Undergoing a sports medical examination

Last update

A sports medical examination is required for all athletes who wish to obtain or renew a competition licence issued by a sporting federation or a sports club, except for those sporting disciplines exempt from this requirement.

The purpose of this examination is to allow athletes to take part in sporting events without putting their health at risk and thus to guide those interested toward suitable sporting activities.

Sporting activities are grouped into 3 categories depending on the extent of required medical supervision:

  • periodical check-ups (category A);
  • single medical examination (category B);
  • no medical examination required (category C).

Appointments can be made by the athlete or by their club manager at one of the sports medicine centres or approved medical practices across the country. As wait times for appointments can sometimes be long, it is advisable to take advantage of the quieter months (May, June or July).

Appointments can be booked or cancelled online via MyGuichet.lu, or by telephone.

Who is concerned?

Anyone from the age of 7 (or turning 7 in the current year) up to the age of 50 must undergo a sports medical examination in order to obtain a competition licence authorising the practice of any sporting activity in category A or B.

Holders of competition licences who practice any category A sport must also undergo periodical check-ups in the years in which they turn 12, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45 and 50.

The requirements for category A sports also apply to basketball, football, handball, ice hockey and rugby referees.

Licensed athletes who continue to practice a competitive sport beyond the age of 50 are expected to undergo medical evaluations either by their GP or by another physician with certification in sports medicine.


For athletes

Athletes who want to make an appointment must have a private eSpace on MyGuichet.lu.

How to create a private eSpace on MyGuichet.lu

A tutorial is available to help applicants set up a private eSpace on MyGuichet.lu if they do not already have one.

For sports clubs

Setting up a business eSpace on MyGuichet.lu

Sports clubs who want to make an appointment for their members must have a business eSpace on MyGuichet.lu.

How to create a business eSpace on MyGuichet.lu

There are 2 possible scenarios:

  1. You are a new user of MyGuichet.lu. You must:
    • first register on MyGuichet.lu; and
    • then create a business eSpace.
  2. You already have a private eSpace on MyGuichet.lu. You can directly create a business eSpace without having to register again.

Further information as well as tutorials in relation with the business eSpace are available in our dedicated help page.

Certification of the business eSpace

Clubs and federations must have their business eSpace certified by the Sports Medicine Service in order to be able to consult their members' sporting abilities.


These preventive medical examinations are financed by the government and are therefore free of charge for the athlete.

How to proceed

Setting up an appointment

Appointments for all centres (medical practices or regional centres) can be booked online via MyGuichet.lu This online procedure requires authentication with a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).

Appointments can also be booked by phone:

  • at one of the regional sports medicine centres, on work days between 8.00-11.30 and 13.00-15.30, with one of the agents at the Ministry of Sport on the following numbers only:
    • (+352) 247-83413
    • (+352) 247-83446
    • (+352) 247-83485
  • at an approved medical practice (by directly calling the practice).

Cancelling an appointment

If an appointment needs to be cancelled, the centre must be notified by phone at least 48 hours in advance.

Athletes can also cancel their appointment online using MyGuichet.lu.

Required supporting documents

Athletes must bring the following items to the appointment:

  • their vaccination card;
  • their social security card, provided by the National Health Fund (Caisse nationale de santé - CNS);
  • their prescription glasses (not contact lenses, if possible);
  • a list of medications taken on a regular basis;
  • all previous medical reports.

In order to avoid an overcrowding of waiting rooms, only one accompanying visitor is allowed per athlete.

Examination procedure

The examinations are performed by physicians who hold a specialist certificate in sports medicine recognised by the Ministry of Health.

The standard medical examination carried out in the regional sports medicine centres includes:

  • a medical questionnaire (past medical history, risk factors);
  • a clinical examination;
  • a morphological analysis (height, weight, etc.);
  • a urine test;
  • a resting electrocardiogram (ECG) for athletes having reached the ages of 15, 20 and 30, and when the first licence is issued (if this occurs after the age of 15).

Additional examinations may be requested by the examining physician, the chief physician of the Sports Medicine Service and the cardiologist (responsible for interpreting the ECGs). The government does not cover the cost of these additional examinations.

After the examination

A certificate containing the findings of the medical examination is drawn up and sent to the relevant sporting organisation, which decides whether or not to approve the applicant’s request for a licence.

In this certificate, the individual may be declared:

  • fit;
  • temporarily fit;
  • temporarily unfit;
  • unfit.

Any person declared unfit to practise a given sport is entitled to appeal this decision within 40 days in a hearing before a commission that will reach the final decision after having examined the party in question a second time or, if applicable, on the basis of the individual’s medical records.

Consulting your data using MyGuichet.lu

Athletes can check their sporting abilities for the federations or sports clubs for which they have undergone a medical examination by consulting their private eSpace on MyGuichet.lu.

Parents can also consult the abilities of minor children who are part of their household and who have undergone a sports medical examination.

Federations and sports clubs can only check the sporting abilities of their own members by consulting their business eSpace.

Federations and sports clubs must first have their eSpace certified by the Sports Medicine Service and will then be able to find this data by searching by name and date of birth, or the national identification number (13-digit matricule) of the athlete.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Sports Medicine Service

Related procedures and links


Further information

Legal references

Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 23 décembre 2016

concernant le contrôle médico-sportif obligatoire des membres licenciés actifs des fédérations sportives agréées

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