
Loi modifiée du 8 juin 1999
relative aux régimes complémentaires de pension - version coordonnée au 1er janvier 2019 (Version coordonnéé élaborée par l'IGSS à des fins d'information)
Loi modifiée du 13 juillet 2005
concernant les activités et la surveillance des institutions de retraite professionnelle - version coordonnée au 1er janvier 2020 (Version coordonnée élaborée par l'IGSS à des fins d'information)
Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 22 décembre 2006
déterminant le montant et les modalités d'exécution des taxes prévues à l'article 30, paragraphe (4) de la loi modifiée du 8 juin 1999 relative aux régimes complémentaires de pension - version coordonnée au 4 février 2020 (Version coordonnée élaborée par l'IGSS à des fins d'information)
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