Extending the validity of a driving licence

Last update

Every driver of a motor vehicle must hold a valid driving licence. In Luxembourg, the length of validity of a driving licence depends on its category and date of issue.

That period of validity is limited, so drivers must renew their licences at regular intervals.

Who is concerned?

The following drivers are required to renew their driving licence:

  • those residing in Luxembourg, regardless of their nationality;
  • those declared fit to drive a vehicle.


Drivers over 60 years old must undergo a medical examination that proves them capable of driving a vehicle in order to renew their licence.

A driving license cannot be issued if the applicant:

  • has severe heart rhythm disorders;
  • suffers from angina at rest or in a state of high emotion;
  • is dependent on alcohol or is unable to stop drinking and driving;
  • has a dependency on psychotropic substances or regularly abuses them without being dependent on them;
  • regularly consumes psychotropic substances in any form, which could impair their ability to drive safely if the amount absorbed negatively impacts driving ability. The same applies to any other medicinal product or combination thereof which has an influence on the ability to drive.

According to the information on the medical certificate prepared by a general practitioner and submitted to the National Society of Automotive Traffic (SNCA), the SNCA can ask the opinion of the Medical Commission on a user's ability to drive.

How to proceed

Terms of the obligation to renew one's driving licence

Driving licences issued after 19 January 2013

Driving licences in Categories A, A1, A2, Am, B, BE and F are valid for 10 years, provided that the 10-year period does not extend past the holder's 70th birthday.

After the age of 70, driving licences are renewed only for maximum periods of 5 years, as long as the period does not end after the driver reaches the age of 80.

After the age of 80, licences are renewed only for a maximum duration of 2 years.

Driving licences issued before 19 January 2013

Driving licences issued before 19 January 2013 remain valid for the length of time stated on the licence.

However, such driving licences must be exchanged before 19 January 2033 for the new type of driving licence.

Drivers who have not renewed their driving licence after its validity has expired are deemed to be driving on an expired driving licence, and are subject to a caution and a fine.

Procedures for renewing a driving licence

Persons whose driving licences are set to expire will receive notice from the SNCA approximately 2 months before their current licence expires, asking them to renew their licence.

This information is accompanied by a form to be completed and returned to the Driving Licence Office (Service des permis de conduire) of the SNCA together with the following documents:

  • a recent identification photo (45 × 35 mm);
  • from the age of 60, a medical certificate:
    • less than 3 months old (the medical visit is not paid by the social security);
    • issued by a physician legally authorised to practise as a general practitioner and/or as a medical specialist in internal medicine in Luxembourg;
    • attesting that the candidate possesses the required physical and mental abilities.

The form and documents can be submitted as follows:

  • either by standard post to the Driving Licence Office (Service des permis de conduire) at the SNCA (11, rue de Luxembourg L-5230 Sandweiler);
  • or directly at the counter of the offices in Sandweiler, Esch-sur-Alzette or Fridhaff;
  • at the 'Guichet.lu Reception Desk', 11, rue Notre-Dame (across the street from Place Guillaume), Luxembourg city.

Please note that if you present the form and the documents in person at the Sandweiler or Fridhaff offices, or at the 'Guichet.lu Reception Desk', it is not necessary to bring a photo because you can have your picture taken on site. However, you have to bring an ID photo if you carry out the procedure at the SNCA office in Esch-sur-Alzette.

Licences issued before 1 January 2010 are valid until the age of 50. On that date, the holder of the licence must apply for renewal of their driving licence, attaching a recent photo (45 × 35mm on flexible paper, with the head facing forward and measuring at least 20 mm in height).

People wishing to renew driving licences whose validity in one or more categories expired more than 6 years ago must pass a test.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Driving Licence Office

Ministry of Mobility and Public Works

2 of 4 bodies shown

Related procedures and links

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