How to check the details of your supplementary pension scheme

Last update


The General Inspectorate of Social Security (Inspection générale de la sécurité sociale - IGSS) provides citizens who have a supplementary pension scheme with certain information concerning this scheme. This data can be accessed on with authentication ( using a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card).

Supplementary pension schemes are the 2nd pillar of pension provision in Luxembourg. They are set up within a professional framework. There are 2 different types:

  1. Schemes set up by companies for their employees. These supplementary pension schemes must be registered with the General Inspectorate of Social Security (IGSS), which is the competent authority.
  2. Schemes approved by the IGSS to which supplementary pension contributions are paid by self-employed workers or into which are paid the acquired rights of former employees who cannot be maintained in their former employer's initial supplementary pension scheme.

The purpose of supplementary pension schemes is to provide benefits in the event of retirement, death, disability or survival. These benefits are complementary to those paid by the statutory social security systems. Their implementation is optional and not all employees and self-employed workers are necessarily covered by a supplementary pension scheme.

If you are covered by a supplementary pension scheme, the IGSS makes available certain information about this scheme via This data can be accessed on with authentication (using a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card).

Please note: supplementary pension schemes financed by the citizen themselves, even on the basis of an individual pension provision product covered by article 111bis L.I.R. and which constitute the 3rd pillar of pension provision, are not covered by this service.

Who is concerned?

Any natural person:

  • who is or has been employed or self-employed in Luxembourg, whether resident or non-resident; and
  • who is registered with:
    • a supplementary pension scheme set up by a Luxembourg employer; or
    • a supplementary pension scheme approved to receive supplementary pension contributions paid by self-employed persons or to maintain the rights of former employees.


If you want to check your rights in relation to a supplementary pension, you must:


  • in order for your data concerning a supplementary pension scheme to be available via, the supplementary pension scheme manager (generally an insurance company or a consultant) must have communicated this data to the IGSS;
  • only data relating to the 2022 financial year and following years will be made available to the citizen.

How to proceed

Access to the service for consulting data relating to supplementary pension rights

As a citizen, you can check your entitlement to a supplementary pension via the 'authentic sources' in your private eSpace on To do so, you must:

  • go to the 'My data' section;
  • then to the 'Employment' section where you select 'Supplementary pension'.

Good to know

As the data displayed is based on information supplied by a supplementary pension scheme manager, the IGSS cannot guarantee its accuracy. If you notice any errors, the IGSS invites you to contact the listed manager of the supplementary pension scheme concerned.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

General Inspectorate of Social Security - Supplementary Pension Scheme Department

Related procedures and links



Further information

Legal references

  • Loi du 8 juin 1999

    relative aux régimes complémentaires de pension

  • Règlement grand-ducal du 11 janvier 2012

    établissant le relevé des renseignements à fournir par les entreprises en matière de régimes complémentaires de pension

  • Loi modifiée du 8 juin 1999

    relative aux régimes complémentaires de pension - version coordonnée au 1er janvier 2019 (Version coordonnéé élaborée par l'IGSS à des fins d'information)

  • Loi modifiée du 13 juillet 2005

    concernant les activités et la surveillance des institutions de retraite professionnelle - version coordonnée au 1er janvier 2020 (Version coordonnée élaborée par l'IGSS à des fins d'information)

  • Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 22 décembre 2006

    déterminant le montant et les modalités d'exécution des taxes prévues à l'article 30, paragraphe (4) de la loi modifiée du 8 juin 1999 relative aux régimes complémentaires de pension - version coordonnée au 4 février 2020 (Version coordonnée élaborée par l'IGSS à des fins d'information)

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