Requesting a disability and priority card
Last update
Persons who are disabled or have reduced mobility can request a priority card and/or a disability card.
Who is concerned
The priority card or disability card is issued to persons:
- with a permanent or temporary disability of at least 30 %;
- who reside in Luxembourg or who work on a regular basis in Luxembourg (cross-border workers).
How to proceed
Types of cards
Priority card for persons who have difficulty standing
The priority card is issued to people with disabilities that make walking or standing difficult. Holders enjoy:
- a right to priority of passage and service;
- a guaranteed seat.
Disability card 'A'
The disability card A is issued to persons whose degree of physical disability is between 30 and 49 %.
The priority card may be issued jointly with the disability card A. In that case, the holder will also have priority rights and a guaranteed seat.
Disability card 'B'
The disability card B is issued to persons whose degree of disability is equal to or greater than 50 %. Holders enjoy a right to priority of passage and service as well as a guaranteed seat.
Disability card 'C'
The disability card C is issued to persons whose physical or mental state is such that they cannot travel without the assistance of another person. This card extends the rights granted by the Disability card B to the person accompanying the disabled person.
Holders are entitled to be accompanied by their service dogs.
How to apply
For Luxembourg residents
All cards may be applied for from the communal administration of the place where the applicant lives, using an application form.
The section 'Certificat de la commune de résidence du requérant' (Certificate of the applicant's commune of residence) must be completed by the communal administration where the applicant lives.
For cross-border commuters working in Luxembourg
Cross-border workers wishing to obtain a disability card must apply to the Disability Card Office (Service des cartes d'invalidité) of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Document(s) to be provided
Documents to be provided are:
- 2 copies of the application form;
- 2 recent 3 × 4 cm photos, with the applicant's details on the reverse:
- name;
- first name;
- date of birth.
Cross-border commuters working in Luxembourg must also provide a certificate of employment from their employer.
When the application is filed, the identity of the applicant must be able to be verified on an identifying document.
There is no need for a medical certificate. After filing the application, the applicant will be contacted by the medical examiner.
The priority and/or disability card is:
- non-transferable;
- only valid for 2nd class;
- subject to national pricing.
The card is only valid if its holder can show an official identification document, such as:
- an ID card; or
- a passport.
In the event of temporary disability
A priority and/or disability card issued due to a temporary disability is valid for a maximum period of 5 years.
In the event of permanent disability
A priority and/or disability card issued due to a permanent disability is valid without any time limit. However, holders must renew their cards if:
- the photo is no longer a true likeness of the holder;
- the condition of the card is such that it has become difficult to read;
- the information on the card is no longer correct.
How to renew
Renewal of the various types of cards is subject to the same formalities as a card's first issuance.
The renewal is free of charge in exchange for the return of the previous card and the provision of 2 recent photographs of the holder.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Disability Card Service
Ministry of Home Affairs Disability Card Service
- Address:
- 32, rue Hugo Gernsback L-1652 Luxembourg-Kirchberg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 84 600
- Email address:
Related procedures and links
Further information
- Website of the Ministry of Home Affairs
Info-Handicap Luxembourg
Site web
City of Luxembourg
Reduced mobility
Legal references
concernant les cartes de priorité et d'invalidité