Organ donor card
Last update
In Luxembourg, all deceased persons are potential organ donors. This means that if you object to having your organs removed after your death, you must state your objection in writing, during your lifetime.
For this purpose, an organ donor card, known as a 'Passeport de vie', was introduced by the Ministry of Health and Social Security.
There are 2 advantages to having your wish or refusal to be a donor recorded on the small organ donor card:
- it will facilitate the task of medical teams and caregivers;
- in the event of an untimely death, it will provide emotional relief to the people close to you during a difficult time.
Who is concerned
All potential donors who legally reside in Luxembourg may specify whether or not they wish to be an organ donor. There is no age limit for donating one's organs after death.
As a reminder, organ donation is an act that is:
- anonymous: the law guarantees the anonymity of the donor and the recipient. The family of the donor may be informed about the organs that were removed, as well as the result of the transplants;
- free: any form of remuneration in return for one or more organs is prohibited by law;
- an act of solidarity, which can save lives.
An organ may only be removed if the last legal domicile of the deceased was in Luxembourg.
When the deceased was disabled or a minor, their organs may only be removed with the authorisation of their legal representative, and provided that the concerned person, if they were capable of exercising judgement, did not express their objection to donating their organs.
Any person, even a minor, may express their objection to donating their organs, provided that they are capable of exercising judgement.
If the deceased person is a minor and the parents exercised their joint parental authority, organ removal is only possible if both parents give their consent.
How to proceed
The organ donor card is free of charge, and can be obtained at:
- pharmacies;
- doctors' offices;
- communal administration offices;
- the reception desk of;
- the Ministry of Health and Social Security;
- Luxtransplant.
The card may also be ordered online.
Once the card is received, the holder simply needs to fill in the different fields and specify the organ donor status of their choice.
The decision recorded on the organ donor card is neither:
- registered with an official office;
- nor filed with an official office.
It is recommended that you always keep your organ donor card on your person, preferably with your ID card. It may also be given to a close relative.
Note that anything in writing that indicates an authorisation or refusal to have one's organs removed after death is equivalent to an organ donor card.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of Health and Social Security
- Address:
- 1, rue Charles Darwin L-1433 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 85 505
- Fax:
- (+352) 46 79 63
- Email address:
- Website:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Complementary Health Insurance Fund (CMCM)
- Address:
- 32-34, rue de Hollerich L-1740 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 49 94 45 1
- Phone:
(+352) 44 44 44
Emergency abroad (available 24/7)
- Website:
Closed ⋅ Opens Monday à 8h45
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
- Monday:
- 8h45 à 11h45, 13h00 à 17h00
- Tuesday:
- 8h45 à 11h45, 13h00 à 17h00
- Wednesday:
- 8h45 à 11h45, 13h00 à 17h00
- Thursday:
- 8h45 à 11h45, 13h00 à 17h00
- Friday:
- 8h45 à 11h45, 13h00 à 17h00
Ministry of Health and Social Security General Inspectorate of Social Security (IGSS)
- Address:
26, rue Sainte Zithe
B.P. 1308, L-1013
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 86 383
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Supplementary Pension Scheme Department
- Address:
26, rue Sainte Zithe
B.P. 1308, L-1013
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 86 383
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Health Directorate
- Address:
- 13a, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg-Hamm
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Audiophonology Service
- Address:
- 20, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 75 500
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 95 500
- Email address:
- Website:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Department for School Medicine and Health of Children and Young People
- Address:
- 20, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 75 540
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Health risks
- Address:
- 13a, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg
- Phone:
(+352) 247 55 500
Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.00
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Orthoptics Service
- Address:
- 20, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 75 678
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 75 679
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Radiation Protection Division
- Address:
- 6b, rue Nicolas-Ernest Barblé L-1210 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 85 647
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Health Inspection Department
- Address:
- 2A, rue Thomas Edison L-1445 Strassen
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 85 650
Ministry of Health and Social Security Cancer Screening Programme Coordination Centre
- Address:
- 20, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg
- Phone:
(+352) 247 75 550
Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 11.30 and from 14.00 to 17.00
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 95 563
- Email address:
If the telephone number is not accessible or if you call outside opening hours, an answering service is also available.
Ministry of Health and Social Security Health Directorate
- Address:
- 13a, rue de Bitbourg L-1273 Luxembourg-Hamm
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security High Council of Social Security (CSSS)
- Address:
- 14, avenue de la Gare L-1610 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 26 26 05 1
- Fax:
- (+352) 26 26 05 38
Ministry of Health and Social Security National Control and Assessment Committee
- Address:
- L-2935 Luxembourg
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Social Security Arbitration Tribunal (CASS)
- Address:
- 271, route d’Arlon L-1150 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 45 32 86 600
- Fax:
- (+352) 44 32 66
Ministry of Health and Social Security Social Security Medical Board (CMSS)
- Address:
4, rue Mercier
B.P. 1342, L-1013 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 67 500
- Email address:
Ministry of Health and Social Security State Office for Assessment and Monitoring of the long-term care insurance (AEC)
- Address:
- 4, rue Mercier L-2144 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 86 060
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 86 061
- Website:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Helpline Assistive technologies
- Address:
4, rue Mercier
L-2974 Luxembourg
- Phone:
(+352) 247 86 040
Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 11.30 and from 13.30 to 16.30
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 86 055
- Email address:
- Website:
Ministry of Health and Social Security Helpline Secretariat
- Address:
4, rue Mercier
L-2974 Luxembourg
- Phone:
(+352) 247 86 060
Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 11.30 and from 13.30 to 16.30
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 86 061
- Email address:
- Website:
2 of 20 bodies shown
Related procedures and links
Further information
Don d’organes
Dépliant "Je suis donneur d’organes, et vous ?"
Legal references
réglant le prélèvement de substances d'origine humaine