Voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP)

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You can request a voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP) under certain conditions.

Any pregnant person may request a voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP) within the time limits laid down by law and after having familiarised themselves with the various alternatives available to them.

Who is concerned

You can request a voluntary interruption of pregnancy if you are:

  • a pregnant person of legal age;
  • an unemancipated pregnant minor, with the agreement of a person with parental authority, a legal representative or a trusted adult.


You can request a voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP) provided that:

  • you have consulted a physician specialised in gynaecology and obstetrics at least 3 days before undergoing the VTP;
  • the VTP is performed by a physician specialised in gynaecology and obstetrics, licensed to practise in Luxembourg, and is performed in a hospital or other licensed institution.

Medically induced VTP may also be performed by a physician licensed to practise in Luxembourg who is not specialised in gynaecology and obstetrics. It may be performed by a physician in private practice if they deem it possible, provided that they have entered into an agreement with a hospital that has a gynaecology and obstetrics department with 24-hour emergency services.

Before undergoing a VTP, you must have received the following from the specialist:

  • a dated certificate of pregnancy stating the location and exact age of the pregnancy, to be given to the physician performing the VTP;
  • medical information about the different methods of VTP that exist and about the medical risks and the potential side effects;
  • a list of institutions licensed to perform voluntary terminations of pregnancy, if the physician providing the certificate is not able perform it;
  • documentation on:
    • the rights of pregnant people;
    • the different choices available and their consequences;
    • support for children and families.


A voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP) must generally be performed before the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, or before the end of the 14th week of amenorrhoea (absence of menstrual periods).

However, a voluntary termination of pregnancy may be performed after that date if 2 qualified physicians certify in writing that there is a serious threat to the health or life of the pregnant woman or the foetus.

How to proceed

Pregnant person of legal age

Before the procedure, the physician must inform you of your right, both before and after the voluntary termination of pregnancy (VTP), to a meeting with the psychosocial assistance services connected to a hospital or other institution licensed to perform VTP. There, you will receive:

  • information about alternatives to the decision to perform a VTP;
  • information about the rights and assistance guaranteed by law to families and children;
  • support and advice on how to find help to resolve any psychological and social problems in connection with the VTP. 

Unemancipated pregnant minor

If you are an unemancipated minor, you must consult the psychosocial assistance service. There, you will receive:

  • information about alternatives to the decision to perform a VTP;
  • information about the rights and assistance guaranteed by law to families and children;
  • support and advice on how to find help to resolve any psychological and social problems in connection with the VTP.  

A parent, legal guardian, or trusted adult must give their consent.

If, as a minor, you wish to keep the voluntary interruption of pregnancy secret from the person(s) with parental authority or your legal representative, the VTP and related medical procedures and care may be carried out if you appoint a trustworthy adult to accompany you. The psychosocial assistance service will provide advice on the choice of a trusted adult.

Once you have consulted the psychosocial assistance service, you must confirm, in writing:

  • your decision to undergo a voluntary termination of pregnancy;
  • your consent to the planned procedure, after having obtained the necessary information from the physician.

The written confirmation must be countersigned by a parent, legal guardian, or trusted adult.

VTP procedures

Women who wish to have a VTP performed may go to one of the centres licensed by the Ministry of Health and Social Security to perform VTP.

A medically induced voluntary termination of pregnancy may also be performed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in Luxembourg and who is not a specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics.

Physicians may perform medically induced VTP in a private practice if they deem it possible, provided that they have entered into an agreement with a hospital that has a gynaecology and obstetrics department with 24-hour emergency services.

Hospitals are free to agree or refuse to enter into such agreements.

Similarly, no physician or healthcare professional is required to perform a VTP.

Legal offences

A prison sentence of 2 to 5 years and a fine of 251 EUR to 25,000 EUR are provided for:

  • anyone who, by any means whatsoever, aborts or attempts to abort, without complying with the procedure laid down by law, a pregnant person (or a person assumed to be pregnant) who has consented to the abortion;
  • a pregnant person who voluntarily terminates their pregnancy without complying with the procedure laid down by law.  

However, there is no offence when the voluntary termination of pregnancy is performed after the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, or after the end of the 14th week of amenorrhoea (absence of menstrual periods), if 2 qualified physicians certify in writing that there is a serious threat to the health or life of the pregnant person or the foetus.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

2 of 20 bodies shown

Related procedures and links


Patients' rights and obligations


Further information


Portail de la Santé

Legal references

  • Loi du 17 décembre 2014

    portant modification 1) du Code pénal et 2) de la loi du 15 novembre 1978 relative à l'information sexuelle, à la prévention de l'avortement clandestin et à la réglementation de l'interruption volontaire de grossesse

  • Loi modifiée du 15 novembre 1978

    relative à l'information sexuelle, à la prévention de l'avortement clandestin et à la réglementation de l'interruption de la grossesse

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