Using public transport in Luxembourg

Last update

Luxembourg has numerous public transport systems that allow you to travel throughout the country and abroad.

In order to use public transport, passengers must follow certain rules.

As of 1 March 2020, public transport is free of charge in 2nd class for national journeys. First-class or cross-border journeys are partially or fully subject to a charge.

Who is concerned

Anybody can use public transport.

Children under the age of 4 must be accompanied by a person who is at least 12 years old.

In addition, anyone can benefit from free public transport in 2nd class on the following networks:

  • the Régime Général des Transport Routiers (RGTR);
  • the Luxembourg National Railway Company (Société des chemins de fer luxembourgeois - CFL);
  • the Luxembourg City Bus Service (Autobus de la Ville de Luxembourg - AVL);
  • Luxtram S.A.;
  • the Syndicat des Tramways Intercommunaux dans le Canton d’Esch-sur-Alzette (TICE).


National journeys in 1st class

Train journeys in 1st class are:

  • charged for anyone over the age of 12. Passengers must have a transport ticket;
  • free of charge for children under the age of 12, provided that:
    • they are accompanied by a person who is at least 12 years old and who has a valid 1st class ticket;
    • there are no more than 2 children under the age of 12.
Ticket fares in EUR
Short-duration ticket 3
Long-duration ticket (1 day) 6
Set of 10 short-duration tickets 24
Set of 5 long-duration tickets 24
Monthly transport pass for the entire network 75
Monthly short-distance transport pass 37,50
Annual public transport network pass 660
Annual short-distance pass 330
Annual senior citizen pass "Seniorekaart" 200

Cross-border train or bus journeys

Train journeys

When travelling by train, the journey is only free of charge within the country:

  • in 2nd class;
  • and also from a border point; or
  • to a border point.

A ticket is required to travel beyond the borders of Luxembourg territory, with the exception of the 3 stations operated under the Luxembourg national system, namely Audun-le-Tiche (France), Athus (Belgium) and Volmerange-les-Mines (France).

Bus journeys

On RGTR cross-border buses, the journey is free:

  • to the last stop before the border; or
  • to the actual border, if there is a bus stop;
  • for children under the age of 12, provided that:
    • they are accompanied by a person of at least 12 years of age who has a RegioZone transport ticket;
    • that the child is picked up and dropped off in Luxembourg.

A RegioZone transport ticket is required to travel beyond the borders of Luxembourg.

Ticket fares in EUR
  RegioZone 1 RegioZone 2
Kuerzzäitbilljee (Short-duration ticket) 3 5
Dagesbilljee (1-day ticket) 5 9
Monatsabo (monthly transport pass) 40 85
Joresabo (annual transport pass) 360 750
Studentepass Regio (reduced price annual transport pass for students) 130 200

Replacement of a transport pass

In case of damage, loss or theft of a nominative transport pass (with your name recorded on it), a replacement can be provided for a EUR 25 fee.

How to proceed


In order to use public transport, passengers must carry:

  • a valid ID card;
  • if applicable, a valid ticket (first class or cross-border travel).

In addition, passengers are also obliged to comply with the general requirements of public transport operators.

Transport tickets

Different tickets are available for first class travel:

  • short-term tickets, non-nominative, valid for a maximum of 2 hours;
  • day tickets, valid without restrictions from the time they are validated until 4 a.m. on the following day;
  • non-nominative monthly transport passes, valid from the day of validation until 4 a.m. of the same day of the following month, for an unlimited number of journeys on the lines or in the means of public transport concerned;
  • nominative annual transport passes, valid from the day of validation until 4 a.m. of the same day of the following year, for an unlimited number of journeys on the lines or in the means of public transport concerned.

The validity of any transport ticket begins with their first validation, unless otherwise indicated on the ticket.

Illegible or unclear tickets are not valid.

Reduced price transport passes

Schoolchildren and students can purchase a reduced annual transport pass, called Studentepass Regio, for cross-border bus travel.

This transport pass can be purchased at one of the points of sale by:

  • students below the age of 25 who:
    • attend a secordary school;
    • have a "myCard élève"; or
  • students below the age of 30 who:
    • attend university;
    • have a student ID.

Transport passes for senior citizens

Persons aged 60 and over can request an annual transport pass for senior citizens valid for national journeys in 1st class.

The request form must be presented at a point of sale together with a recent passport photograph.

Transfer of a transport pass

Transport passes can only be transferred if:

  • they are not nominative;
  • the journey hasn't started yet.


Tickets cannot be refunded.

Lost, stolen or illegible nominative transport tickets do not entitle the holder to compensation, except in exceptional cases.

Special cases

Group travel

In the context of a school, pre-school or extracurricular activity, a specific application must be submitted to the transport operator concerned if the size of the group exceeds:

  • 10 children on a bus;
  • 20 children on a train.

Approval will be subject to the technical availability of the means of public transport.

Travel with objects or animals

Travellers can use public transport with:

  • pets or service animals (also assistance animals, e.g. guide dogs);
  • objects (travel luggage, etc.) or wheeled objects (stroller, wheelchair, bicycle, etc.).


  • are under the supervision and responsibility of their owners;
  • must not:
    • constitute a hazard and must therefore be blocked, locked or secured;
    • hinder the free movement of travellers: not be placed on seats or placed in the corridor.

Service agents may inspect, in the presence of the traveller, the nature of the objects if they suspect an infringement.

Exclusion from public transport

Travellers in violation of a provision which regulates the service and safety of public transport may:

  • not be admitted aboard public transport;
  • be excluded along the way.

Travellers can also be excluded if they:

  • disturb the order and safety on public transport; or
  • behave in an inacceptable manner; or
  • ignore the regulatory prescriptions and the orders of the control officer.

In these cases, tickets can be withdrawn without a right to reimbursement.

Who to contact

Department of Mobility and Transport

Administration des transports publics

Related procedures and links



Further information

Legal references

Règlement ministériel du 6 février 2020

fixant les conditions de transport et les tarifs des transports publics

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