Having years spent bringing up children (baby years) recognised for retirement

Last update

The baby year is an insurance period for which a notional income is taken into account in the insurance contributions history for the parent who has devoted himself or herself to the education of a legitimate, legitimised, natural or adopted child in Luxembourg.

The baby year period is taken into account as a period of 24 months. It is extended to 48 months if:

  • the parent is raising at least 2 other legitimate, legitimised, natural or adopted children at home at the time of the birth or adoption of the child concerned;
  • the child is physically or mentally impaired.

The parents designate the beneficiary of the baby year period by means of a joint application, or agree to share the period. This decision cannot be changed at a later date.

In the absence of an agreement between the parents, and in the absence of proof from the claimant parent that they have assumed sole responsibility for the child's upbringing, this period is shared equally between the 2 parents.

Who is concerned

Any parent who:

  • can prove that they are affiliated to the pension insurance scheme in Luxembourg; and
  • have devoted themselves, in Luxembourg, to the upbringing of a legitimate, legitimised, natural or adopted child under the age of 4 at the time of adoption.


For the baby year to be taken into account, you must submit a joint application and meet the condition of 12 months' compulsory insurance during a period of 36 months prior to the birth or adoption of the child.

This period can be extended if it overlaps with periods spent bringing up other children.

Any months of mandatory insurance contributions accrued during this period in European Union countries or in a country with which Luxembourg has concluded a bilateral pension insurance agreement are also taken into account.


The application can be made as soon as the child reaches the age of 4 and at the latest when the application for a personal pension is submitted.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

The baby year application should be sent using the dedicated form (see 'Online services and forms') to the body responsible for the last professional activity carried out before the birth or adoption of the child (see form for details).

Supporting documents

You must enclose with your application:

  • copies of the identity cards / passports of both parents;
  • a recent birth certificate or adoption order for the child concerned.

Depending on the situation, you must also attach the following to your application:

  • a medical certificate attesting that your child is physically or mentally impaired;
  • documentary evidence of your insurance history abroad, if you have worked outside Luxembourg or for an international institution;
  • a death certificate, if one of the parents is deceased.

If you do not live in Luxembourg, you must enclose a certificate of residence for the parent(s) and other children living in the household at the time of the child's birth.


The baby year period begins:

  • the month following the birth or adoption of the child; or
  • where applicable, the month following the expiry date of the maternity benefits.

Notional income taken into account for the baby year

The notional income taken into account is equal to the monthly average pensionable income taken into account for compulsory insurance during the 12-month contribution period immediately preceding the month of birth or adoption, minus any pensionable income credited elsewhere (namely optional, continued or supplementary pension insurance). However, the income taken into account cannot be less than a certain minimum monthly amount (EUR 270.28 at index 100 base 84 per child).

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • National Pension Insurance Fund (CNAP

    1A, boulevard Prince Henri L-1724 Luxembourg
    L-2096 Luxembourg
    (+352) 22 41 41 65 00
    Hotline Pensions
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00
    8.00 to 15.30
    8.00 to 15.30
    8.00 to 15.30
    8.00 to 15.30
    8.00 to 15.30
    Public counters are open by appointment only.
  • National Pension Insurance Fund - Reception desk for insured persons

    34-40, avenue de la Porte-Neuve 2227 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00
    8.00 to 15.30
    8.00 to 15.30
    8.00 to 15.30
    8.00 to 15.30
    8.00 to 15.30

Related procedures and links



Further information

Explications "Les périodes Baby Year"

sur le site de la Caisse nationale d’assurance pension (CNAP)

Legal references

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