Application for a travel card for people with reduced mobility (Adapto)

Last update


Adapto is a specialised transport service in Luxembourg for people with reduced mobility Adapto transports are arranged by reservation.

Adapto is an occasional passenger transport service for people with reduced mobility. It supplements the public transport system by providing transport via specially equipped vehicles.

You can benefit from this service if you:

  • have reduced mobility or a disability;
  • have a permanent impairment that prevents you from travelling independently, either with your own means of transport or by public transport.

Who is concerned?

You can benefit from the Adapto services if you:

  • reside in Luxembourg; and
  • are at least 12 years old; and
  • have:
    • a permanent disability; or
    • a physical, mental, sensory or psychological impairment; or
    • severely reduced mobility; or
    • a progressive illness.

The service is intended for occasional journeys. You will be taken in charge from the pavement at your point of departure.

If you have a temporary disability (e.g. a broken leg), you are not eligible for the Adapto services.


To benefit from the Adapto service, you must have a permanent disability that prevents you from travelling with other means of transport, be it with other private or public means of transport.


Since 1 March 2020, Adapto transport services are free of charge.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

To benefit from the Adapto service, you must:

  • complete, date and sign the Adapto card application form that is available online;
  • see a physician to have them complete, date and sign the medical certificate attached to the form.

The medical certificate must be recent and no older than 3 months.

You must send the completed and signed form to the following address:

Administration des transports publics
Service Transports PMR Adapto
B.P. 640
L-2016 Luxembourg

Access card

If you meet the admission criteria, you will receive the Adapto card. This card is strictly personal.

Booking the transport service

The Adapto service is only available for trips within Luxembourg.

You can book your trips in advance using a single platform which can be reached:

  • by calling the 'Mobilitéitszentral' booking centre at 2465 2465; or
  • online at; or
  • using the mobile app.

You can book an Adapto vehicle for your transport the same day (up to 2 hours before the desired departure). For this type of booking, it is necessary to book the transport service by phone at: 2465 2465.

Please note that Adapto transport services are intended for occasional trips. The travel limit is set to 360 trips per year and beneficiary (booking a return trip is counted as 2 trips).

If you are not allowed to travel alone, you must be accompanied by a person of your choice throughout the journey.

At the driver's request, you must show your card before entering the vehicle.


The transport service is available:

  • Monday to Thursday: from 7.00 to 23.00;
  • Friday and Saturday from 7.00 to 24.00;
  • Sunday and public holidays from 7.00 to 22.00.

On 24 December, the transport services cease to operate at 20.00.

If your Adapto card expires and the conditions for access are still met, you can submit a new application using the Adapto service access form.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Public Transport Administration - Adapto PMR Transport Service

Related procedures and links


Using public transport in Luxembourg


Further information

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